• 不是篇政治论文就像那些仅仅通过书名来评判书籍的人所想的那样,有史以来关于教育方面最优秀美丽的著作

    It is not a political treatise, as those who merely judge books by their title think, but it is the finest, most beautiful work on education ever written.


  • 可以告诉议员随身带书籍也还有古希腊著作

    I can tell you, legislators, the books carried with me, included also the writings of ancient Greece.


  • 撰写许多书籍包括最近出版:《贫穷终结共同财富》,上述著作当中,他让富裕国家重新考虑它们全球财富的基本假设

    He is the author of numerous books, including, most recently, "the End of Poverty" and "Common wealth," in which he challenges wealthy nations to rethink their basic assumptions about global wealth.


  • 安多拉就觉得那个年龄段书籍她来说已经失去了挑战性,所以开始看一些真正意义上的东西,比如17世纪法国哲学家伏尔泰著作

    When she was five Adora reasoned that books for her age group weren't challenging her so she tucked into something altogether more serious - 17th-century French philosopher Voltaire.


  • 为了介绍专题我们重新检验了过去半个世纪出版本经典著作或者以便阐明各种各样与经济主题相契合的书籍

    To introduce this feature we re-examine six classics published over the past half-century or so that illustrate the wide variety of books that march under the banner of business.


  • 随身携带书籍就有古希腊著作

    Among the books that I travel with are works of Ancient Greece.


  • 一些人文历史著作而不是一些成功书籍

    She reads works on the humanities and history, not self-help books on being a success.


  • 迫切需要争议第一次率领路德得出一个鲜明线之间书籍希伯来语佳能亚历山大著作

    It was the exigencies of controversy that first led Luther to draw a sharp line between the books of the Hebrew Canon and the Alexandrian writings.


  • 博士撰写了几著作并且也常一些国际杂志书籍发表文章

    Dr Fong has also written several books and published numerous articles in international journals or chapters in books.


  • 希望更多时间谈谈因为这会著作书籍

    I wish I had more times to talk to him as that would have let me talk more on his writings and books.


  • 不是任何古老著作因为19世纪晚期20世纪初期出现了许多腐朽书籍

    Not just any old writings because much corruption came during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.


  • 我个人认为读过有关脊椎方面书籍最好著作

    Personally, I think these books are one the best books pertaining to the spine that I have read.


  • 他们忘记了,即使不在封面贴上藏书票表明自己书籍拥有,人们也可以从一本伟大的著作获得的精神,领略它美丽

    They forget that it is possible for a man to acquire that idea, to possess the beauty, which a great book contains, without staking his claim by pasting his bookplate inside the cover.


  • 鉴于古往今来林肯相关书籍多如江水,未来几个月内会有新作问世,方面著作标准必然随之提高

    Still, the torrent of Lincoln books past and present-including over a dozen in the next few months alone-means that the bar is necessarily set high.


  • 著作模块:将笔记大纲结构形式,自动生成已经格式化引文书籍目录索引

    Composition module: Assemble notes into an outline structure to build a book with formatted citations, table of contents, index, etc. automatically generated.


  • 除了提及著作外,知道还有哪些影视作品由书籍改编而成?

    Besides the books that were mentioned, what other movies do you know are based on books?


  • 诗经不仅我国古代著名文学著作而且也是研究我国古代药物重要参考书,其内容常被《中药鉴定学》等药学方面的书籍所引用。

    ShiJing (Poems) is not only well-known literary works of ancient China, but also the important reference book in study of ancient Chinese medicine.


  • 上个世纪90年代早期在阅读《薄迦歌》罗的著作的时候就开始了,那时候这方面的中文书籍不是很多,大多数英文著作

    Answer: In the early 1990s, I read the Bhagavad Gita and some works by Shankara, some were available in Chinese but most in English.


  • 时间惟一作用是淘汰劣质书籍因为只有真正好的文学著作才能流芳百世。

    The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products: for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.


  • 时间惟一作用是淘汰劣质书籍因为文学著作只有书籍才能流芳百世。

    The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.


  • 反映当前美国民众忧虑书籍中国统治世界西方世界终结全球秩序诞生命名英国作家MartinJacques所著作

    The book which best reflects today's American worries is entitled When China Rules the World: the End of the Western World and the Birth of the New Global Order, by British author Martin Jacques.


  • 反映当前美国民众忧虑书籍中国统治世界西方世界终结全球秩序诞生命名英国作家MartinJacques所著作

    The book which best reflects today's American worries is entitled When China Rules the World: the End of the Western World and the Birth of the New Global Order, by British author Martin Jacques.


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