• 航空发动机参数反推效率、流量系数之间的规律对于反推装置的设计具有重要意义

    It is important to study the mechanism between the cascade blade profile parameters and the thrust reverser effectiveness.


  • 介绍了600MW火电机组用大型立式循环水泵一种改型设计方法,针对同一模型采用不同换算系数进行设计。

    A remodeling design of circulating pump of 600 MW power unit is introduced which adopts different conversion factors for the impeller and guide blade according to the same model pump.


  • 提出收缩系数哨声发生函数喘振发生函数三个概念

    Three new conceptions of blade channel contraction factor, whistling generation function and surging generation function are proposed.


  • 介绍了汽轮机动平均对流换热表面传热系数片流道壁面对流换热表面传热系数计算方法计算公式。

    Method and formulae for calculating the mean forced convection heat-transfer coefficient of the blade surface, as well as for the blade passage's bottom wall, are introduced.


  • 文章通过隶属函数集中度系数确定探讨,将模糊数学应用统计学从而形成了一种新的假设检验方法

    By discussing defining the coefficient of focus degree of subordinate function, this article applies fuzzy mathematics to Bayesian statistics to form a new method on hypothesis testing.


  • 最后连同通道尾迹区一起,求得了包括影响栅的总损失系数

    Finally, Over-all loss coefficients in the cascade are obtained, considering effects of the shock wave passage and wake.


  • 改进后的损失模型中,定义新的负荷系数并用作为特性准则导出型损失计算公式。

    In this improved loss model, a new profile loading coefficient is defined and using it as a characteristic criterion, formula for estimating the profile toss coefficient is derived.


  • 文中菌型根为对象分析界面摩擦系数初始间隙接触分布载荷分配最大应力影响

    Aimed at a straddle blade root, the influence of the interface friction coefficient and initial clearance on the contact force distribution, load distribution and the maximum stress is analyzed.


  • 正则图像恢复条件约束最优化问题,小波系数统计选择基于图像的机场观点

    A regularized image restoration is the optimization for some conditional constraint, and the selection of wavelet coefficients based Bayesian statistic is on the image random field view.


  • 蜡石矿物杂质矿物热膨胀系数绝缘程度相近,并交织结构

    The thermal expansion parameter of pyrophyllite mineral should close to that of the impurity minerals and show intertexture structure.


  • 本文研究一类广义系数解析函数得到了准确的系数估计偏差定理半径星形性半径。

    In this paper, we study a generalized class of univalent functions with negative coefficients. Sharp coefficient estimates, distortion theorem and radius of convexity and starlikeness are obtained.


  • 根据内外温度实测资料计算各类热滞系数,并不同的公式计算结果进行了比较讨论。

    In terms of temperature data inside and outside the screens of various types, the time constants are computed for each kind. The results are compared with those obtained from other formulae.


  • 最优设计所得损失系数原有损失系数明显下降

    The cascade loss factor of the optimally designed cascades is significantly lower than that of the original cascades.


  • 研究结果表明林分消光系数与林分量大致成反比关系。

    The results show that the extinction coefficient is inversely proportional to the leaf weight of the stands.


  • 结果表明:脱毒马铃薯的群体光合速率群体重量面积重量、面积系数优于未脱毒处理。

    The results showed the mass photosynthetic rate, mass leaf source amount, dry matter weight, leaf areas weight and index of virus-free potato were superior to that of potato.


  • 中度放牧并未使草地牧草产量和重要值降低,同时使草地红三均质系数保持在低于1.0水平以下,使土壤含量下降0.085%。

    Meantime it keeps the coefficient of homogeneity of red clover far below the 1.0 level but causes the total nitrogen content of soil to decrease by 0.085%.


  • 采取扩张型非平行壁无扩压器,一定进口速度下,可望较高压力恢复系数可以缩短径向尺寸

    In a certain inlet velocities, vaneless diffusers with diffusion type have higher pressure recover coefficient and can reduce the radial size.


  • 能量损失系数音速透平设计实现提高跨音速透平性能关键问题之一

    The design and realization of a transonic turbine cascade with low energy loss is one of the crucial problems which should be solved for designing good transonic turbines.


  • 图像系数具有很强高斯统计特性可以建立推广拉普拉斯先验分布估计对图像小波系数滤波达到降噪目的。

    The wavelet subband coefficients of images have highly non Gaussian statistics that may be modeled with generalized Laplacian distributions, and Bayesian estimation is used to suppress noise.


  • 采用付立谐波分析方法分解空间一系列谐波,进而计算出气隙磁场波形特征系数

    The Fourier analysis method is applied to decompose the air-gap magnetic density into the basic wave and a series of harmonic and wave shape eigen coefficient of air-gap magnetic field are calculated.


  • 采用筒壁肋片传热简化模型计算汽封隔板传热过程传热系数

    Simplified heat transfer models like cylindrical surfaces and fins are used for calculating the overall heat transfer coefficients of gland blocks, stationary blades and diaphragms.


  • 一定简化假设,建立了百方程,井导出了百箱热滞系数计算公式

    Based on some simplified assumptions the equation for thermal hysteresis is introduced and a formula is thereby derived for calculating the time constant.


  • 实验测定多孔砖墙固定格栅局部阻力系数同时也测定了替代多孔砖墙单层百的局部阻力系数

    The local resistance coefficient of the perforated wall and the fixed fins are determined as well as the resistance of single—blind outlet, which is the substitution of the perforated wall if needed.


  • 优化后透平高压级静损失系数减少0.95%;多级压气机整机效率提高2.1%。

    After optimization, the total pressure loss of the turbine vane was reduced by 0.95%, and the efficiency of the overall compressor was increased by 2.1%.


  • 建议采用环流系数大于4涡轮型。

    Therefore blades with a circulation coefficient of mere than 4 should not be used.


  • 函数系数估计问题极值问题研究一直倍受各国数学家高度关注。

    The problems of coefficient estimates and extreme values of univalent functions are highly emphasized all the time by mathematicians from all over the world.


  • 第三作者研究一类系数调和函数得到它的一些充要条件等。

    In the last chapter: the author investigates certain kind of harmonic univalent function with negative coefficients and obtain some sufficient-necessary conditions for this new kind function.


  • 12个水稻品种生理成熟期产量特征进行典型相关分析结果表明:产量与型特征各性状的典型相关系数均达显著或极显著水平。

    This paper presents the result of canonical correlation analysis between leaf characters and yield of 12 paddy rice cultivars measured during the physiological maturing stage.


  • 无性系S11K营养元素含量土壤中K营养元素回归相关系数不存在显著回归相关。

    However, the correlation coefficient of clone S11 K content in leaf and K content in soil hasn′t the remarkable relation.


  • 我们提出基于模式估计二维重建算法,利用最小合原理,可以计算出待测波前的傅里变换系数,从而恢复原始波前。

    In this paper a new algorithm based onFourier modal estimate is proposed to reconstruct the original wavefront by use of least-square fitting.


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