• 最近读完塞特·毛姆厚厚的短篇小说集。

    I recently finished reading a thick book of Somerset Maugham's collected short stories.


  • 那些几乎没穿衣服当代女性画像艺术冒犯帕克正经体制

    Contemporary portraits of the barely-clad female form offend the eye of Mr. Rajapaksa’s po-faced regime.


  • 负责奥斯卡颁奖礼直播的制作人表示英国喜剧演员制作人·拜伦·科恩、演员詹森·贝特曼、《办公室风云》《糊涂侦探》男主角史蒂夫·卡瑞尔、《我喜剧狂》的蒂娜·菲以及《博物馆奇妙夜》男主角·斯蒂都将当晚颁发奖项。

    Telecastproducers say Sacha Baron Cohen, Jason Bateman, Steve Carell, Tina Feyand Ben Stiller will serve as presenters at the Academy Awards


  • 某位叫阿胥女士求婚回绝了这位女士保证他的已经被佛罗伦就算再婚,也是为了年幼儿子

    A certain Lady Ashburton once proposed to him but he declined, assuring her that his heart lay buried in Florence, and any marriage would be for the benefit of his young son.


  • 身为马··拉丹儿子感到非常抱歉,所有发生可怕事件,那些摧毁的无辜生命,对依然徘徊于许多人心中的悲痛

    As the son of Osama bin Laden, I am truly sorry for all the terrible things that have happened, the innocent lives that have been destroyed, the grief that still lingers in many hearts.


  • 经过交火后,他们击毙了马··拉丹缴获了尸体

    After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body.


  • 之所以转会位于里斯这家球会一个主要原因位前河床球星哈维尔·维奥拉和巴勃罗·艾马尔一起踢球

    One of the main reasons he wanted to join the Lisbon-based club was his desire to play alongside Javier Saviola and Pablo Aimar - two former River Plate stars.


  • 购买·拉丹崛起:乌马的妻儿我们走进他们神秘世界》:圣马丁出版社

    Purchase Growing Up bin Laden: Osama's Wife and Son Take Us Inside Their Secret World from St. Martin's Press.


  • 尽管那些几乎没穿衣服当代女性画像艺术冒犯帕克正经体制

    Yet contemporary portraits of the barely-clad female form offend the eye of Mr Rajapaksa’s po-faced regime.


  • 曼哈顿到处都可以购物埃弗尼、卡迪尔、可斯、巴哥多、古德曼亨利德尔等名店必须市中心

    Shopping can literally be done everywhere in Manhattan, but for famous stores—Tiffany, Cartier, Saks, Bergdorf Goodman, Henri Bendelgo to Midtown.


  • 拉里·埃里森——小罗伯特·唐尼•阿弗莱克、杰弗里·拉什、休•劳瑞约翰·维奇

    Larry EllisonRobert Downey Jr., Ben Affleck, Geoffrey Rush, Hugh Laurie and John Savage.


  • 奥黛丽·饰演布·丽娜,是富有却肮脏的拉腊比庄园司机女儿

    Audrey Hepburn plays Sabrina, the daughter of a chauffeur to the obscenely rich Larrabee family.


  • 如果中场潜力继续被质疑那么现在,艾莱克斯·弗格森爵士似乎至少还能相信-福斯特能力替代范德

    If the potency of the new midfield remains questionable, it appears so far that Sir Alex Ferguson was at least right to trust in Ben Foster's ability to replace Edwin van der Sar in goal.


  • 葡萄酒作家撒•斯皮拉内克讲道,这些斜坡上能生产出一种名为“丁加池”的特种葡萄酒,事实依据在于种植这些葡萄的斜坡直入大海,也就是说左右的耕作都要人工来完成

    These slopes produce Dingac, a wine distinguished, says Sasa Spiranec, a local wine writer, by the fact that the vineyards run sharply down to the sea, meaning all cultivation has to be done by hand.


  • 1973年,16的乌马··拉丹,次年表妹纳瓦为妻。

    Osama bin Laden at age 16 in 1973, one year before he married his cousin Najwa.


  • 这位擅长右脚的多样手今年19岁虽然仍然没有代表曼城一线队伍参赛的资格,去年八月赛季前参加尤伯杯,在坎普对阵的时候给人留下深刻印象

    The versatile right-sided player, 19, has yet to make his senior competitive debut for City but impressed in the prestige friendly against Barcelona at the Nou Camp in August.


  • 尽管特纳受到表扬,温格也表扬了纳斯里阿尔文,温格受说道纳斯里进步的很快,天赋而且开始变得高效,第一就是他的传给阿尔沙文,而且他自己也有一个漂亮的进球

    He has talent and he is starting to be efficient now. He made a great pass to Arshavin for the first goal [which Bendtner scored] and he scored a great goal himself.


  • 卡塔尔埃米尔——哈马德••哈利法•阿勒尼——是位狂热体育爱好者一系列世界顶级参赛选手趋之若骛的盛大赛事引入该国包括足球高尔夫网球等赛事。

    The emir, a keen sports fan, has also brought an array of big-prize competitions to his state, including football, golf and tennis, that tempt the world's top players.


  • 蒙德却有意让班诺克2014举办场盛典庆祝战斗胜利700周年

    Then it emerged that Mr Salmond wants Bannockburn to host a really big bash in 2014 to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the battle.


  • 马··拉丹无疑为奥巴马加分不少。

    Obama will undoubtedly get a boost from the killing of Osama bin Laden.


  • 卡塔尔首相哈马德•贾西姆••贾布尔·阿勒现任埃米尔的表兄弟

    The emir's prime minister, Hamad bin Jassem al-Thani, is a cousin.


  • 穿过佛罗伦机场发现有一套(严格的)安保措施:单件手提行李,带子打开,鞋子不准脱,盥洗用品拿出来,笔记电脑拿出来,手表摘掉。

    I made my way through Florence Airport to discover that it has a (strict) one-piece-of-hand-luggage, belts-off, shoes-on, toiletries-out, laptop-out, watch-off approach to security.


  • 德国弗莱堡大学视觉科学家·斯皮尔浏览ouchi光学几何学艺术偶然见到一错觉

    Vision scientist Lothar Spillmann at the University of Freiburg in Germany stumbled upon the illusion while browsing Ouchi's book on Japanese Optical and Geometrical Art.


  • 据了解,酒吧里仰望天空偶尔看到个“q图案,自此开始开始尝试拍摄所有字母图案,并他们收录名为《打印天空》书中。

    Beginning with the letter "q", which Lisa saw when glancing to the sky in a bar, she tried to take photos of all the letters of the alphabet and put them into a book called Type the Sky.


  • 马··拉丹(Osamabin Laden)及其副手艾曼·扎瓦西里(ayman al - Zawahiri)他们躲藏发出录像录音讯息看起来并未操纵行动,而是“授权当地组织

    Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri, his deputy, sent video and audio messages from their hiding places, but did not appear to control operations, which were "franchised" to local groups.


  • 卡斯特雷纳对名记者说,罗森博格案“一约翰·格里沙姆(John Grisham)的小说真实的。”

    Castresana told a reporter that the Rosenberg case was "like a John Grisham novel, but it's real."


  • 罗文·维尔的第二小说《倩影》,开头援引威廉·福克纳的名句“往事从未远去甚至亘古流传”。

    ROWAN SOMERVILLE's second novel, "The Shape of Her", opens with a quote from William Faulkner: "The past is never dead, it's not even past."


  • 罗文·维尔的第二小说《倩影》,开头援引威廉·福克纳的名句“往事从未远去甚至亘古流传”。

    ROWAN SOMERVILLE's second novel, "The Shape of Her", opens with a quote from William Faulkner: "The past is never dead, it's not even past."


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