• 著名的山区度假胜地是科帕奥尼克塔拉山脉和兹拉蒂博尔。

    The most famous mountain resorts are Kopaonik, Stara Planina and Zlatibor.


  • 没有佩蒂特或者蒂尼亚的情况下安排到那个位置,我们还是宁愿自己的位置

    With no Petit or Costinha around, Pepe has been deployed there, though I would prefer to see him back in his natural role.


  • 科蒂来说是最好事情迈克尔芝加哥并肩作战,必须变得更强大,他必须学会竞争

    But it was the best thing that could have happened to Scottie, winding up with Michael in Chicago. He had to get stronger. He had to learn to compete.


  • 作为该片执行制片人,蒂代表辛纳特拉遗产授权科塞影片中使用父亲所有著名歌曲,因此她的意见有着巨大的影响力

    As the executive producer who has granted permission on behalf of the Sinatra estate for Scorsese to use all of her father's famous songs, it is Tina's opinion that could hold sway.


  • 都根本不用提及蒂米就是那个著名圣诞故事中和科诺奇先生一起的急需帮助男孩

    Not to mention, in the famous Christmas story with Mr. Scrooge, Timmy is the little boy that desperately needs help.


  • 科蒂.布鲁兹,75岁,伍德赛德的退休数学家参与阿波罗登月计划。 她对着电脑40多年,她希望找点别的打发时间。

    Scottie Brooks, 75, a retired mathematician from Woodside who worked on the Apollo missions to the moon, said that after 40 years working with computers, she's moved onto other things.


  • 下周塞巴蒂安·科前往澳洲参加2000年悉尼奥运会10周年纪念活动他表示志愿者多寡2012年伦敦奥运会成败关键

    Coe, who will be in Sydney for next week's 10th anniversary reunion of the 2000 Sydney Olympics, said an army of volunteers was vital to the success of the 2012 London Games.


  • 周六贝卢科尼“很”就莱蒂奇亚问题议会作简要汇报需要仔细考虑一下。

    On Saturday, Berlusconi said he was "tempted" to brief parliament about Letizia, but needed to reflect on it first.


  • 比如说演员科·蒂埃里1970年离开堪萨大学结婚,当时才上大二

    The actress Kirstie Alley, for example, left the University of Kansas in 1970, during her sophomore year, to get married.


  • 沃尔玛通过建造更多来解决食物荒漠”这问题——诸如阿纳科蒂亚这类基础设施不足的城市广大乡村缺少便利店销售新鲜产品

    The company says it will also address the problem offood deserts” — a dearth of grocery stores selling fresh produce in rural and underserved urban areas like Anacostiaby building more stores.


  • 今天,有望继科尼欧盟反垄断专员马里奥·蒙蒂,在离开宾馆时被等待已久记者团团包围。

    This morning Mario Monti, the former European commissioner who many expect to succeed Mr Berlusconi, emerged from his hotel to find a group of reporters waiting for him.


  • 先生的这本著作没赶上好时候——贝鲁科尼刚刚落选离任,69岁要想东山再起机会渺茫

    Mr Stille's book is ill-timed: Mr Berlusconi has just been voted out of office and, at 69, his chances of returning are slim.


  • 澳大利亚新秀米·瓦担当女主角爱丽丝德普则将演绎帽子先生,他们将协同蒂姆·波顿再现刘易·卡罗尔这部经典之作

    Little known Australian actress Mia Wasikowska has landed the lead role of Alice, while Depp will portray the Mad Hatter in Pal Burton's take on the Lewis Carroll classic.


  • 上月贝卢科尼人拍到出席在那不勒郊外举行的蒂奇娅18岁生日聚会之后妻子指责“与未成年鬼混在一起”,打算和他离婚

    After Berlusconi was photographed last month attending Letizia's 18th birthday party outside Naples, his wife said she intended to divorce him, accusing him of "frequenting minors".


  • 科尼律师克洛·盖蒂尼质疑这些录音真实性

    Berlusconi's lawyer Niccolo Ghedini disputed the authenticity of the recordings.


  • 不过科尼主要盟友——北方联盟要在蒙蒂政策明朗之后表态。

    However, Mr Berlusconi's main coalition ally, the Northern League, has withheld its support until Mr Monti's policies have become clear.


  • 美利坚大学专家科蒂·认为位候选人在看待美国各州选举人票分布图时候各有不同角度。

    American University expert Curtis Gans says each candidate looks at the electoral map of the country differently.


  • 不过,这也只能勉强算是“第一”——科蒂许多队员们不久爱上了印第安女人,西班牙人和印第安人(以及后来黑人渐渐融合并构建一个混血人种国家

    But only narrowly: Cortés himself soon took an Indian lover, as did many of his men. Gradually Spaniards and Indians (and later blacks) blended to create a mongrel nation.


  • 女孩父母分别名叫科迪·巴萨莉·摩根,他们均为聋哑人

    The girls' parents, Cody Batiste and Sally Morgan, both are deaf.


  • 吉娜·科蒂根等待鲍尔告诉更多信息还不到30岁,杰克一样已婚并一个女儿

    Gina Costigan waited for Bauer to relay more information. She was in her late twenties and, like Jack, married with one daughter.


  • 喜欢缴纳税款并不梅尔他的道理。这是PointTopic公司董事长宽带分析师蒂姆·约翰逊看法

    Not many people like paying their taxes, but Scammel has a point, according to Tim Johnson, managing director of point Topic, a specialist broadband analyst.


  • 克里·20世纪90年代挑战科赫公司环保问题一系列案件之一。

    The Corpus Christi case was one of a series of challenges Koch Industries faced in the 1990s over environmental issues.


  • 早在年前环保局已就几个一系列石油管道泄露起诉科赫工业集团公司,其中一处泄漏导致1994年10月纽埃塞克里12英里长的油。

    The EPA had sued Koch Industries a year earlier for a series of pipeline leaks in several states, including one that left a 12-mile-long oil slick on Nueces and Corpus Christi bays in October 1994.


  • 深深的溪流——高高的山脉还要离谱蒂娜为主费尔科特(Phil Spector)制作瀑布水流声音特纳录音现场给剔除了。

    With “River DeepMountain High”, it had been worse: Tina sang, Phil Spector produced his waterfalls of sound, and Mr Turner was barred from the recording sessions.


  • 今年四月以来,科尼先生一直麻烦不断,当时同床共枕二十妻子宣布离婚部分原因是此人与一位十八岁内衣模特诺埃米·莱蒂奇亚的不当关系

    Mr Berlusconi has been mired in scandal since April, when his wife of 20 years announced she was divorcing him, in part over his alleged relationship with an 18-year-old lingerie model, Noemi Letizia.


  • 今年四月以来,科尼先生一直麻烦不断,当时同床共枕二十妻子宣布离婚部分原因是此人与一位十八岁内衣模特诺埃米·莱蒂奇亚的不当关系

    Mr Berlusconi has been mired in scandal since April, when his wife of 20 years announced she was divorcing him, in part over his alleged relationship with an 18-year-old lingerie model, Noemi Letizia.


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