• 安利业务革新纲要明确营销代表网点负责人职责范围。

    Clear outline of Amway's business innovation network marketing representatives and responsible persons of reference.


  • 搜索营销代表也许是唯一共同平台达到成本效益的方式多样化前景

    Search marketing represents perhaps the only common platform to reach diverse prospects in a cost-efficient manner.


  • 女儿已经收到份工作要约,具体职位市场营销代表是在惠普丑闻爆出之后通过Facebook收到的。

    Ms. McDonald said her daughter has already been offered a job for a marketing representative position that was sent via Facebook after the H-P scandal broke.


  • 家住加利福尼亚州罗莎(Santa Rosa)、现年59岁的葡糖酒市场营销代表迪尔先生,“'从不给松饼满黄油,你就是把黄油搁松饼中间完了。'”

    'She said, 'You never butter them to the edges, you just pat it in the middle, ' says Mr. Caudill, a 59-year-old winery marketing representative in Santa Rosa, Calif.


  • 营销未来策略非常适合软件公司销售代表潜在客户可以互通有无。

    Marketing future strategies are great for software companies where the information is passed between sales reps and potential customers.


  • 不要一个广告销售代表教你任何有关营销的事情。

    Don't ever let an advertising sales rep teach you anything about marketing.


  • 销售营销联盟昌西莫里斯说要慎重考虑便宜并不一定代表长期驯养也很便宜。

    But Chauncey Morris, its sales marketing associate, cautions against thinking a less expensive horse will be less expensive in the long run.


  • 最好说法英特尔描述成一张三只脚分别代表策划技术生产市场营销

    And the best I can say is describing Intel as a three legged stool, and the three legs are design, technology and manufacturing, and marketing and sales.


  • Dumbdumb公司代表营销下一个阶段制作那些人们愿意观看、乐于传播的东西

    Dumbdumb is the next phase in marketing: creating something that people will want to watch and pass around.


  • 名黑客美国市场营销服务公司Epsilon里窃取了电子邮件公司有约2500家公司客户,公司每年代表这些客户负责处理400亿封电子邮件。

    A hacker pilfered e-mails from Epsilon, an American marketing-services firm, which handles 40 billion e-mails each year on behalf of around 2, 500 corporate clients.


  • 一些雇主认为这个站点成了办事拖拉天堂另外一些人认为一个有价值的社交工具它可以用来联系销售代表营销人员其他同事

    While some employers consider the site a procrastinator's paradise, he says, others see it as a valuable networking tool that connects sales reps, marketers, and other employees.


  • 代表包括城市基础设施建设城市规划矿业能源法律金融建筑水力动力教育品牌营销部门公司主管

    The delegation will include chiefs of companies from urban infrastructure, town planning, mining, energy, legal, financial, construction, water, power, education and brand marketing sectors.


  • FM公司好的解决了中小型博客营销问题,15名营销人员代表博客作者广告商谈判,成交后提取40%的佣金

    So FM's 15 sales people negotiate with advertisers on behalf of blogs they represent, keeping 40% of the resulting revenues.


  • 品牌企业产品象征代表,品牌在企业营销活动发挥重要作用

    Brand enterprises and products is the symbol and representative of the brand marketing activities of enterprises play an important role.


  • 顶峰助力营销动力代表言论进行盘点飨读者

    Peak power micro marketing power net is to inventory of representative speech, with readers.


  • 招商银行马蔚华行长作了“不确定性背景下金融品牌营销”的主题演讲引起与会代表热烈反响

    China Merchants Bank governor ma Weihua made "uncertainty in the context of financial brand marketing" of the keynote speeches, the delegates aroused enthusiastic response.


  • 为了指引监督并且激励销售代表发起者负责取得同意的销售,分配备用营销目标

    To direct, supervise and motivate sales Representatives and Promoter under your charge to achieve agreed sales, distribution and in-store marketing objectives.


  • 引起,为了取得约定销售监督并且促进一个销售代表指定的领土发起者,在仓库中想要营销目标

    To lead, supervise and motivate a team of sales Representative and Promoter in the designated territory in order to achieve the agreed sales and desired in-store marketing objectives.


  • IKO公司出品产品成为优质名牌产品代表通过全球营销网络实现用户方便快捷服务承诺

    IKO Corporation produces the product has become the high quality famous brand goods representative, through the global marketing network realization for the user convenient, quick serves the pledge.


  • 除了刚才介绍代表明天的会议还有营销专家参加

    In addition to the representatives I have just introduced to you, we have our marketing expert join us tomorrow.


  • 美国日本压缩机技术遥遥领先于国产品牌并不代表他们营销上面也能始终领先

    The United States and Japan in the compressor technology well ahead of homebred brand, but doesn't mean they in the marketing it can always lead.


  • 星巴克咖啡体验营销杰出代表它出售不是咖啡,而是人们咖啡体验。

    Starbucks coffee is an outstanding representative of experience marketing, selling not coffee but people's experience on coffee.


  • 消费成为主题营销时代物质追求并不代表我们未来的现实生活不再需要精神依托超越

    In the marketing time in which the consumption is main topic, the pursue to goods do not mean that we do not need mind dependent and beyond in the future real life.


  • 网上图书销售作为网络营销具有代表一面,也值得我们探讨

    And the online sale of books, which is representative of on-line marketing, deserves our discussion.


  • 品牌企业产品象征代表,品牌企业的营销活动中发挥重要作用

    Brand is the symbol and the representative of enterprise and product, and the brand plays an important role in the marketing of enterprise.


  • IKO轴承出品产品成为优质名牌产品代表通过全球营销网络实现用户方便快捷服务承诺。

    The IKO bearing product product has become the high quality famous brand goods representative, through the global marketing network realization for the user convenient, quick serves the pledge.


  • IKO轴承出品产品成为优质名牌产品代表通过全球营销网络实现用户方便快捷服务承诺。

    The IKO bearing product product has become the high quality famous brand goods representative, through the global marketing network realization for the user convenient, quick serves the pledge.


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