• 一部有关版权规定法律这项法律适用海外领土蒙亚特地区。本法作为国家法律执行

    This is a law about regulations about copyright, and this law is applicable to the overseas territories and to the territorial entity of Mayotte. This law shall be executed as a law of the State.


  • 警官第一个到达现场的人。

    Officer Montoya was first on the scene.


  • 可以看出非常尴尬的,”先生补充道

    "You can tell that he is extremely embarrassed," Mr. Montoya added.


  • 手机来电显示告诉,电话弗兰克·打来

    The cell phone's caller ID readout told her Frank Montoya was on the line.


  • 莫迪尼1909年宣布要搬帕尔纳斯去。

    Modigliani announced his move to Montparnasse in 1909.


  • 爱的教育》是由来自意大利的埃迪托·德·米契斯所著,它是意大利男孩埃里克写的一本日记。

    Heart, written by Edmondo De Amicis from Italy, is a diary of an Italian boy Eric.


  • 四处走动,开发人员交谈有几个人引用了玛丽·一句名言:“人类才智双手使用而发展。”

    I walked around and talked with developers, and several quoted a famous saying of Maria Montessori's, "The hands are the instruments of man's intelligence."


  • 斯蒂芬·圣地·萨利纳斯,寿命不同两个珍珠贻贝所吸引

    Stephan Munch and Santiago Salinas were intrigued by a major difference in the lifespans of two populations of pearl mussels.


  • 这项研究目的分析椭圆形金橘加利中的精油成分变化

    The objection of this study is to analyzed changes of essential oil constituents in oval kumquat and calamondin.


  • 伍斯特郡教区牧师工作

    This was the work of Layamon, a parish priest of Ernley.


  • 现在确实感到乔治还有蒂之间一种特别感情

    I do feel like I have a special bond with Georgia and Monty.


  • 宝宝时,乔治看到了那个记录片决定自己身上一试。

    Baby Monty was just a month old when Georgia saw the documentary and decided to try it for herself.


  • 作为波西米艺术家作家聚居地,格林威治罗莎德·杜朵继续艺术事业理想之地,却不是抚养孩子的好地方。

    A gathering place of "Bohemian" artists and writers, Greenwich Village was the ideal place for Rosamond Tudor to pursue her career as an artist; however, it was not the ideal place to raise a child.


  • 还有人称,萨特罗之松索莱斯•埃斯皮诺萨已经厌倦了克洛生活(2004年萨帕特罗上任以来夫妇俩就一直居住此处)。

    Others say his wife, Sonsoles Espinosa, is tired of life in the official Moncloa Palace residence, where the first couple have lived since Mr Zapatero took office in 2004.


  • 周末往来纳米比首都古老德国殖民小镇加海滨度假胜地科普,沿途去野外驾驶沙丘远足喂饲狮子的游客停站。

    On weekends it trundles between the Namibian capital and the old German colonial seaside resort of Swakopmund, stopping along the way for game drives, dune excursions and lion-feeding.


  • 直到带走时,蒂利还有疑问:可不可以迟点再考试

    As he was led away, Montillano had one question: Could he take the test later?


  • 2007年以来就开始着手设计特殊马孙雨林风洞

    Munk has been lugging specially designed wind tunnels into the Amazonian rain forest since 2007.


  • 玛丽·台梭利(意大利教育家医生)因新颖教育方法广为人知

    Italian educator and physician Maria Montessori became known for her new teaching method.


  • 后,用坐落克山上凯克天文台的十米级望远镜哈勃太空望远镜以及其他的大孔径望远镜可以证认候选体的特性。

    The three-week delay guaranteed that he could confirm and characterize the candidates at the 10-m telescope at the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea, the HST, or another powerful telescope.


  • 成为劫案关键疑犯不能阻止罗密欧·蒂·利诺romeoMontillano实现成为一名加利福尼丘拉维斯塔市警官的梦想

    Being a key suspect in a robbery wasn't going to stop Romeo Montillano from realizing his dream of becoming a Chula Vista, California, police officer.


  • 位于哥伦比德拉德pribbenow的煤矿工人上个星期一同行工人达戈·贝托·克拉维霍-巴兰科因工殉职后,就工作安全条件的问题而愤然离职。

    Miners at the Pribbenow DE Drummond coal mine in Colombia walked off their jobs last Monday over safety conditions following the death of a fellow miner, Dagoberto Clavijo Barranco.


  • 据哥伦比广播电视台报导,2004年8月22日,一伙持枪歹徒冲挪威奥斯陆博物馆光天化日之下偷走了爱德华·的名作《呐喊《圣母》。

    On Aug. 22, 2004, masked gunmen entered the Munch Museum in Oslo, Norway, and stole two Edvard Munch masterpieces, "The Scream" and "Madonna, " in broad daylight, as reported by CBSNews.


  • TAE的总部设在澳大利昆士兰州的安伯丽,靠近一个大型澳大利空军基地,TAE布里斯班纽卡斯尔里奇·德和库塔·曼德拉都设有分理处

    It is based at Amberley in Queensland, near a big Royal Australian Air Force base, with business units located at Brisbane Airport, Newcastle, Richmond and now Cootamundra.


  • 零星财产损失,”圣地哥警察局的拉那·哈斯汀中士Sgt

    "We have some reports of scattered property damage," Sgt.


  • 假如得到莫尔大人允许说不定还可以探望他们。能见到艾莉机灵的笑容,父亲谈谈,一定是件很棒的事。

    He might even be allowed to visit them, with Lord Mormont's permission. It would be good to see Arya's grin again and to talk with his father.


  • 艾伦面见了雷国王还有元老院帕特里克要求担任国家统帅结果遭到了力和帕特里克的反对

    Alan met Raymond king, and the Senate Patrick, he served as commander of the national requirements, the result was against Patrick and Alexander.


  • 在经历家庭财富几个小时内剧烈波动,阿蒂招募了保护她家的安全。

    After seeing her family's fortunes fall and rise in the course of a few hours, Atia enlists her mercenary, Timon, to ensure her family's security.


  • 在经历家庭财富几个小时内剧烈波动,阿蒂招募了保护她家的安全。

    After seeing her family's fortunes fall and rise in the course of a few hours, Atia enlists her mercenary, Timon, to ensure her family's security.


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