• 虽然特里毕业耶鲁大学(父亲读完欧文·约翰逊1911故事《耶鲁的柴火》这本书后,鼓励东部),但是他生长在密苏里萨斯

    Although Mr Trillin graduated from Yale University (his father encouraged him to go east having read Owen Johnson's 1911 tale, "Stover at Yale"), he was brought up in Kansas City, Missouri.


  • 事实上来自得克萨斯沃思意识到,同事之间很容易可以发生外遇同一所房子的事,甚至是在同一个房间。

    In fact, as Lindsay James of Fort Worth, Texas, learned the hard way that a partner can easily carry on an affair in the same house, even the same room.


  • 德克萨斯展出包括了一个黑曜石面具可能是从埃及带到哈喇和来的,莱塞姆

    The Texas show includes an obsidian mask that likely traveled to Khara Khorum all the way from Egypt, Lessem says.


  • 胡德堡基地位于基附近占地340,据德克萨斯韦科50英里

    It covers an area of 340 square miles near Killeen, some 50 miles from Waco, Texas.


  • 他们要记录对方德州阿比夜间开销,送到萨斯城的货物以及在盐湖城修车的费用,所有这些都工人识别送入数据库

    They record nights spent in Abilene, Tex., deliveries in Kansas City and breakdowns in Salt Lake City, all of which the workers decipher and enter into a database.


  • 伊丽莎白·卡森,德克萨斯大学历史学副教授皇室作为品味评判者角色追溯到君主政体起源

    The role of royalty as arbiters of taste dates back to the origins of monarchy, says Elisabeth Cawthon, an associate professor of history at the University of Texas at Arlington.


  • 儿子患重症萨斯医院接受治疗迫切地想离开乔普看看她儿子怎么样了。

    Her son was critically ill in a Kansas City hospital and she was desperate to leave Joplin to check on him.


  • 萨斯希望他们项目弗雷明汉心脏研究一样具有影响力,弗雷明汉心脏研究1948年以来,对几千生活进行了跟踪

    Collins and Masys hope that their projects will have an influence similar to the Framingham Heart Study, which has followed thousands of peoples' lives since 1948.


  • 德克·棒球球迷们表演时,表演队伍美国跳伞老兵不慎挂在了旗杆上

    As part of a display team putting on a show for baseball fans in Arlington, Texas, an experienced US Army parachutist got tangled up in a flagpole.


  • 因为这些无形因素,雷克·萨斯一直不能全球车品牌的第一交椅。坦必然前任一样觉得沮丧

    Like his predecessors in the Lexus job, however, he must be frustrated by the brand's inability to establish itself solidly in the top rank of global luxury brands because of something so intangible.


  • 上周雷克萨斯美国公司的老板马克•坦普来到纽约接受访问。 不知道公司品牌情商较低这个事实是否觉得有些尴尬,反正他没有表现出来。

    U.S. boss Templin came to New York to talk up Lexus last week, and if he felt uncomfortable about the shortcomings of its emotional intelligence, he didn't show it.


  • 就是说经销商较好的利润根据雷克萨斯(丰田奢侈车)马克·泰姆的说法,多得的利润激励经销商在汽车顾客创造吸引力的购买体验”。

    That means they earn better margins which, according to Mark Templin of Lexus (Toyota’s luxury brand), they put back into their stores “to deliver a more attractive experience for their customers”.


  • 公司记录上显示基准专业职业公司和其他家公司属于一家公司-KHTX管理列出地址德克萨斯州的哈根,一家UPS

    Corporate records show Benchmark is one of several business names for the same company, KHTX Management, which lists an address in Harlingen, Tex., that is a U.P.S. store.


  • 位居排行榜最后五位城市包括纽约州的扬克弗吉尼亚州诺福克加利福尼亚州的莫多得克萨斯三个城市——尔帕索和卢伯克。

    The bottom five cities included Yonkers in New York, Norfolk, Virginia, Modesto, California and three Texas cities — Arlington, El Paso and Lubbock.


  • 德克萨斯阿比附近Horse Hollow电厂是世界最大的风电厂之一,拥有四百多个涡轮机

    Horse Hollow wind farm near Abilene, Texas, one of the world's largest, has more than 400 turbines.


  • 牧师交流公司的阿尔特·诸克声称德克萨斯中部拥有市场Taco Bell公司雇用企业牧师之后,翻工降低三分之一

    Art Stricklin, of Marketplace chaplains, claims that the turnover rate at Taco Bell outlets in central Texas dropped by a third after they started employing chaplains.


  • 德克萨斯参议员约翰·(John Cornyn)发表了一份声明建议不要胡德枪击事件轻易下结论

    Texas senator John Cornyn issued a statement advising against rash conclusions about the shootings at Fort Hood.


  • 德克萨斯参议员约翰·(John Cornyn)发表了一份声明建议不要胡德枪击事件轻易下结论

    Texas senator John Cornyn, issued a statement advising against rash conclusions about the shooting at Fort Hood.


  • 1969年2月24日:阿姆特朗奥尔德德克萨斯的布兰卡山脉(SierraBlanca)训练岩石采样技术

    February 1969: Armstrong and Aldrin practise their rock-sampling techniques at Sierra Blanca in Texas.


  • 2005年丰田被判其早期普锐、雷克·萨斯rx400 h侵犯专利权

    Toyota was found in a 2005 trial to have infringed Severinsky's patent on torque technology used in earlier versions of the Prius, Lexus RX400h and hybrid Toyota Highlanders.


  • 另外德克萨斯州长佩里阿拉加州州长拉·佩他们正在考虑明年是否要问鼎白宫

    In addition, Texas governor Rick Perry and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin have also said they are considering a run for the White House next year.


  • ·约翰·玛丽也是美国人,汤姆的父母居住得克萨斯

    John and Mary Colllins are Americans, too. Their parents live in Texas.


  • 1875年后,乔普一家得克萨斯特克卡纳市,乔普那里长大

    The Joplins moved to Texarkana, Texas sometime after eighteen seventy-five and Scott grew up there.


  • 2006年6月,女儿纳·萨斯加德出生他们全家纽约布鲁克

    They have a daughter Ramona, born October 3, 2006, and live in Brooklyn, New York.


  • 2006年6月,女儿纳·萨斯加德出生他们全家纽约布鲁克

    They have a daughter Ramona, born October 3, 2006, and live in Brooklyn, New York.


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