• 通过实验对含杂质CO2体系相态特性CO2低温液态储存蒸发特性进行了研究。

    Experimental study for phase equilibrium and evaporation characteristics of low temperature liquid phase storage for CO2 with some impurities are carried out.


  • 本文目的研究纳米尺度孔型结构IPA蒸发特性预测IPA在晶圆表面构型中的蒸发速率

    The purpose of this paper is to investigate IPA evaporation process inside nano-pores and to predict the evaporation rates.


  • 俄歇谱分子技术就地与非就地研究了蒸发稀土金属薄膜表面特性

    The surface characteristics of evaporated rare-earth metal la thin film were studied by ex-situ and in-situ AES and molecular beam technique.


  • 介绍绥化市自然地理概况,从降水蒸发径流、冰情方面分析了该市水文特性

    This paper introduces the geography overview of Suihua, and hydrology characteristic of the city is analyzed for rainfall, evaporation, runoff and situation of ice.


  • 间距溅射损失蒸发特性影响很小

    Tube pitch and losses due to liquid film splatter have a very small influence on evaporative heat exchange characteristics.


  • 通过理论分析研究竖直细小管内水—空气环状两相蒸发特性

    Through a theoretical analysis a study has been carried out concerning the evaporation heat exchange characteristics of water-air annular two-phase flows in a vertical slender tube.


  • 水雾具有良好液滴分散性、高热蒸发特性,因此作为烷烃灭火剂替代物,细水雾灭火技术己得到了广泛的研究应用。

    Due to the fine dispersity, high heat capacity, and ease of evaporation, water mists have got widely used and concerned about as the substitute of the haloalkane extinguishing agent.


  • 本文应用技术,对装有直射式喷嘴的直筒式蒸发出口处特性进行实验研究

    By using this technique, an experiment has been conducted to measure and experimentally study the water spray characteristics at the outlet of a vaporizer tube.


  • 了解乙醇汽油蒸发性,文中运用雷德法对几种比例的乙醇汽油进行饱和蒸汽特性试验研究

    In order to study the evaporation of ethanol-gasoline, experimental investigations had been carried out to determine the saturated stream pressure of some low proportional ethanol -gasoline blends.


  • 研制的几种涂膜保鲜剂具有半透性特性,覆盖于果实表面,既可减少果实水分蒸发,又能保持一定的通透性。

    Four semlpermeable film preservatives, which are suitable for fruit surface coating and characterized by the venlitation and the decrease in water evaporation, have been fabricated.


  • 制冷机的工作特性表明不变蒸发温度时,制冷机冷发动机排气功率变化。

    It is concluded that the refrigerating capacity at constant Evaporating temperatures varies with the engine exhaust power output.


  • 通过数值分析得到树冠蔓延速度特性曲线,研究水份蒸发有机物热解树冠火蔓延速度影响

    The effects of moisture vaporization and organic matter pyrolysis on crown fire spreading are discussed, and the characteristic curves are obtained by numerical calculation.


  • 传统蒸发制冷空调利用蒸发空气凉的特性

    Traditional evaporative cooling air conditioning machines work by exploiting the physical property of air being cooled by water evaporating.


  • 根据烟台市多年统计资料,从降水径流水质蒸发方面对水资源特性进行了分析

    Surface water resources characteristics, such as rainfall, runoff, water quality and so on, were analyzed using the long-term observation data in Yantai City.


  • 蒸发区的特性锅炉运行控制方式以及控制参数设定有着直接影响

    The characteristic in the area of evaporation has more direct effect to the running method of boiler and the setting of control parameter.


  • 微型螺旋管蒸发沸腾阻力特性进行实验研究。

    The characteristics of boiling heat transfer and pressure drop is studied experimentally.


  • 对板翅换热器中的氮的冷凝蒸发耦合传热特性进行实验研究

    An experimental study on conjugated heat transfer performance of evaporation and condensation in plate-fin heat exchanger is carried out.


  • 通过理论分析,研究了竖直传热管内-高速空气环状蒸发换热特性

    A theoretical analysis was carried out for evaporative heat transfer of annular two phase flow of liquid film and high velocity air in vertically heated tubes.


  • 分析除湿系统中直接蒸发表面冷却器工况下特性特别是速度、结霜时间以及结霜时的换计算

    This paper analyzes some heat-exchange characteristics of evaporator on the condition of frosting in the desiccation system, especially of frost velocity, frosting time and heat exchange calculation.


  • 海上蒸发波导环境特性具体应用时很少考虑风向影响

    The results show that offshore wind and shoreward wind have different effects on environment characteristics of evaporation.


  • 特性自然美观的有机物减少水分蒸发增加土壤透气性抑制扬尘

    Characteristic: Organic matter with nature beautification and excellent reduction of moisture evaporation, also help enhance land ventilation and restrain dust rising.


  • 介绍了制冷机蒸发毛细管管路器件特性参数自动测试装置设计原理实施方法

    The design principle and implementation of Autoinstrument for measuring characteristic parameters of evaporator series with capillaries in refrigerator are introduced.


  • 神奇特性在于可吸收大量阻止水分蒸发

    The wizardly behavior of SAR is to absorb large amount of water and keep water from evaporation.


  • 热流密度和定两种条件蒸发特性十分接近

    The evaporation heat exchange characteristics under a constant heat-flux density very approximate to those under a constant wall temperature. The results of calculation have also shown tha…


  • 特性自然美观的有机物减少水分蒸发增加土壤透气性,抑制扬尘。

    Characteristic: Organic matter with nature beautification and excellent reduction of moisture evaporation, also help enhance land venti...


  • 特性自然美观的有机物减少水分蒸发增加土壤透气性,抑制扬尘

    Characteristic: Organic matter with nature beautification and excellent reduction of moisture evaporation, also help enhance land v...


  • 传统液体循环加热体量在泵蒸发、热交换器空气移动装置选择可以应用考虑载流体的热血特性的情况下。

    Traditional hydronic sizing methods can be used for selecting pumps, expansion tanks, heat exchangers, and air removal devices, as long as the heat transfer liquid's thermal properties are considered.


  • 蒸发状态下水平螺旋管管外壁面形成机理流动特性进行了研究

    The mechanism of the formation of the rising liquid thin film and its flow characteristics on the fluted surface of a horizontal tube was investigated.


  • 汽油易于蒸发这个重要特性称为挥发性

    Gasoline must vaporize easily. This characteristic, called volatility, is important.


  • 合法纤维基材环境学特性优于编织法纤维基材,尤其是吸水性吸湿水分蒸发性方面

    The composite substrate is superior to the substrate interwoven in the environmental behavior, especially in the material's hydroscopic properties, hygroscopic property and moisture vaporizing.


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