• 目的了解住院患儿抗生素频率评价合理性

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the administration frequency of antibiotics and evaluate its rationality in hospitalized children.


  • 抑制程度基本取决于他们浓度,给频率患者体表面积皮肤屏障能力。

    The extent is generally related to their potency, frequency of application, the patient's body surface area, and the skin's ability to act as a barrier.


  • 结果:本法有效地采购间隔期内库存量控制7库存量加速医院资金周转减少频率

    Results: with this method, the drug stocks can be controlled within 7 days during the purchasing period, accelerating the hospital's capital turnover, lessening the frequency of purchases.


  • 身体产生该种物品行为的耐受)性,从而导致上瘾者不断加大剂量频率达到同等效果

    The body develops a physical tolerance to the substance or activity, so people with addictions so people must take larger and larger amounts of a substance to feel the same effects.


  • 医生使用秋水仙碱治疗FMF已有多年因为根据研究显示可降低FMF发作频率这一治疗方法从未正式批准

    Physicians have prescribed colchicine for FMF for many years based on studies showing that it reduced the frequency of attacks but use of colchicine for FMF had never been approved.


  • 方法:对我院1998 ~ 2002年口服血糖应用频率消耗金额进行统计分析。

    Method: The frequency and sum of money in consumption of oral hypoglycemic agents during 1998-2002 were analysed.


  • 该机振动频率分钟3000 ~ 3600振幅小只有0.5 ~1可以使用粘性分,筛分效率高。

    Machine vibration frequency high, 3000 ~ 3600 times per minute, amplitude small-only 0.5 ~ 1, can be used in the viscous drug screening points, its screening efficiency.


  • 通过计数器计数前后心肌细胞搏动频率变化

    The changes of the myocardial beat frequency before and after administration were counted.


  • 目的观察不同辅助脑电双频谱指数(BIS)和边缘频率(SEF)影响。

    Objective To observe the effects of different adjuvants on bispectral index (bis), spectral edge frequency (SEF) of electroencephalogram during lumbar anesthesia.


  • 依据音频共振原理利用共振频率内耗两个音频参数的共同作用,快速在线检测室容积,并用此法与传统的“水称重”法进行理论和实验对比分析。

    Based on the principle of sonic resonance, resonant frequency and damping capacity are used as two parameters to test the volume online quickly.


  • 神经活动研究表明大鼠膈神经电活动振幅频率出现了兴奋抑制过程

    SD rat diaphragm nerve electric activity research indicates: Give medicine group rat diaphragm nerve electric activity amplitude, frequency course that suppress after appearing first excited of rat.


  • 所记录原始结果包括比较联合安慰剂组所得各种原因引起死亡,以及对恶化频率健康状况肺活量检查数值。

    The primary outcome was death from any cause for the comparison between the combination regimen and placebo; the frequency of exacerbations, health status, and spirometric values were also assessed.


  • 相关分析显示,患儿生活质量父母焦虑癫痫数量、首次发作年龄、发作频率病程等显著相关(P<0.05)。

    Parental anxiety, the number of AEDs, onset age, seizuring frequency and duration were significantly associated with quality of life of children(P<0.05).


  • 文献中涉及的证方剂总数总数、各使用频率、用分类主要采用频数分布进行统计分析。

    The type of syndrome, the recipe total count, medicine total count, medicine utilization frequency and medicine categorization were analyzed with frequence distribution method.


  • 两种使用报告频率最多不良反应呕吐,依拉鲁相比依克肽组持续呕吐的发生要稍轻些

    Nausea was the most commonly reported adverse event with both agents, with slightly less persistent nausea in the liraglutide group than in the exenatide group.


  • 结果静脉输液生命体征测量晚间护理肌内注射口服操作频率较高

    Results The analysis to the data demonstrated high frequency in intravenous transfusion, measurement of life signs, morning and evening nursing, muscular injection and oral medication.


  • 模型综合生理学模型和室模型优点提出了血浓度衰减频率因子。

    It has the advantage of physiological pharmacokinetics model, its kinetic parameters have anatomic and physiological meanings, and its solution can be expressed succinctly like the atrium model.


  • 大多数品来源正常。医疗目的使用、多使用、使用频率高、从非正常渠道获得、使用后有特殊感觉容易获得的情况必要进行进一步调查

    Further and necessary investigations should be conducted on non-medical use, poly-drug use, frequent use, non-normal resources, special feeling after using, easy obtainment etc.


  • 方法:调查院2003~2006年初发生梗死住院患者病历统计分析其用情况。结果:该院应用频率较高的有脱水利尿、抗血小板聚集、改善脑血循环及支持治疗

    METHODS: Medical records of patients in who acute cerebral infarction occurred for the first time in a hospital during 2003~2006 were analyzed statistically in respect of drug use.


  • 方法:调查院2003~2006年初发生梗死住院患者病历统计分析其用情况。结果:该院应用频率较高的有脱水利尿、抗血小板聚集、改善脑血循环及支持治疗

    METHODS: Medical records of patients in who acute cerebral infarction occurred for the first time in a hospital during 2003~2006 were analyzed statistically in respect of drug use.


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