• 国作家和演讲者肯尼斯·罗宾逊爵士在 TED 上谈到了这个。他讲述了吉安·妮的故事。吉安·妮是一个舞蹈演员和编舞,曾出演过著名的音乐剧《猫》和《歌剧魅影》。

    British author and speaker Sir Kenneth Robinson talked about this at TED. He told the story of Gillian Lynne, a dancer and a choreographer (编舞者) who has worked on famous musicals like Cats and Phantom of the Opera (《歌剧魅影》) .


  • 流行小说包括·消失女孩丹尼尔·斯蒂尔的《母亲罪恶》等畅销书

    "Popular" fiction included best-sellers like "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn, and Danielle Steel's "The Sins of the Mother”.


  • 随着罗茜·汉丁顿-惠特·斯嘉丽·约翰逊纷纷选择剪短发,短发成为当下热门发型。

    The crop is the hottest thing in hair right now as Rosie Huntington-Whitley, Lily Collins and Scarlett Johansson all go for the chop.


  • 但是索尔那时候,现在也是有钱出口商人,做火腿奶酪生意,而亚跟娱乐界曾经有过的故事格的“间谍机构”得好好的

    But Sol was, and is, a prosperous importer of hams and cheeses, and any connection he or Miriam ever had with show business is well hidden by the Salinger counterintelligence apparatus.


  • 绝大多数没有识别谎言的能力,但是心理学。奥沙发现极少部分每次发现说谎时产生的微表情。

    The vast majority of people don't notice those flickers of falsehood, but psychology professor Maureen o 'sullivan has found a few that can find the fibbers nearly every time.


  • 凯勒了解,英国人就曾使用加特机枪血洗苏丹埃及尼日利亚北部地区以及用之打击祖鲁部落

    The British, according to Julia Keller, used Gatlings to turn the map pink in Sudan, Egypt and northern Nigeria, as well as to mow down Zulu tribesmen.


  • 是否意味着叫佩孩子可能大街的叫奥薇、艾米麦迪逊孩子一样常见呢?不,可能不是这样的。

    Does that mean baby Palins could be as common as the Olivias, Emilys and Madisons down the road? Nah. Probably not.


  • 在地上扭曲着条蛇——奈提准备——夸里奇举起加特机枪——怪兽向他发起了进攻——,砰,砰!

    It lands, twisting back on itself almost like a snakeZuleika gathers for a leap as — Quaritch raises the gatling gun and — the manticore launches at him and — P-P-P-POOM!


  • 女演员·贾德宇航员巴兹·奥尔,名人们纷纷透露他们忧郁斗争的事情。

    Celebrities from actress Ashley Judd to astronaut Buzz Aldrin have revealed their struggles with gloom.


  • 最近几年而言,相关影片包括2008年BBC系列连续剧传奇》,2007年•佛斯主演大片最后兵团2004年由凯拉•奈特和克里夫•欧文主演的《亚瑟王》。

    Recent years have witnessed the 2008 BBC series Merlin, 2007's Colin Firth blockbuster The Last Legion and 2004's King Arthur, starring Keira Knightley and Clive Owen.


  • 恩•文斯〔JULIELYNN EVANS〕,著名英国精神医疗师,治疗问题儿童方面功力深厚,且鞠躬尽瘁

    JULIE LYNN EVANS, a well-known British psychotherapist, deals with troubled children with remarkable devotion and insight.


  • 洛夫·洛克把这个观点称为盖亚[7],并于1972年微生物学家·马基·斯[8]一起公布了这个观点,以接受科学评判。

    Lovelock called this view Gaia. Together with microbiologist Lynn Margulis, the two published the view in 1972 so that it could be critiqued on scientific terms.


  • 来自华盛顿特区1Sky支持者,艾·吉特ElleCayabyabGittlin)的口号:“气候变化不等气候立法,不要等到为时已晚。”

    1Sky supporter Elle Cayabyab Gitlin of Washington, DC composed the winning #1Climate tweet: "Climate change won't wait for legislation that's late: #1climate"


  • 我伸长头颈观望,就是犹太中心奈芮门大楼,布鲁克比伽弗雷。霍尓兹伯格妻子卡就是在这儿杀害的。

    That was the Nariman House, where a rabbi from Brooklyn, Gavriel Holtzberg, and his wife, Rivka, were killed.


  • 姬琪金字塔顶层等待回归告诉自己

    Jhiqui and Irri would be waiting atop her pyramid back in Meereen, she told herself.


  • 于是学校我们访问我们看着游泳然后游泳池边她的故事

    Then the school took us to interview LinLi. We watched her swim and then sat around the pool listening to her story .


  • 之后是他的三个妹妹布赖恩娜·雷,3l盎司;布斯利·费伊,3磅13盎司巴克利·娜,42盎司。

    After Robert Jared came his three sisters: Brianna Rae, 3 pounds 1 ounce; Briusley Faye, 3 pounds 13 ounces; and BuckleyLenay, 4 pounds 2 ounces.


  • 这些客人当中的很多人包括一名英国勋爵查尔斯•金福特·史密斯先生阿梅·埃尔哈特、查尔斯·德伯格,曾直接这个庄园降落这里私人飞机跑道上。

    Many of these guests, including a British Lord, Sir Charles Kingsford-Smith, Amelia Ear hart, and Charles Lindbergh, flew to the ranch, landing on the private airstrip.


  • 甚至塞丽娜头上毛球或者起源于新娘母亲丁香花饰?

    Or even the fur ball on Serena Linley, or the lilac curlicue sprouting from the mother of the bride?


  • 现在伯爵已经出去我们寻找新的力量之源

    Already, Lady Liadrin seeks a new source of power for our order.


  • 所有一切无不我们这个故事中的女主人公阿什·洛)感到万分的荣幸仿佛“天生好运”的光环时刻笼罩头上

    All this makes us this story all the heroine ASHLEY Sally (lindsay lothrop Korea) are very pleasure, as if "natural" good luck "halo moment is shrouded in her head.


  • 他们布拉德·皮特安吉娜·茱丽黛米·摩尔阿什顿·库切尔以及子爵子爵夫人等夫妇共同登上《名利场》杂志的“最佳穿着排行榜”。

    They rub shoulders in the magazine with other best dressed couples such as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, and Viscount and Viscountess Linley.


  • 他们布拉德·皮特安吉娜·茱丽黛米·摩尔阿什顿·库切尔以及子爵子爵夫人等夫妇共同登上《名利场》杂志的“最佳穿着排行榜”。

    They rub shoulders in the magazine with other best dressed couples such as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, and Viscount and Viscountess Linley.


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