• 谢谢约旦蒙罗提问

    Thanks to Jordon Munro for the question.


  • 医生本身是否就具有唠叨不已情绪问题?

    Does Moreau himself possess the sorts of emotions that he is complaining about?


  • 如果认为丽莎的微笑美丽绝伦,那你看看作品-请看镜中人

    If you think the Mona Lisa is stunning, you should look at my masterpiece. In the mirror.


  • 医生认为自己所作所为理所当然并且争辩痛苦毫无意义的说辞

    Moreau, of course, sees nothing wrong in what he is doing and argues about the meaninglessness of pain?


  • 这些节日最初灵感来自澳大利亚访问如何贫瘠甜点一阵雨后蛊惑。

    These festive lights were initially inspired by Munro's visit to Australia where he was bewitched by how the barren dessert burst into bloom after rainfall.


  • 如果认为·丽莎的微笑美丽绝伦,那你应看看作品,就是镜中的”- - -神。

    If you think the Mona Lisa is stunning, you should look at my masterpiece. In the mirror. "— God".


  • 说:“认为灯光田园能得到大家的普遍喜爱如果能使人们圣诞节展露笑脸的话,我将会很开心。”

    I think it is a piece with universal appeal and I’ll be happy if it makes people smile at Christmas time.” said Munro.


  • 他们对可笑人类生存方式,开始是极度不安,后来则成为漫长的内心交战,非常畏惧蒙罗医生 -畏惧什么?

    Now they stumbled in the shackles of humanity, lived in a fear that never died, fretted by a law they could not understand;


  • 医生埋怨就是无没忍受情绪变动,也就是他所谓的“人性之恶”,所以他想创造一种高度理性生物但是情绪让事半功倍。

    Moreau complains that somehow he cannot get at the seat of emotions, which, he says, "harm humanity", that he wants to create a creature which is truly rational but the emotions thwart him.


  • 这位名叫斯坦·“建筑师”专职搭建各种建筑大本钟、伦敦塔桥以及梵蒂冈城国搭建这些建筑用掉的胶水达170

    Stan Munro used more than 170 litres of glue as he worked full time on buildings such as the Big Ben, Tower Bridge and the Vatican.


  • 迪扎巴尔博格一起服装店里电脑录像森博格反复播放段录像,搜寻蛛丝马迹

    Mendizábal, who watched it with him on a computer at the clothing shop, said that Rosenberg played the video over and over, searching for clues.


  • 纽约真正主妇》节目中重申了结婚誓言租用了艘游艇自己女友们上面休闲。

    When Ramona on The Real Housewives of New York reaffirmed her marriage vows, she rented a yacht for her girlfriends to loll about on.


  • 迪扎巴尔只是博格才看了段录像他的话说,他清楚自己行为打开“潘多拉的盒子”。

    Mendizábal, who says he looked at the video only after Rosenberg’s death, knew that his actions would unleash “big trouble, ” as he put it.


  • 昨晚9这里时候已经大约100在排队了,为了排到前面很多挤去,”来自阿根廷纳·塔拉

    "There were about 100 people when we got here at 9pm last night and there has been a lot of pushing to get to the front, " Romina Talamonti from Argentina said.


  • 甚至是他们豆子端上来——农民工匠仍然更欣赏他们拥有自由

    But even those serving up the lentilsthe local farmers and artisans of Montaillou — appreciated those same liberties.


  • 它们放在来自德和油田重油样本培养了6,并掺杂了一种水性生长

    They grew them all for 6 days on heavy crude oil samples from the Kuhemond and Soroush oil fields, mixed with a water-based growth medium.


  • 迪扎巴尔同意帮助森博格他们开始调查此案

    Mendizabal agreed to help Rosenberg, and they began investigating the case.


  • 老友迪扎巴尔葬礼之后森博格曾请求伸出援手发誓“要不惜一切代价找出杀害穆萨父女的凶手。”

    Mendizábal, the longtime friend, says that after the funeral Rosenberg asked him for help, vowing to “go all the way to find out who killed the Musas.


  • 美国北卡来纳州中北部城镇,位于利西北偏西彼得边界

    A town of north-central north Carolina at the edge of the Piedmont west-northwest of Raleigh.


  • 作为波西米亚艺术家作家聚居地,格林威治德·杜朵继续艺术事业理想之地,却不是抚养孩子的好地方。

    A gathering place of "Bohemian" artists and writers, Greenwich Village was the ideal place for Rosamond Tudor to pursue her career as an artist; however, it was not the ideal place to raise a child.


  • 2006年,多纳·塔纳20多年移植片右眼角膜开始出现排斥反应,于是被送进急诊室

    In 2006, Donato Montanaro Jr. 's right eye began rejecting a cornea transplant from more than 20 years before. He rushed to an emergency room.


  • 与其他们精力奉献在像打出一个更好或者将地得更好这样的事情上,农民们愿意只做那些为了能保持维持饮食生活的必须工作,仅仅如此而已。

    Rather than devoting themselves to hammering out a better plow or plowing a better field, the peasants of Montaillou did what was necessary to keep food on their table, but nothing more.


  • 活跃小型俱乐部里四重奏五重奏的实况演奏。柯川幸运地被高超的伴舞乐队指挥和老师雇佣,他们是迈尔斯•戴维斯尼斯-克。

    The fizz was in small clubs where quartets and quintets played live, and Col trane was lucky to be hired by two superb bandleaders and teachers, Miles Davis and The lonious Monk.


  • 》一书平静地将其置于推崇懒惰及懒惰特有庄重智力法国文学传统中。

    Montaillou quietly placed itself in the French literary tradition that treats laziness with the gravity and intelligence it deserves.


  • 森博格告诉迪扎巴尔,阿莱霍斯打电话给警告他停止调查穆萨父女谋杀案否则同样事情也会落到他头上。

    Rosenberg told Mendizábal that Alejos had called him and warned him to stop investigating the Musas' murders, or else the same thing might happen to him.


  • 而艾莉呢在森严种族制度下依父母之命嫁一位雄心勃勃的暴发户,后来又与著名律师订婚

    Allie, programmed by family and the "caste system of the South" to marry an ambitious, prosperous man, has become engaged to powerful attorney Lon Hammond.


  • 今年法国埃马纽勒莱·拉杜里出版》一书35周年纪念日

    This year marks the 35th anniversary of the publication in France of Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie's Montaillou.


  • 今年法国埃马纽勒莱·拉杜里出版》一书35周年纪念日

    This year marks the 35th anniversary of the publication in France of Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie's Montaillou.


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