• 法国选手吉勒·利翁昨天扎最后冲刺赢得伦巴巡回赛冠军。

    Gilles Delion, of France, won the Tour of Lombardy in a sprint finish at Monza yesterday.


  • 爱的教育》是由来自意大利的埃迪托··亚米契所著,它是意大利男孩埃里克写的一本日记。

    Heart, written by Edmondo De Amicis from Italy, is a diary of an Italian boy Eric.


  • 就在本周把这辆心爱的摩托车停在位于西·蒙德的家门口,小偷睡着偷走了他的车。

    When he parked his beloved motorbike back outside his West Jesmond home this week, thieves stole it while he slept.


  • 格林沃仍然需要一个预算开始里奇·蒙德或者孟菲类似详细预测

    Still, Greenwald would need a much larger budget to start making the kinds of detailed predictions seen in Richmond or Memphis.


  • 1800年代末意大利里雅特,名叫西格蒙德·弗洛伊医科学生受命研究雄性鳗鱼睾丸。他假设鳗鱼睾丸体腔内结成的白质

    In the late 1800s in Trieste, Italy, a medical student named Sigmund Freud was assigned to investigate the testes of the male eel, postulated to be loops of white matter festooning the body cavity.


  • 认为有可能进一步提高达尔文及其著作拥有名望不过还是拖网作业式地从头到尾把很多很多的书信笔记簿翻了一遍,蒙德和摩尔正好就是那么的。

    I wouldn't have thought it possible to further elevate the standing Darwin and his work have, but by trawling through reams of correspondence and notebooks, Desmond and Moore have done just that.


  • 周末往来纳米比亚首都古老殖民小镇加海滨度假胜地科普蒙德,沿途去野外驾驶沙丘远足喂饲狮子的游客停站。

    On weekends it trundles between the Namibian capital and the old German colonial seaside resort of Swakopmund, stopping along the way for game drives, dune excursions and lion-feeding.


  • 里安·德斯蒙德詹姆·摩尔提出了一些令人吃惊的事情:驱使达尔文力量作出一个激进解释

    Adrian Desmond and James Moore have come up with something astonishing: a radical new explanation of the force that drove Darwin.


  • 秘书长重申全力支持

    Montas said the secretary-general reaffirmed his full support for Eide.


  • 随后,科林·特·特伍掌舵的一部影片中担纲主角,这是否获得提名加上了保险

    Is it any wonder that Damon is such a safe Oscar pick when he'll be starring in yet another Clint Eastwood-helmed movie, Hereafter?


  • 头黑猩猩一直生活布莱尔·蒙德野生动物园特灵冒险乐园,在大部分冬天她都待室内场地里

    The chimps lived at the Blair Drummond Safari and Adventure Park in Stirling and spent most of the winters in indoor enclosures.


  • 依然投篮,”特里克兰里奇·蒙德奇才好友队友,“那些他经历了太多,如果能早点遇到他——在我们的职业生涯——我们会很强大。”

    "He could still shoot the ball," says Rod Strickland, Richmond's friend and running mate with the Wizards. "he just had some rough times those couple of years."


  • 可以宣称自己看到布莱·露丝贝利塔娜,纳芙拉蒂诺娃,尼克劳伍兹。又或者你可以满怀激动地宣称自己看到明日之星。

    You can say that you saw Bradman or Ruth, pele or Montana, Federer or Navratilova, Nicklaus or woods-or you may have the tingling feeling that you have seen the next of the greats.


  • 苏珊去世介绍女招待特丽·

    Before her death, Susan introduced him to Astrid Menks, a waitress.


  • 杰里·里奇·瑞西两人担任蒙德曾监管投资银行部门联席总裁。

    Jerry del Missier and Rich Ricci will become co-CEOs of the investment banking unit that Diamond oversaw.


  • 里安·蒙德和詹姆·摩尔1991年出版了一部备受推崇达尔文传记

    Adrian Desmond and James Moore published a highly regarded biography of Darwin in 1991.


  • 妻子格拉迪·玛格丽特早已失踪,踪迹无。

    Raymond's long-lost wife was called Gladys Margaret, and all trace of her has vanished.


  • 1994年莫特森皮萨里·德斯蒙德工作的基础发表了文章,此文章揭示了当失业率增长速度为多快时会引起一个负面的,能够自我强化的循环圈的发生。

    A 1994 paper by Mortensen and Pissarides, which builds on work by Diamond, showed how sharp rises in unemployment can cause a negative, self-reinforcing cycle to set in.


  • 这种称为“”的概念荷兰一叫汉蒙德曼的工程师首先提出的。

    The concept, known as naked streets, was pioneered by Dutch engineer Hans Monderman.


  • 此后几十年合作生涯,布鲁贝克双手和弦以及保守运用切分音演奏风格,同戴流动抒情的柔和声线交相辉映,配合默契。

    For decades to come, Brubeck's two-handed chordal playing and sparing use of syncopation would beautifully complement Desmond's floating and lyrical lines.


  • 这种情况已经改变了,这都要“归功”西格蒙德·弗洛伊外甥——·路易·伯——这位情感广告先驱者。

    That changed, he says, thanks to Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Louis Bernays, the pioneer of emotional advertising.


  • 令人印象深刻演员当属获得者弗兰西·麦克多蒙德以及资深演员约翰·特托罗

    The most memorable performances come from Oscar winner Frances McDormand and veteran actor John Turturro.


  • 根据目前形式经济学家们——来自咨询公司普华永道会计师事务所蒙德·波尼——预计经济增长顶多也就是疲软式的。

    On current form, economists such as Esmond Birnie of PricewaterhouseCoopers, a consulting firm, expect lacklustre economic growth at best.


  • 星期二早上交通大臣菲利蒲哈蒙德告诉BBCT wo 's Newsnight“大多数,差不多全部进出格拉爱丁堡航班都会取消,北部机场关闭”。

    Transport Secretary Philip Hammond told BBC Two's Newsnight that "most, if not all, flights into and out of Glasgow and Edinburgh and airports to the north will be stopped" on Tuesday morning.


  • 本片改编自艾丽•希柏(AliceSebold)同名畅销小说《可爱的骨头》,讲述了不幸邻居谋杀14小女孩苏茜•萨尔(SusieSalmon)死后灵魂不散的悲惨故事

    Based on the best-selling novel by Alice Sebold, 'the Lovely Bones' focuses on the harrowing story of Susie Salmon, a 14-year-old girl murdered by her neighbor.


  • ·指出例如加州,25至34岁非洲裔美国人中,14%已婚黑人妇女32%的已婚黑人男子异族配偶

    In California, for example, among 25-to-34-year-old African Americans, 14 percent of the married black women and 32 percent of the married black men had spouses of a different race, Edmonston noted.


  • 精神崩溃以后,福尔摩寻求西格·弗洛伊(SigmundFreud)帮助击败这种罗宾·威廉姆恰如其分称之为“魔鬼头皮屑”的毒品。

    After Holmes falls apart, he seeks the help of Sigmund Freud (played by Alan Arkin) to defeat the drug Robin Williams once famously named the "devil's dandruff."


  • 帕里希尔顿罗伯洛威尔金帕米拉托米R凯莉科林法拉尔、金卡戴珊蒙德

    The Players: Paris Hilton, Rob Lowe, Kendra Wilkinson, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, R. Kelly, Colin Farrell, Kim Kardashian, Dustin Diamond


  • 帕里希尔顿罗伯洛威尔金帕米拉托米R凯莉科林法拉尔、金卡戴珊蒙德

    The Players: Paris Hilton, Rob Lowe, Kendra Wilkinson, Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, R. Kelly, Colin Farrell, Kim Kardashian, Dustin Diamond


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