• 这些同样材料尽管非常适合庞大埃特鲁风格却被佛罗伦文艺复兴时期有效地利用创造出精致最优雅风格

    But these same materials, which so suited the massive Etruscan style, were effectively used by the Florentine Renaissance to create the most delicate and graceful of styles.


  • 认为家庭装不够的,于是,加布埃尔·加门迪不得不又去一个包含四种额外配料的套餐。

    I suggested a family-size pizza was not enough, and Gabriel Garmendia had to pay for a combo with four extra ingredients.


  • 影片中这位警长正在追逐一个来自德克肯纳的卡车强盗,从德克斯到乔治一直追了600一路上暴跳如雷,但表演来没有过份夸张,只是让人物内心那种猛烈的挫败感溢于言表,他的这种演绎手法太恰如其分了,想想看,看着别人怒火攻心,而自己却置身事外,真够滑稽的。

    He’s chasing the Bandit from Texarkana, TX, 600 miles to Georgia, and he is PISSED the whole way! Gleason is not over the top in this performance.


  • 告诉我们除非是个经验非常丰富的人,火车车厢件极其危险事情- - -稍微滑一下一切都完了

    Satya had told us that, unless one was very very expert, getting into a railway carriage was a terribly dangerous affair — the least slip, and it was all up.


  • 伊莱要了四个一奶昔只要三个说:一个家庭装的皮饼恐怕不够于是,加布埃尔·加门迪不得不又去了一个份一组的拼盘

    Eli had four milk shakes in a row, and I only three, but I also suggested a family-size pizza was not enough, and Gabriel Garmendia had to pay for a combo with four extra ingredients.


  • 情况不容乐观并不会造成恐慌性抢购。”粮农组织的阿布杜巴斯恩说道

    "The situation is not rosy, but there is no reason for panic-buying," says Abdolreza Abbassian at the FAO.


  • 情况不容乐观并不会造成恐慌性抢购。”粮农组织的阿布杜巴斯恩说道

    “The situation is not rosy, but there is no reason for panic-buying,” says Abdolreza Abbassian at the FAO.


  • 发表了停火声明几个小时后,在阿贾达30外就可以听到爆炸声

    Several hours after Mr. Moussa had declared a cease-fire, explosions could be heard about 30 miles away from Ajdabiya.


  • 大学研究者维多利·雷维尔博士:“圣诞期间我们享受晚上熬夜早晨上。”

    Dr Victoria Revell, a researcher from the University of Surrey, said: 'Over the Christmas period we will enjoy staying up late at night and staying in bed in the morning.


  • 诺贝尔奖委员会声明在过去20阿赫蒂解决纳米比印度尼西科索沃伊拉克旷日持久的严重冲突发挥了无与伦比的作用

    Over the past 20 years, the Nobel statement said, Ahtisaari has played a prominent role in resolving serious and long-lasting conflicts in Namibia, Indonesia, Kosovo and Iraq - among other areas.


  • 35岁玛丽·瓦斯奎兹深感不解,带着父母三个孩子克拉曼以南50的斯多克顿开车赶来。

    " asked Maria Vasquez, 35, who drove with her parents and three children from Stockton, about 50 miles south of Sacramento.


  • 电影卡加维克拉克穿越怀有敌意美国原著民地盘以及与猜忌的图桑特。夏博战斗陷入爱河。

    In the movie, Sacagawea and Clark fall in love while traversing hostile Native American territory and battling the jealous villain Toussaint Charbonneau.


  • 同行还有另一位年轻死者叔叔安。特·拉什,他希望能找到侄子尸体

    He was accompanied by a man named Safrian al-Atrash, the uncle of another of the dead youths, who was hoping to recover his nephew's body.


  • 黎巴嫩警察24的卡耶·艾珍耐特,30岁的特·玛恩,26岁的马腾特·热狄和26岁的特则塔·雅米可能都是自杀

    Lebanese police say the deaths of Kassaye Atsegenet, 24, Saneet Mariam, 30, Matente Kebede Zeditu, 26, Tezeta Yalmiya, 26 were probably suicides.


  • 浦项公司我们土地想要我们的,”75岁Makar Kandi说道,邦的丁其拥有亩地,靠种植槟榔供养一家口人。

    "Posco wants our land, it wants our water," said Makar Kandi, 75, who supports a family of eight with a one-acre plot on which he grows betel leaves in Orissa's Dhinkia village.


  • 比如西撒哈拉,摩洛哥阿尔·吉利支持下的波利·奥(Polisario)会不会放下持续了三十多年冲突,最终达成和解

    Will a settlement, for example, at last be reached for the conflict, now more than three decades long, between Morocco and the Algeria-backed Polisario in the Western Sahara?


  • 我们三个侄子(Satya)功课最好。

    Of the three of us my nephew Satya was the best at his lessons.


  • 玛利·德尔·罗奥·卡耶塔娜·阿尔冯·维多利·尤金妮·弗朗西斯卡·菲茨-詹姆斯 ·斯图尔特··席尔瓦西班牙最有女人之一

    Maria del Rosario Cayetana Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva is one of the richest women in Spain. Photograph: Carlos Alvarez/Getty


  • 知道因为小时候杀死加尔维迪,她已经爸爸监狱

    He knew since he was little that she had killed Sagar and Vidya and that she had put his dad in jail.


  • 乔治小王子第一次海外出访,各宴会中露面很少,小王子一直奶妈玛丽·德莱·奥·巴哈罗在照顾。 。

    Thee Prince George's engagements have been kept to a minimum during his first tour and he spends much of the time with nanny Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo.


  • 朱默克·古纳两个孩子母亲,常常在尼日利首都拉各斯街道叫卖面包

    Jumoke Orisaguna is a mother of two who used to walk the streets of Lagos selling bread.


  • 欧巴迪·斯坦恩弹奏段钢琴曲18世纪作曲家安东尼奥·编写的。

    Obadiah Stane plays on the piano a musical piece written by 18th-century composer Antonio Salieri.


  • 很多普利其中之一一样,有很多个托:那些村庄四散分布,绵延数百

    Just as there are many Puglias, of which Salento is one, there are also many Salentos: small hamlets spread over hundreds of miles.


  • 塞维·路易斯·法迭戈·米利托共同领跑西班牙联赛射手榜,他们只攻入14

    Luis Fabiano of Seville and Real Zaragoza's Diego Milito are both in the running for Spain's Pichichi trophy, awarded to La Liga's top goalscorer, both with 14 goals.


  • 后来莫斯科国立音乐学院跟随伊丽莎白·韦尔扎·拉兹学习私下山德·茨为师。

    He later studied with Elizabeth Wirzaladze at the Moscow State Conservatoire and privately with Alexander Satz.


  • 在原有墙壁上覆盖了画作,《安吉亚里战》从此不复存在似乎是被重新粉饰了,抑或早已毁灭殆尽

    When Vasari covered the walls with six new scenes, the Battle of Anghiari disappeared, seemingly painted over or destroyed.


  • 喀布尔期间新闻发布会展示了安作为巴基斯坦名为西尔确定袭击者一个视频

    During a news conference in Kabul, Ansari showed a video of one of the attackers identified as a Pakistani named Yassar.


  • 喀布尔期间新闻发布会展示了安作为巴基斯坦名为西尔确定袭击者一个视频

    During a news conference in Kabul, Ansari showed a video of one of the attackers identified as a Pakistani named Yassar.


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