• 许多大亨们都莫斯科郊区普京别墅附近卢布廖富人区。

    Many tycoons live in the wealthy ghetto of Rublyovskoye Shosse, near Putin's dacha on the edge of Moscow.


  • 那些长期莫斯科国立特列季亚科画廊里

    During those years he spent long hours in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.


  • 美国莫斯科大使杰克·马特洛克回忆录这样描述:“那个时候我们看法,戈尔巴乔对它的看法,是我们都赢得冷战。”

    As Jack Matlock, America's ambassador in Moscow, described it in his memoirs, "the way we looked at it at the time, and the way Gorbachev looked at it, was that we all won the cold war."


  • 俄国委内瑞拉合作正在增加,是俄国拉丁美洲敞开怀抱的一部分”,莫斯科拉美学会一位主管弗拉基米尔·戴维多表示

    "Russian cooperation with Venezuela is growing, and it's part of a larger Russian opening to Latin America," says Vladimir Davydov, director of the official Institute of Latin America in Moscow.


  • 1936年,歌剧《无事生非莫斯科赫坦剧院上演,这个歌剧写了一系列歌曲小夜曲,正是这些乐曲使他一下子广为人知。

    The music thatmade him most popular was the set of songs and serenades he wrote for the 1936production of “Much Ado About Nothing” at the Vakhtangov theatre in Moscow.


  • 但在卢日科概念中的莫斯科美丽,通畅,繁华的,商品购得而非赠与

    Noin Luzhkov’s Moscow, beauty, space, and pleasure were commodities to be bought, not given away for free.


  • 俄罗斯外长也说,希望明年春季莫斯科举行另外和平会议继续安纳波利斯会议上开始的努力

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also expressed hope a new peace conference, to be held next spring in Moscow, will continue the work begun at Annapolis.


  • :“卢日科控制莫斯科法院。”

    He said: "Moscow courts are under Luzhkov's control."


  • 车臣人和警察审判莫斯科举行,此涉嫌2006年谋杀俄国记者安娜·波利特·科斯·卡娅。

    The trial began in Moscow of three men, two Chechens and a former policeman, accused of involvement in the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, a Russian journalist, in 2006.


  • 莫斯科东部400公里拉尔沙,安德烈·斯科布利科指着自己的广阔农田,“只要一枚火星片地就会15分钟内踪迹全无。”

    “It would take just one spark and this whole field would disappear in 15 minutes, ” said Andrey Skoblikov, gesturing across a huge grain field at his farm at Larsha, 400km east of Moscow.


  • 而当危机升级时,卢日科却作出离经叛道决定——离开莫斯科国外度假

    As the crisis escalated Mr Luzhkov made the unorthodox decision to leave Moscow for a foreign holiday.


  • 梅德韦杰宏大的计划,他斯科尔——莫斯科的一个特区——创造俄罗斯的硅谷。 他在网络服务巨头思科拉进来,作为一个旗舰公司

    Mr Medvedev has a grand plan to create a Silicon Valley in Skolkovo, a special zone outside Moscow, and is bringing in Cisco, an internet-services giant, as a flagship firm.


  • 诺维科坚持说,那些困扰莫斯科游客随随便便服务正在改善

    Mr Novikov insists that the offhand service that often distresses visitors to Moscow is improving.


  • 雷米·莫斯科科学家列费·布列合作设计了项目,后者空间站研发节能措施

    Remizov collaborated on the project with Moscow-based scientist Lev Britvin, who has developed energy-saving solutions for space stations.


  • 梅德韦杰身为律师莫斯科又一蹩脚审判玷污自己名声之事漠不关心。

    As a lawyer, Mr Medvedev has little interest in being tainted by another sham trial in Moscow.


  • 引人注目案件安德烈.叶拉菲耶----莫斯科特列季亚科画廊当代艺术馆馆长---的案子。

    The most high-profile case is that of Andrey Erofeyev, former head of contemporary art at Moscow's State Tretyakov Gallery.


  • 莫斯科市民包罗丁有意投票梅德韦杰。 包罗丁说:“每个根本了解梅德韦杰普京继承人。”

    The Russian voter says everybody fundamentally understands that Medvedev is Putin's successor, adding that he is very pleased with Putin's policies and considers them to be those of order.


  • 艾尔告知北约南斯拉打击箭在弦上普里马科下令专机掉头,飞莫斯科

    When Al notified him that a NATO attack on Yugoslavia was imminent, Primakov ordered his plane to turn around and take him back to Moscow.


  • 虽然设计不是出于商用目的,也不是正儿八经的飞天车,布尔加科仍然申请专利,莫斯科的“汽车猎奇”车展上展示这辆车

    While it was not designed for commercial sale or flight Bulgakov has patented his creation, which he showed off at the Autoexotics motor show in Moscow.


  • 1993年,科劳改队(距莫斯科240公里),惯犯展示他的纹身,同牢房狱友们发出阵阵低俗的坏

    A recidivist demonstrates his tattoos while his cellmates give a coarse laugh. The corrective labor colony in Kovrov (240 km from Moscow), 1993.


  • 一些观察家认为莫斯科爆炸案正是乌马罗对此嗜血复仇

    Some observers see the Moscow bombings as an act of revenge.


  • 梅德韦杰满口奉承之词地将远东描述最钟爱俄罗斯区域”,并且向那些因囊中羞涩而不能去莫斯科旅行学生表达了他的同情心

    Medvedev flatteringly described the far east as his "favourite part" of Russia, and expressed sympathy with students too broke to travel to Moscow.


  • 除了对如此堂而皇之的谎言表现出震惊以外,科尔索联系了宣导自由莫斯科回声电台并且电台暴料。

    Shocked by the lie, he contacted Ekho Moskvy, a liberal radio station, and went on air to expose it.


  • 利马坚持莫斯科不能接受北约组织承担波兰匈牙利捷克共和国防御义务——正是这几个国家五十年前被强行纳入苏维埃帝国

    Primakov was insisting that Moscow could not accept a NATO committed to the defense of Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic — the very states forced into the Soviet empire 50 years ago.


  • 过去十五年中我们失去莫斯科”,莫斯科国家建筑历史博物馆负责人大卫·萨基斯杨表示

    "During the past 15 years we've lost our Moscow," says David Sarkisyan, director of the Shchusev State Museum of Architecture in Moscow.


  • 过去十五年中我们失去莫斯科”,莫斯科国家建筑历史博物馆负责人大卫·萨基斯杨表示

    "During the past 15 years we've lost our Moscow," says David Sarkisyan, director of the Shchusev State Museum of Architecture in Moscow.


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