• 通过螺旋采集数据获取足够信息运用特殊算法重建图形显示模拟监视器

    Through the spiral gathering data gain enough information, the utilization special algorithm, reconstructs the tube the three dimensional graph, demonstrated in simulates on the monitoring device.


  • 针对扫描仪获取噪声数据提出基于局部群点概念去噪算法

    Concerning the point clouds with noises and outliers acquired by a 3d scanner, a denoising method based on the concept of local outlier was proposed.


  • 实现空间数据动态快速准确批量获取一个重要问题在于动态测量过程中传感器工作平台姿态纠正

    In order to acquire a batch production of 3d spatial data dynamically, quickly, accurately, an important problem is attitude rectify of the sensors working platform during dynamic surveying.


  • 利用实时三维容积探头获取容积数据,观察胎儿心脏颜面部、头颅、胸腹部等解剖结构。

    The volume data of the heart, face, head, thorax-abdomen were captured by the volume transducer.


  • 空间数据获取精度直接影响建模精度。

    The accuracy of acquired 3d data exerts direct influence on the accuracy of constructing a model.


  • 方法数据获取设备易用性、模型表示准确性、算法复杂度棒性等方面还存在不少问题矛盾。

    However, there are many problems to be solved with it on the acquisition of 3d data, the accuracy of model representation, the complexity and the robustness of algorithms.


  • 数字化技术概括地说可以分为数据采集表面网格重建表面信息获取三个过程

    Generally three-dimensional digital technology can be divided into data acquisition, surface reconstruction and surface information acquisition process.


  • 本文首先研究地图构建前期算法包括摄像机标定立体视觉匹配高度数据获取几个步骤。

    The prophase algorithms of 3D map building were presented at first involved camera calibration, image rectification and stereo matching, depth data gaining and so on.


  • 由于物理上一些限制一次三维激光扫描不能获取扫描物体全部数据因此扫描点进行拼接

    Due to physical limits, a three-dimensional laser scanning can't acquire all the data object, so to scanning point clouds for stitching.


  • 试验结果获取中,能够得到很难测量的线电极周围放电间隙工件形状数据提出一种新的形状测量方法。

    In order to obtain the 3D data of the discharge gap and workpiece shape from the experimental results, a new measurement is proposed.


  • 盘形凸轮提出计算机编程实现平面零件实物几何数据获取以及模型反求方法。

    This paper took discal cam as an example to bring forward a method of using computer program to get 3D geometric data of planar part and make its model in reverse.


  • 利用机载遥感技术能够同步获取三维位置光谱数据一体化信息

    The integrated information of 3d position and spectral data can be acquired simultaneously with the airborne 3d remote sensing technology.


  • 激光扫描技术能够快速精确多方位获取静态物体模型,并对模型进行进一步的分析数据处理。

    Through Laser 3-dimension Scanning technology the 3-d model of static object can be acquired fast, precisely and multi-directionally, the model and its data can be analyzed and proceed further.


  • 方法同样被用于医学介入手术中,处理图像工作站获取主动漫游数据

    This method is also implemented into medical intra-operation, dealing with data sets acquired from 3d image workstation and active navigation.


  • 研究当前人体数据获取方法各种三维人体建模方法基础上,总结三维服装CAD系统人体模型的建模方法。

    On the base of studying the method of getting 3d mannequin data and all kind of 3d human modeling, this paper has summarized the method of mannequin modeling in 3d garment CAD.


  • 方法同样被用于医学介入手术中,处理三维图像工作站获取主动漫游数据

    This method is also integrated into medical intra-operation, dealing with the data set acquired from 3-d image workstation and active navigation.


  • 获取数字地形成果主要涉及数据采集模式生产流程方面

    To gain the 3d digital topographic results mainly involves three aspects such as the data source, the processing mode and the production procedure.


  • 本文还对坐标转换串口通信数据库技术LOD进行了研究和实验,这些技术也是三维空间数据实时获取处理需要用到的。

    This paper researches and tries coordinates transformation, serial port communication, database and LOD, which are needed when acquiring real-time 3-dimensional spatial data and disposing it.


  • 并采用直接处理彩色传感器获取彩色图像实现彩色数据颜色边界提取方案得到三维彩色数字化模型

    By direct processing of the 2d color images captured by color sensors, the color edge of 3d color data is extracted, and finally, the 3d color digitalization model is constructed.


  • 论文主要内容包括:虚拟城市建模数据获取问题;

    The major study contents of this thesis concludes: the data capture of the virtual city 3D modeling;


  • 获取设置三维图表数据系列之间距离(标记宽度百分比形式表示)。

    Gets or sets the distance between the data series in a 3-d chart, as a percentage of the marker width.


  • 针对三维扫描仪获取模型数据庞大,无法直接使用扫描仪问题,为压缩模型数据量,提出了一种基于三角形折叠网格模型化简方法

    Aimed at the problem that original model data obtained by 3-d scanner are huge and can not be used in real application, a mesh simplify method based on triangle collapse is proposed.


  • 传统信息获取技术相比能够快速、精确接触地完成对于复杂型面的测量三维数据的建模。

    Compared with traditional measurement technology, the laser 3d scanning technology can measure objects with complex surface and give them accurate 3d models quickly and without touching.


  • 通常进行模型重建时,由于受观察方向和物体自身形状的限制,需要分别不同角度获取物体表面三维数据

    Typically, in order to obtain the 3D model of an object, it is necessary to acquire the surface data from different views as the limitations of the observing.


  • 利用地面激光扫描仪获取空间数据进行了三维空间地物建模研究

    Using the spatial data captured via ground-based three-dimensional (3d) laser scanner, a study on three-dimensional modeling of spatial objects was conducted.


  • 如何获取原型实物数据生成模型逆向工程中的重要环节。

    Three dimensional coordinates acquisition and 3D model generation for existing parts or prototypes are the critical techniques in reverse engineering.


  • 激光扫描技术可以直接获取地面三维数据传统测量方法具有高精度密集高效率成本优点。

    The airborne laser scan system for acquiring 3d terrain data directly is better than the conventional survey. There are the advantages of high precision, high density, and high efficient and low cost.


  • 并且模型需要能够获取加热钢坯实时温度数据实现可视化要求,其温度数据可以加热钢坯的不同颜色来直观地显示

    And this model should also can get the real-time 3d temperature data of furnace, in order to realize viewable task, this temperature data can be displayed by different color.


  • 本文主要研究如何数字摄影测量工作站获取的建筑物数据基础开发建筑物三维模型自动生成软件

    In this paper, the main study is the development of auto 3d Moddeling software based on the data that collect through Digital Photogrammetric Work Station.


  • 当前由于接触性、数据获取速度以及测量精度较高等优点,主动式光学测量成为科技领域一个研究热点

    Presently, with the features of non-contact, fast speed and high accuracy, the active 3D optical measurement has been one of the research hot spots.


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