• 华盛顿大学工程乔舒亚·史密斯匹斯堡大学的心脏外科医生普拉··邦德希望改变一切。

    Joshua Smith, an engineer at the University of Washington, and Pramod Bonde, a heart surgeon at the University of Pittsburgh, hope to change that.


  • 威廉里斯墙纸设计汽车制造者)认为一种有用又美丽的东西还不曾存在。

    WILLIAM MORRIS (the wallpaper designer, rather than the carmaker) suggested that nothing should have a place that is not known to be useful or believed to be beautiful.


  • 尽管第一比赛但是这场比赛意大利人民车队机械车队总裁蒙特泽·罗带荣誉”这位28岁的西班牙车手获得第22个分站赛冠军后

    It's only the first race, but this is credit to the people in Italy, the mechanics and President [Luca] di Montezemolo, the 28-year-old Spaniard said after recording his 22nd career victory.


  • 2000年罗伯茨在《墨西哥人》片场认识了现任摄影丹尼·德。

    Roberts met her current husband, cameraman Daniel Moder, on the set of her movie the Mexican in 2000.


  • 2010年上海世博会摄影茨 萨拉诺向我们展示了雅克费里尔建筑事务所为上海2010年世博会设计已完工法国一些照片

    Shanghai Expo 2010: photographer Montse Zamorano has sent us some photographs of the completed French Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo 2010, designed by Jacques Ferrier Architectures.


  • “乌兹·别克偶像”:国内知名女商人流行歌手、社交名媛时装设计外交家,就这一系列头衔,恐怕再没有哪个国家能找出与乌兹别克斯坦卡里匹敌的对手。

    Uzbek Idol: Simultaneously her country's best known businesswoman, pop star, socialite, fashion designer, and diplomat, no other country really has the equal of Uzbekistan's Gulnara Karimova.


  • 一些毕业生克雷传统工艺带回了自己家乡著名的美国提琴制约瑟夫柯廷格雷戈‧阿尔夫就受训此。

    Some take the tradition home: two of America’s best-known violin-makers, Joseph Curtin and Gregg Alf, trained in Cremona.


  • “保全十分严密即使到达这里之前还是有一层预保护物,”泰利·,他是美国奥委会的食品相关负责人公共营养

    "The security is so tight that there is pre-screening before it even gets to me," said Terri Moreman, the U.S.O.C. 's associate director of food and nutrition services.


  • 里·这样问,她是博士、精神分析,著有《语言较量:一种看待恋爱关系做出正确选择变革性方法》一文。

    " asks Molly Barrow, Ph.D., a psychotherapist and the author of "Matchlines: A Revolutionary New Way of Looking at Relationships and Making the Right Choices in Love."


  • 营养戈兰斯佩里奇博士接受当地小报24萨塔”采访时表示:“这种饮食规划帮助了并不意味着其他人身上相同结果。”

    Dietician Dr Goran Peric said in an interview in local tabloid "24 Sata" : "it has helped Momir Zmiric, but it does not mean someone else would have the same results."


  • 30才正视这个”Papadopoulos现在他是位于梅诺·尼·威斯康辛大学斯托特分校的一名工程

    "It took me 30 years to put my finger on the big flaw," says Papadopoulos, now an engineer at the University of wisconsin-stout in Menomonie.


  • 雷戈里•埃菲维茨•拉斯普京(Grigori Rasputin ,1869–1916)俄国著名的灵媒信仰疗疾认为超自然力量

    Grigori Rasputin (1869–1916) was a Russian mystic believed by some to be a psychic and faith healer having supernatural powers.


  • 不是魔术不是救世主。”民权组织美国城市联盟 “(National Urban League)马克瑞尔(MarcMorial)如是说。

    He’s not a magician or a messiah,” says Marc Morial of the National Urban League, a civil-rights group.


  • 不是魔术不是救世主。”民权组织美国城市联盟”(National Urban League)马克瑞尔(MarcMorial)如是说。

    He’s not a magician or a messiah, ” says Marc Morial of the National Urban League, a civil-rights group.


  • 摄影森注意到,这些吸毒者贩毒者保鲜膜包裹至少违禁品,随时为可能遭遇的搜查做好准备。

    PhotographerMoxon observed that the addicts and dealers would prepare themselvesfor possibel searches by wrapping their contraband at least 4 times inglad-wrap.


  • 英国券商高林斯特(CollinsStewart分析顿·辛格顿(Morten Singleton)所言:沃达丰印度市场的削弱昭示着“成本计提特殊项目这一事实。

    The impairment on India “suggests costs are being squirreled away as exceptional items, ” said Morten Singleton , an analyst at Collins Stewart in London.


  • 为了撰写《疾病》一书,来自巴勒工程亚历山德罗•卡利(Alessandro Calì)调查了黑手党及其盟友如何加入工程专业领域的圈子上并且成为其他类似圈子的一

    To write “DisOrdini”, Alessandro Calì, an engineer from Palermo, investigated how mafiosi and their allies have joined the engineering profession’s roll and become members of other similar orders.


  • 赛车爱好者知道乔登·F1冠军赛车设计偶然设计过去20年中最快的跑车之一——迈凯轮F1(McLarenF1)。

    Auto racing wonks know Gordon Murray as a designer of winning Formula One cars, who also happened to devise one of the fastest sports cars of the past 20 years -- the McLaren F1.


  • 来自加利福尼亚帕洛斯弗迪斯(PalosVerdes56岁的呼吸理疗史蒂夫•克拉在意2012之后的各种威胁。

    Steve Kramer, a 56-year-old respiratory therapist from Palos Verdes, California, is more concerned about post-apocalyptic raiders.


  • 舒尔茨国家自然史博物馆组织了一次以菲特照片为主题展览,这次展览以“蚂蚁不为人知一面:农夫勇士建筑”。为主题一直延续当年的十月日。

    Schultz coordinated a new exhibition featuring Moffett's photographs at the National Museum of Natural History, "Farmers, Warriors, Builders: the Hidden Life of Ants," which runs through October 10.


  • 里茨表示得益于的“多语言技能”,能够极大的魅力耐心工程销售人员金融分析有效沟通

    This played on his "multilingual skills", says Mr Moritz, where he can communicate effectively with engineers, sales people and financial analysts "with great charm and patience".


  • 芮拉网络游览火狐正是有力挑战者之一,该项目的领衔工程只是一个羞答答19男孩

    Firefox, an Internet browser from Mozilla is one of most powerful Challenger, and the headed engineer of this project is only a 19 - year - old bashful boy.


  • 官方拘留一对哥伦比亚夫妇他们将可可因铸造女鞋样子,以西班牙鞋子设计·伯拉尼克的名字给鞋子取名“罗斯”。

    The officers said they had detained a Colombian couple who molded cocaine into the shape of women's shoes which they dubbed Manolos after the Spanish shoe designer Manolo Blahnik.


  • 服装设计约翰·取材麦夸里的概念画,然后按照自己中世纪盔甲研究,像做拼图一样各个部件拼起来

    Costume designer John Mollo took McQuarrie's concepts and puzzled together how the pieces would fit based on his knowledge of medieval armor.


  • 其中,最喜欢澳大利亚设计莉澳娜·爱德米斯顿设计的一双豹纹露趾高跟鞋调查,最受女性青睐的鞋品牌·伯拉尼克。

    Her favourite is a pair of leopard-print, peep-toe heels from Australian designer Leona Edmiston, but the brand favoured by more than any other of those surveyed was Manolo Blahnik.


  • 今年名33岁建筑名叫亚力克斯德·奥利韦拉

    The "King Momo" this year was a 33-year-old architect. His name was Alex DE Oliveira.


  • 今年名33岁建筑名叫亚力克斯德·奥利韦拉

    The "King Momo" this year was a 33-year-old architect. His name was Alex DE Oliveira.


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