• 萨拉成为第一个赢得全部4场大赛的高尔夫球员

    Sarazen became the first golfer to win all four majors.


  • 遇见一对夫妇,他们的女儿萨拉骑车外出醉酒驾车司机撞倒当场毙命

    I once met a couple whose daughter, Sarah, had been hit and killed by a drunk driver when she'd been out on her bike. She died instantly.


  • 想起BBC记者马丁·贝尔那些年里,他大部分时间都在萨拉热窝尽管受枪伤,他还是成为一个忠实萨拉热窝支持者

    I thought of Martin Bell, the BBC correspondent in the city for much of that time who, despite being shot there, has become one of Sarajevo's staunchest advocates.


  • 代表儿基会访问莫斯科萨拉热窝

    He has also visited Moscow and Sarajevo on behalf of Unicef.


  • 短暂的伦敦南斯拉夫萨拉热窝入高中上学很少上课

    He enrolled fleetingly in high schools in London and Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, but rarely attended.


  • 内务部长肯·萨拉大峡谷实地考察,考虑到大峡谷的历史提出要稳步、谨慎、小心推动这项争议性计划。

    The interior secretary, Ken Salazar, visited the Grand Canyon and drew on its history to urge patience, caution and humility in moving forward with what has been a controversial process.


  • 后来才知道,分配达累斯萨拉长期从事坦赞铁路发动机方面的工作,这次打算前往坦桑尼亚南部城市伊林加(Iringa)。

    He was taking the train home to Iringa, in southern Tanzania, I later learned, after a long stint doing engine work for the Tazara in Dar.


  • 萨拉出生时认为活不过一周,1做过5心脏手术半生时间医院度过,学业却耽误了一年。

    She was not expected to live a week and underwent 5 heart operations in her first year of life. Despite spending more than half her life in hospital, the teen is just a year behind at school.


  • 一厢情愿地以为,乘坐从布尔格莱德至萨拉热窝火车不仅可以欣赏一路风光,还能旅友谈谈天、说说地,肯定是一件十分惬意的事情。

    I HAD sentimentally imagined that the Belgrade-Sarajevo train would prove a rich source of colour and interviews.


  • 厄玛萨拉想起爸爸回家小鹿照顾还是死了妈妈注定的。

    Irma: Sara reminds me of a little deer Papa brought home once. I looked after it, but it died. Mama always said it was doomed.


  • 说实话知道针对实际生活问题约翰萨拉Loverboy”(相好男孩)和”Lovergirl”(相好女孩)得多,爱尔兰同事同意课堂上利用的“英文名字”。

    I honestly don't know. But as a practical matter, John and Sarah are clearly better than "Loverboy and Lovergirl, " a tandem moniker which an Irish colleague of mine actually agreed to used in class.


  • 几天在佛罗伦萨的维琪奥桥,我们走进了一家商店。父亲婚后不久到这家商店只戒指送给母亲,我们开心选择了按照萨拉小说来度蜜月。

    A few days later on the Ponte Vecchio in Florence, steps from a store where my father bought my mother a ring shortly after they were married, we were happy that we chose to act out Sara's story.


  • 遇见一对夫妇,他们的女儿萨拉骑车外出醉酒驾车的司机撞倒当场毙命

    I once met a couple whose daughter, Sarah, had been hit and killed by a drunk driver when she'd been out on her bike.


  • 遇见一对夫妇,他们的女儿萨拉骑车外出醉酒驾车的司机撞倒当场毙命

    I once met a couple whose daughter, Sarah, had been hit and killed by a drunk driver when she'd been out on her bike.


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