• 纯粹营销手段 完全法律对于清酒定义及其排名体系承认

    These are purely marketing terms, and are not at all recognized by the legal system of defining and ranking Sake.


  • 专利整个市场营销之初,包装邮寄伴随着任何业务手工艺同时也必须关注一些法律因素获得专利和销售许可。

    Patents : On top of the general marketing, packaging and mailing that go along with any business, crafters should also focus on legal concerns such as obtaining patents and a seller's license.


  • 如果每次必须见面才能建立关系就会大大拖延事情的进程,”尼科尔斯掉了后来通过以前同事找到了一份法律营销工作

    'If I had to meet each time to make a connection, it would slow things down a lot,' says Mr. Nichols, who was laid off and later found a legal sales position through a former colleague.


  • 然后必须创建美术作品满足设计包装需求市场营销法律公司等方面的要求。

    The artwork must then be created to fit on the newly designed packaging and meet any marketing, legal, and corporate requirements.


  • 代表团包括城市基础设施建设城市规划矿业能源法律金融建筑水力动力教育品牌营销部门公司主管

    The delegation will include chiefs of companies from urban infrastructure, town planning, mining, energy, legal, financial, construction, water, power, education and brand marketing sectors.


  • 银行当前贷款申请流程中每个子公司根据地域营销要求当地地方法律不同而采用不同的政策解决方案

    In the bank's current loan application process, each subsidiary can have different policies and solutions based on geographic marketing requirements and local state laws.


  • 技术法律文献中,可自由发挥余地较小,对于宽泛主题,自由发挥的余地会大大增加例如一般题材营销文件等

    The number of options is lower in technical or legal matters, but it greatly increases forsoftertopics, for example, general subject or marketing documents.


  • KENWISNEFSKI:“我们早就认识到,声誉管理不仅具备营销功能需要法律功能参与其中。”

    KEN WISNEFSKI: "We realized pretty early on that it wasn't going to just be a marketing function, that there also needed to be a legal function involved with it."


  • 对于酿酒巨头、航空公司老板以及班加罗尔球队经营权持有者Vijay Mallya而言,无疑一个营销妙计,因为印度法律是不允许刊登酒精饮料广告的。

    It is certainly a marketing coup for Vijay Mallya, a flamboyant brewer, airline owner and now owner of the Bangalore team franchise-for it is illegal to advertise alcoholic drinks in India.


  • 而一个优秀新办企业市场营销人员独自一个人安排好所有这些事情他们知道有哪些法律问题需要真正担心,能以自己方式工作完成

    Good startup marketing folks can lay stuff out themselves, know what legal stuff they really need to worry about and can just plain work their way through getting it done.


  • 这个流程通常市场营销主管发起,市场营销主管其他几个小组合作包括工程小组、研究小组、美工小组法律小组制造小组。

    The process is typically owned by a marketing lead who collaborates with a number of other groups, including engineering, research, artwork, legal, and manufacturing.


  • 由于法律原因法国营销人员不能使用磁共振成像脑电图的研究方法,因为这些方法属于医疗设备

    For legal reasons, French marketers don't have ready access to fMRI and EEG devices, which are classified as medical equipment.


  • 广告商营销公司发明方法追踪计算机用户网上活动的行为招致(公众)对于互联网隐私担忧,进而引发了一系列法律诉讼阴谋增添了消费者忧虑

    Worries over Internet privacy have spurred lawsuits, conspiracy theories and consumer anxiety as marketers and others invent new ways to track computer users on the Internet.


  • 研究教育行为、营销行为法律行为区别另一种途径同行为者及其目标原先存在的自身利益是否一致有关

    (in relation to)? Another way to consider differences among education, marketing, and law is in relation to the accordance of pre -existing self -interests held by the actor and his target.


  • stevie无偿口头营销大军强大的力量难道麦当劳改为他缠人的手段法律责任嘛?

    Little Stevie and the "unpaid drone army of word-of-mouth marketers" are a powerful force, but should McDonald's be liable for their pestering ways?


  • 所涉法律营销索赔要求谨慎

    The legal implications of marketing claims call for caution.


  • 迈克尔营销自己天才依赖法律援助事情放入法律框架

    Michael was a genius at marketing himself, but he relied on legal help to put things in legal terms.


  • 必须制定完善环境标志制度环境保护法律以便保障绿色市场营销战略实施

    The environmental mark system and environmental protection law must be enacted and consummated in order to guarantee the implementation of the green marketing strategy.


  • 网络营销存在信息风险信用风险、法律风险等。

    There exist information risks, credit risks and risks in law in network marketing.


  • 研究教育行为、营销行为法律行为区别另一种途径同行为者及其目标原先存在自身利益是否一致有关

    Another way to consider differences among education, marketing, and law is in relation to the congruence of pre-existing self-interests held by the target and the manager.


  • 此外还要有关方面授课经验,比如运动心理学社会学休闲服务营销,运动娱乐方面法律问题,和业务操作管理

    In addition, you will have classes in the psychology and sociology of sports, leisure services marketing, legal issues of sports and recreation, and operations management.


  • 造成这种情况原因主要企业商标法律意识淡薄营销网络不完善品牌经营意识淡薄等。

    This is due mainly include: corporate brand awareness of the law weak, imperfect marketing network, brand management and lack of awareness.


  • 然而只是过去20年里网络营销一直享有法律地位

    However, it is only for the past 20 years that network marketing has been enjoying a 'legal status.


  • 停电管理供电企业营销管理重要内容之一,是防范经营风险减少避免法律纠纷的重要环节。

    Blackout management is one of the most important power supply enterprise marketing management and is an important key sector to lookout managing risk and decrease or avoid legal dispute.


  • 组织指责这些玩具不公道带有欺骗性”的营销道具,违反马萨诸塞州德克萨斯州新泽西州、加利福尼亚州哥伦比亚特区法律

    The group claims that the toys are "unfair and deceptive" marketing that violates laws in Massachusetts, Texas, New Jersey, California, and the District of Columbia.


  • 执业译员大多提供为期一天课程法律翻译营销主题系列航空学校

    A school for practicing translators offering a series of mostly one-day courses on topics ranging from legal translation to marketing to aeronautics.


  • 毕业生有机会成为国内外市场营销专家跨国公司的营销顾问以及对国际贸易法律起草提供意见

    Graduates may become professors of marketing at home or abroad, serve as marketing consultants to multinational corporations, and advise governments on the drafting of international trade legislation.


  • 毕业生有机会成为国内外市场营销专家跨国公司的营销顾问以及对国际贸易法律起草提供意见

    Graduates may become professors of marketing at home or abroad, serve as marketing consultants to multinational corporations, and advise governments on the drafting of international trade legislation.


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