• 但是忠于反对派领导人维的个网站指出,穆哈马迪一位著名的穆支持者

    But an opposition Web site loyal to leader Mir Hossein Mousavi said Mohammadi was a well-known Mousavi supporter.


  • 娱乐软件业从业人员数目从多至少依次为加利福尼亚,德克·斯,华盛顿纽约马萨伊利诺

    The six states with the greatest number of entertainment software industry employees were, in order, California, Texas, Washington, New York, Massachusetts and Illinois.


  • 辆运货车上,一只阿巴鲁马戴着苍蝇面具前往密西西比杰克逊参加2010年世界阿巴鲁青春才艺锦标赛

    Appaloosa horses wear fly masks in a horse van, following their competing in the 2010 World Championship Appaloosa Youth Show in Jackson, Mississippi.


  • 1620年,帕诺亚格最高首领马萨索伊特清教徒达成和平协议,之前,清教徒登上他的领土马萨·诺伊特去世前,一直遵守协议。

    In 1620 the Wampanoag high chief, Massasoit, made a peace treaty with the Pilgrims, who had landed in the tribe's territory; the treaty was observed until Massasoit's death.


  • 1266年乔托出生路伦不远小村庄里艺术天赋一位著名的佛罗伦画派画家契马布埃发现。

    He was born in a village near Florence in about 1266. His artistic talents were discovered by Cimabue, a well-known Florentine painter.


  • 英国每日邮报》报道马尼研究成果的同时用大字标题宣布马尼已经找到‘长生不老基因’,对此马尼报以疲惫微笑

    Reporting on his research, Britain's Daily Mail announced that Samani had found the "Peter Pan gene" — a headline that Samani greeted with a weary smile.


  • 15世纪佛罗伦居民包括了布鲁内,吉贝尔蒂,多纳太罗,马萨因扎吉里皮,法兰克福机场安吉利哥,韦罗基奥,波提切利,达芬奇米开朗琪罗

    The inhabitants of fifteenth century Florence included Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Donatello, Masaccio, Filippo Lippi, Fra Angelico, Verrocchio, Botticelli, Leonardo, and Michelangelo.


  • 霍莫入海口一种常见生物,霍莫河的淡水这里注入了咸咸的墨西哥湾

    Crevalle jack ( caranx hippos) are a common sight at the mouth of the homosassa river where fresh and salt waters mix as the river spills into the gulf of mexico.


  • 巴里·切罗今天谈及马萨眼中噙泪水尤其是昨晚来到医院被允许看望马萨时候

    Barrichello today had tears in his eyes when he spoke about Massa, notably as he was not allowed to see him last night when he visited the hospital as only immediate family were given access.


  • 希望看到马萨赢得冠军,”阿隆索一次周末个人出席告诉听众,“因为如果马萨了的话,意味着汉密尔顿输了。”

    "I would like it to be Massa who wins," Alonso told an audience at a personal appearance over the weekend, "because, if he wins, it means that Hamilton will not."


  • 爸爸马萨马萨医院不会太长时间只是进行一些检查

    His father Luiz Antonio Massa said the hospital stay would not be lengthy and involved only check-ups.


  • 邻国厄尔特里亚边境冲突意味着埃塞俄比亚不能使用马萨瓦港口

    The border conflict with neighboring Eritrea means Ethiopia's unable to use the natural ports of Asab and Massawa.


  • 马萨住院同时阿隆索所在的雷诺车队被禁止参加瓦伦西亚站,于是两者自然而然让人联想在一起,哪怕只是让阿隆索替代马萨参加赛事。

    With Massa in hospital and Alonso's Renault team banned from competing at Valencia, it has been suggested that the scenario is ideal, even if only for a single race.


  • 除了正在进行的谈判的外,我们开始与皇马讨论关于德伦小兔子维奥拉的引进事宜。

    Tuttosport says Samp are in advanced talks with Real over a fee for Cassano and during discussions have also been offered the chance to sign Royston Drenthe and Javier Saviola.


  • 是的这么说对于马萨过去残忍了,我知道马萨没有犯错应该获得胜利

    Yes, I was hard on Felipe, I grant you, for he made no mistakes and deserved to win the race.


  • 预期情况一样,普利司通法拉利周二开始工作参加测试的车手老将卢卡·巴多尔和土耳其冠军菲利普·马萨(马萨新闻,马萨说吧)。

    Bridgestone and Ferrari are also expected to begin work on Tuesday, with veteran tester Luca Badoer and Turkish race winner Felipe Massa in attendance.


  • 巴塞罗纳曼联可能发出邀请,不过皇马已经门将了,”布洛恩继续说,同时认为不会重回意大利

    "Barcelona and Manchester could also make an offer, whereas Real already have a goalkeeper," continued Bronzetti, who does not think that Antonio Cassano will return to Italy.


  • 美国发觉很多医院是以“马·利亚人”来命名,不仅如此有些社团以“好马·利亚人”作为社团的名字

    In the United States, you may find a lot of hospitals named "Good Samaritan hospital", and some organizations also named "Good Samaritan Society".


  • 至于合唱团名称,Pihcintu马科语中将其译为“歌唱时,声音传播很远”,怕马科迪语因地区美国土著部落使用的语言

    As to the name of the choir, Pihcintu translates it as, "When she sings, her voice carries far" in Passamaquoddy, a language spoken by a Native American tribe in Maine.


  • 费尔马伦实力彻底折服,冠舞台上,巴实在甚过阿森纳太多。

    By Chris Harris Thomas Vermaelen fully accepts that Barcelona's quality was just too much for Arsenal in the Champions League.


  • 星期六马萨州犯罪改造发言人戴安•怀芬表示禁播这部好评如潮片子和其中的同性恋情节无关。

    Massachusetts Department of Correction spokeswoman Diane Wiffin said Saturday that the action was not related to the critically acclaimed film's plot involving a gay love affair.


  • 那个下午开始,基耶意甲联赛中14攻破米兰城池1次代表克雷莫纳,2次代表桑普多利亚,4帕尔马佛罗伦5次,还有2次是为锡耶纳建功

    Since that afternoon Chiesa has scored 14 times against Milan in Serie A: 1 with Cremonese, 2 with Sampdoria, 4 with Parma, 5 with Fiorentina and 2 with Siena.


  • 那个下午开始,基耶意甲联赛中14攻破米兰城池1次代表克雷莫纳,2次代表桑普多利亚,4帕尔马佛罗伦5次,还有2次是为锡耶纳建功

    Since that afternoon Chiesa has scored 14 times against Milan in Serie A: 1 with Cremonese, 2 with Sampdoria, 4 with Parma, 5 with Fiorentina and 2 with Siena.


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