• 目的系统探讨分析几何学派和高斯几何学派的微分几何思想

    Aim To systematically discuss and analyze Monge′s and a Gauss′s differential geometry thought.


  • 19克顿子爵,2006年11月24,致乔治·博特电子邮件

    Viscount Monckton, 24th November 2006. Email to George Monbiot.


  • 今年法国埃马纽勒莱·拉杜里出版太罗》一书35周年纪念

    This year marks the 35th anniversary of the publication in France of Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie's Montaillou.


  • 当地光滑细腻奶酪享受盛名,放奶牛的斯特最迷人的山谷之一。

    Famous for its creamy cheese, the cow-grazed Vallée de Munster is one of the loveliest valleys in the Vosges.


  • 6月6,诺贝尔经济学奖得主彼得•提名加入美联储董事会,但由于国会上遭到共和党人反对提名最终被撤销

    On June 6th Peter Diamond withdrew his name from consideration for appointment to the Federal Reserve board after his nomination drew opposition from congressional Republicans.


  • 1944年圣诞节的第二,维拉普兰、拉丰、博尼其他人被押解巴黎郊外,毙于枪下

    Then sentenced to death. On the day after Christmas in 1944, Villaplane, Lafont, Bonny and five others were taken to Fort de Montrouge on the outskirts of the city and shot dead.


  • 兰提里手术六月一巴黎城郊克雷·泰伊亨利·医院完成

    Lantieri said the procedure was carried out June 27 at the Henri Mondor hospital in the Paris suburb of Creteil.


  • 尼特号尼亚号1862年39早晨下面相碰,两艘战舰的距离很近,随后就开火了。

    The Monitor and the Virginia faced each other on the morning of March ninth, eighteen sixty-two. They moved in close -- very close -- then began to fire.


  • 联邦调查局通缉犯商娜雷尼穆尔。赛亚于12月27星期一下午3洛杉矶fbi办公室自首。

    FBI Fugitive Shawna Leimomi Moore-Saia turned herself in at the Los Angeles Office of the FBI at about 3:00 p.m. on Monday, December 27th.


  • 马尼托巴萨斯喀彻温省,随着介于61020之间油菜籽作物保险的最后期限的到来,预计大部分农民选择补种

    With deadlines for full canola crop insurance ranging between June 10 and 20 in Manitoba and Saskatchewan, Hammond said he expects most farmers will choose not to reseed.


  • 据哥伦比亚广播电视台报导,2004年8月22,一伙持枪歹徒冲挪威奥斯陆博物馆光天化之下偷走了爱德华·的名作《呐喊《圣母》。

    On Aug. 22, 2004, masked gunmen entered the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway, and stole two Edvard Munch masterpieces, "The Scream" and "Madonna, " in broad daylight, as reported by CBSNews.


  • 6月2赢得俄亥俄州新泽西州墨西哥州阿拉巴马州大纳加利福尼亚州的初选,在加州48%对40%的得票率击败了布朗

    On June 2, I won the primaries in Ohio, New Jersey, New Mexico, Alabama, Montana, and California, where I defeated Brown 48 to 40 percent.


  • 1862年3月17,波马可军团出发了,两个星期内已经有五万多人到达了雷切东南军事要塞(Fort Monroe),这五万人配备了一百门大炮和大量的炮弹

    The Army of the Potomac began to move on March seventeenth, eighteen sixty-two. Within two weeks, more than fifty thousand had reached Fort Monroe, southeast of Richmond.


  • 53,总部位于华盛顿·雷德(Redmond,Wash)的微软宣布放弃并购互联网先驱雅虎的计划。

    Redmond, Wash.-based Microsoft walked away May 3 from its offer to buy the Web pioneer.


  • 2010年6月2,中经贸合作论坛在乌兰巴托举行

    On June 2, 2010, the opening of the Sino-Mongolian Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum was held in Ulan Bator.


  • 但以、不要惧怕因为第一专心求明白将来的事、又在面前刻苦、你的言语应允、因你的言语而

    Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.


  • 信号检测才能害删强,中快跳频体解到做扰的攻打

    With the development of signal detection technique, slow frequency-hopping systems are vulnerable to jamming attacks.


  • 探讨治疗“协乌素症”方剂药物免疫功能影响作用及特点。

    Study on the effect of immunologic function influenced by the prescription drug for treating the Xieri Wusu Symptom in Traditional Mongolian Medicine.


  • 文化博物馆收藏件有明确纪年元代铜火铳,该器发现于元遗址东北达特淖

    The gun in the collection of the Shangyuan Museum in Inner Mongolia is a clearly dated one discovered to the east of Datnor near the site of Upper Capital of the Yuan.


  • 机密地凋谢了,却让文谢词

    The night opens the flowers in abstruse and acquiesces the day to get acknowledgment.


  • 2月8法国克莱梭”号退役航母被缓缓地拖入该市巨大Graythorp码头,与美国军舰并排系

    On February 8th the Clemenceau, a superannuated French aircraft-carrier, entered the town's giant Graythorp dock, where it was moored alongside four American warships.


  • 1953年5月29丹增·诺尔盖埃得·希拉里站在人类从未立足世界之巅,创造历史时刻。

    History was made on the 29th of May 1953 when Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary stood on top of the world where no men had stood before.


  • 1953年5月29丹增·诺尔盖埃得·希拉里站在人类从未立足世界之巅,创造历史时刻。

    History was made on the 29th of May 1953 when Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary stood on top of the world where no men had stood before.


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