• 那些塞莫皮勇士最后怎样?。

    What happened to the warriors at Thermopylae?


  • 另外一艘唯一适合使用的宇宙飞船莫皮莱号。

    The only other ship to match her was the Thermopylae.


  • 走向微笑五个人每个眼睛都冒着烈火,一如古代坚守莫皮莱的英维的目光,都马吕斯喊道

    He advanced towards the five, who smiled upon him, and each, with his eyes full of that grand flame which one beholds in the depths of history hovering over Thermopylae, cried to him.


  • 当然需要朋友联系·

    Sure, you need to ask your friend to contact Pete Maughan.


  • 拉尔·是一来自厄瓜多尔安第斯山脉高处阿塔瓦尔的贫穷妇女似乎可能产生创业念头

    The idea of starting her own business seemed impossible to Pilar Moya, a poor woman from Atahualpa, high in Ecuador's Andes Mountains.


  • 竞选口号:只要,我就能改变一切但是来说,‘一天’的口气有点太了。

    Mr Spitzer's campaign slogan was "Day One, everything changes", but for Mr Cuomo, Day One is too far away.


  • 开展调查社会与人口趋势项目”的理查德•说:“无论青年中年还是老年人每个人都希望有空余时间自己事情。”

    "Everyone wants free time to do the things they want to do, young, middle-aged or old," said Richard Morin, of the Pew Social &Demographic Trends Project, which conducted the survey.


  • 比·萨拉2004年佛罗里达鲨鱼严重咬伤了跟腱之后尤集团工作她说起初真的喜欢鲨鱼。”

    Debbie Salamone, who went to work for Pew after a shark severed her Achilles tendon in 2004 in Florida, said that at first "I was really not a big fan of sharks."


  • 主角他的死党艾尔·乔迪诺和他的一双儿女克和莎,他们都属于NUMA(国家水下舰队)。

    The heroes are Pitt, sidekick al Giordino and Pitt's son and daughter, Dirk Jr. and Summer, all affiliated with Pitt's National Underwater and Marine Agency (NUMA).


  • 研究发现有趣的是偏爱孩子都有一些严重缺点”,告诉《生活科学》。

    "Interestingly, being the favorite child has some serious drawbacks, research has found," Pillemer told LiveScience.


  • 仍然说明一类孩子会变成妈妈偏爱

    As for which children become Mom's favorites, Pillemer are still figuring this out.


  • 石油公司乔治.尼翁还指出委内瑞拉可能会真的进一步削减美国石油出口因为委内瑞拉依赖美国的消费者,也依赖美国的炼油厂加工原油

    Pinon adds that Venezuela is unlikely to carry out threats of further cuts of exports to the U.S. because it relies on American customers and refineries to process its heavy crude.


  • 哈维左侧开出角球,亨利前点头球后蹭点接应克在蒂亚戈-的拉拽下,完成了跳跃和进球

    Xavi Hernández's corner was headed on by Thierry Henry at the near post and Piqué wriggled free of Thiago Motta's grappling hands to leap and volley home.


  • 1994特森萨里·德斯戴蒙德工作的基础发表了文章,此文章揭示了当失业率增长速度为多快时会引起一个负面的,能够自我强化的循环圈的发生。

    A 1994 paper by Mortensen and Pissarides, which builds on work by Diamond, showed how sharp rises in unemployment can cause a negative, self-reinforcing cycle to set in.


  • 以后,他们有了贝加巴托罗,罗伯托···韦里诺,蒂利亚诺伯爵以及这样的人作为他们的军事指挥官。

    Then they had as their captains Bartolomeo daBergamo, Roberto da San Severino, the Count of Pitigliano, and the like.


  • 现在可以照片自己光辉事业锦上添花,组照片特·阿特拉斯马库斯哥特为了即将六月份发行的《采访杂志拍摄的。

    Now she can add to her repertoire these impressive new photographs, which were shot by Mert Atlas and Marcus Piggot for a spread in the June edition of Interview magazine.


  • 西北大学校长顿·份声明中,“许多西北社团成员这件发生我们校园感到忧心忡忡”,同样如此

    "Many members of the Northwestern community are disturbed by what took place on our campus," Northwestern President Morton Schapiro said in a statement. "So am I."


  • 上个月警方鲁•科洛(lo Piccolo)先生获得了一份类似文件,这份文件让警方着手调查马勒医生协会(该协会否认了黑帮付费),其它一些协会也受到调查。

    Last month a similar document was taken from Mr Lo Piccolo, which has led the police to question, among others, the head of the Palermo doctors' guild (who denies it pays the Mafia).


  • 霍尔特胡拉汉里森巴奈特约翰逊尔金顿德拉埃各1球。

    Leading scorer Holt, Hoolahan, Morison, Barnett, Johnson, Pilkington, De Laet 1.


  • 熟料他话音未落,探险家陆续发现了大猩猩鹿、格米河马大熊猫以及许许多多的大型四足动物,用铁一般的事实反驳了他的论断。

    Then explorers discovered the gorilla, the okapi, the pygmy hippo, the giant panda and the Komodo dragon, among many others.


  • 弥合段感情决定利用周末带着妻子海滩度假

    Pitt to bridge this relationship, the decision to use the weekend with his wife Mona beach vacation.


  • 聘问第二早餐什么时候吃时,苹果了,维果·特森轻轻的苹果他的头部

    When Pippin is being hit with the apples after asking about second breakfast, it is Viggo Mortensen himself chucking the apple at his head.


  • 香槟包含夏敦埃酒,混合着诺,种包含着酚醛葡萄,可以减少发炎或许会保护脑细胞

    Champagne contains chardonnay mixedwith pinot noir and pinot meunier, two black grapes thatcontain phenolic acids, which are thought to reduce inflammation and may protect brain cells.


  • 南非海鸟,蒂真正成为了拉迪亚德•吉卜林《丛林之》里的主人公格利

    In Sea Bird Island in South Africa, Tippi has been branded the real life Mowgli after Rudyard Kipling's hero of the Jungle Book.


  • 同性婚姻各年龄段支持率均稳步上升,研究中心的迈克尔·迪表示,支持率增长幅度最大的是那些1832岁的千禧年一代

    Support has risen steadily among all generations, but Michael Dimock of the Pew Research Center says none more so than millennials those age 18 to 32.


  • 极了,布莱德穿一身

    Molly : It was awesome, Brad wore a leather suite.


  • 黑军团一直紧紧盯着马西·奥多,期盼可以改善球队的后防但是他们十分关注中场球员:他们希望最终能够找到安德烈·尔洛的替代者。

    The Rossoneri have eyed Massimo Oddo for their defensive department, but are also keen on signing a midfielder who could eventually replace Andrea Pirlo in his role.


  • 语言742种以上土语方言。英语金语较为流行。英语和土语议会使用官方语言

    Language: there are more than 742 native languages. Pidgin and English are in common use. English and Motu are the official languages in Parliament.


  • 语言742种以上土语方言。英语金语较为流行。英语和土语议会使用官方语言

    Language: there are more than 742 native languages. Pidgin and English are in common use. English and Motu are the official languages in Parliament.


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