• 意识到有些事情需要改变,作为一名伦敦媒体人,他任命自己为“《自然》杂志的营销总监”。

    He realized that something needed to change, and, being a London media type, appointed himself "marketing director from Nature".


  • 加州圣巴巴拉动物园营销总监迪恩·诺布尔表示,这种黑色的交配十分懂得照顾对方

    According to Dean Noble, director of marketing at Santa Barbara Zoo in Californiathis black-bodied bird is the master of post-coitus care.


  • 营销总监第一个措施指示每个销售人员五个最好的客户打电话,亲自邀请他们参观促销活动。

    The marketing director's first measure was to instruct each salesperson to call his or her five best customers and personally invite them to visit the boost.


  • 这个项目一个演示营销总监

    For this project I have made a demo to show to the Marketing director.


  • 销售市场营销总监,是董事会的成员。

    You see Don is Sales and Marketing Director and is on the Board.


  • 劳里·亚当斯·冈萨雷斯宽带论坛营销总监

    Laurie Adams Gonzalez is the marketing director for Broadband Forum.


  • 大杨全球营销总监大卫·玛格里特的一位朋友Iscar的管理层工作。

    David Margalit, Dayang's global marketing director, had a friend who was an executive at Iscar.


  • 陆续担任营销总监全国销售经理总经理高层管理者职务

    Jiang successively has experience of taking high-level management functions, such as marketing director, national sales manager and general manager.


  • 数据哈伯纳公司营销总监安娜·洛佩兹每年一度的雪茄开幕会发布

    The figures were released by its marketing director, Ana Lopez, at a news conference opening its annual cigar festival.


  • 刘先生介绍一下。这位是国际市场营销总监鲍伯蓝道尔先生

    Mr. Liu, I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Bob Randall, Director of International Marketing.


  • 作为Adobe产品营销总监每天都顾客们如何可以他们生产力最大化

    As director of product marketing at Adobe, I speak with customers everyday about how they can better maximize their productivity in the workplace.


  • 该项目的开发Expedia英国在线合作营销总监Alex Gisbert负责

    The project was spearheaded by Expedia UK's director of online partner marketing, Alex Gisbert.


  • 戈德弗雷AMD公司技术营销总监图形产品集团已经确认路径公司愿意

    Godfrey Cheng, AMD's Director of technical marketing, graphics product group, has confirmed that this is the path that the company wants to take.


  • 现在然而首席执行官硅谷旅行的时候往往不带上他们的“市场营销总监”,他们自己培训

    Now, however, chief executives are taking trips to Silicon Valley, often without their "chief marketing officers", to educate themselves.


  • 作为一家计算机软件公司营销总监管理公司社区外展服务项目体会实现别人愿望什么的滋味。

    As a marketing director at a computer software company, he'd gotten a taste of what it was like to grant people's wishes while managing the firm's community outreach program.


  • 那时星巴克营销总监星巴克是一家拥有连锁企业西雅图出售人们回家冲饮的咖啡

    Then, he was marketing director for Starbucks, a chain of four stores in Seattle that sold coffee for people to make at home.


  • 要求营销总监-在本行业管理工作1以上成功案例制定营销计划,有团队优先,薪金面议。

    Required Qualifications and Experience:For sales Director:-At least 1 year managment experience, or has successful stories, the development of marketing plan, teams work have priority.


  • 认为这会阻碍LEDTerryRoberts,Design达拉斯零售咨询公司营销总监

    "I don't think it's going to stop LED lighting, " said Terry Roberts, president of Merchandising by Design, a Dallas-based retail consulting firm.


  • 如果CEO营销总监创意反应良好,在离开房间之前尽力得到购买订单或者下一个合同,西尔·伯格

    If the CEO or marketing director responds favorably to your idea, try your best to get a purchase order or a signed contract ensuring payment before you leave the room, Silberg says.


  • 企鹅出版社任命坎宁安先生担任营销总监后,兰登书屋挖走,请他担任出版社英国分部销售市场总监

    After being appointed marketing director for Penguin Books he was headhunted by Random House, where he became director of sales and marketing for its British operations.


  • 伍尔沃思公司营销总监史蒂文?罗伯特森说:“查尔斯王储卡米拉结婚时候,纪念品的需求量非常。”

    There was massive demand for products when (Prince) Charles and (his second wife) Camilla got married, the company's Marketing Director Stephen Robertson said.


  • 英国旅游局网络营销总监JustinReid表示:“Google合作英国推出街景技术我们非常兴奋

    VisitBritain head of online marketing Justin Reid said: "We're very excited to be working with Google on the launch of Street View in the UK.


  • 迪斯担任市场营销总监时,所在公司的首席执行官专横傲慢,认为自己始终都是正确的,从来不听从其他人的意见。

    When Gaddis was a marketing executive, her chief executive was overbearing, assumed he was always right, and failed to listen to others.


  • 辛格酒店集团(Taj Hotel group)担任过营销总监IHP可以完美结合专业知识企业家直觉

    For Singh, who worked as a marketing executive for the Taj Hotel group for four years, IHP is the perfect vehicle for combining his expertise and his entrepreneurial instincts.


  • 争取客户反馈KarenWoon说,任职于总部位于旧金山prophet公司营销总监,是一个品牌顾问公司在世界个地设有办事处。

    Enlist customer feedback, says Karen Woon, San Francisco-based director of marketing for Prophet, a brand consultancy that has offices worldwide.


  • 福特德国市场营销总监Jürgen Stackmann告诉欧洲汽车新闻姊妹Automobilwoche说:“无论什么车型,买的是奥迪理念。”

    "No matter what model you buy, you always buy the Audi idea, " Jürgen Stackmann, Ford of Germany's sales and marketing director, told Automobilwoche, a sister publication of Automotive News Europe.


  • 讨论当时的非洲协和中进行的,那个房子曾经归已故首席营销总监Abiola所有。之所以长期形成习惯去那里,或是因为我觉得尼日利亚报纸很重要。

    The meeting place was at the then African Concord House, owned by the late Chief MKO Abiola, where I had more or less established a perennial presence not least to read Nigerian newspapers.


  • 讨论当时的非洲协和中进行的,那个房子曾经归已故首席营销总监Abiola所有。之所以长期形成习惯去那里,或是因为我觉得尼日利亚报纸很重要。

    The meeting place was at the then African Concord House, owned by the late Chief MKO Abiola, where I had more or less established a perennial presence not least to read Nigerian newspapers.


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