• 研究人员已经知道,对于药物环境毒素营养变化老鼠回应可以完全不同人类的。

    And researchers have learned that mice can respond really differently than humans do to a drug, an environmental toxin or a change in nutrition.


  • 骨髓血小板生成量降低可能由于药物毒素再生障碍性贫血肝纤维化原发性恶性肿瘤或骨髓造血障碍

    Decreased production of platelets in the marrow may be caused by drugs, toxins, or by primary marrow disorders such as aplasia, fibrosis, or hematopoietic malignancy.


  • 这些研究人员设计出一种帮助身体细菌毒素药物

    What these researchers have designed is a drug that helps the body mop up bacterial toxins.


  • 医生多用调整心率药物,并用根(一种药材)诱导呕吐以排空内食物,内服药活性炭吸收胃中残留毒素

    A doctor might prescribe a drug to bring your heartbeat back under control and try to induce vomiting with ipecac, pump your stomach or absorb the toxin with ingested charcoal.


  • 事情发生的经过:对夫妻本来是剂量使用这种致命毒素(肉毒杆菌)治疗斗鸡眼其他眼部肌肉疾病的,而他们发现药物的一些副作用

    What Happened: The couple were using small doses of a deadly toxin to treat "crossed eyes" eyelid spasms and other eye-muscle disorders when they noticed an interesting side effect


  • 异常反应骨髓衰竭感染药物毒素造成中性粒细胞减少可能导致继发细菌感染。

    Abnormal response, such as neutropenia from marrow failure, infections, drugs, or toxins, is likely to result in secondary bacterial infections.


  • 人本药业生物毒素生产研究药物开发一体生物制药企业。

    The medicine man is a biological toxin production, research and drug development in one of the bio-pharmaceutical companies.


  • 目前为止,各种各样可造成胆汁淤积原因包括遗传代谢炎症以及药物毒素导致疾病医生诊断某种特定疾病带来挑战

    Until now, the broad array of causes of cholestasis including genetic, metabolic, inflammatory and drug- or toxin- induced disorders, created a challenge for physicians to diagnose a specific disease.


  • 这种基因能生成一种蛋白质,这种蛋白质能把毒素排出细胞外,这也是肿瘤细胞化疗药物产生抗药性主要原因

    The gene makes a protein that pumps toxin out of cells, and is a major cause of the resistance that tumors often develop toward chemotherapeutic agents.


  • 癌细胞上,NRF 2活性疯狂增强,细胞内毒素包括化疗药物彻底清除。

    In cancer cells, NRF2 activity runs amok, sweeping away all cellular toxins, including chemotherapy agents.


  • 帮助降低发生用药量不当可能性毒素产品更换了正式药名(通常作为药物通用被提及)。

    To help reduce the potential for dosing errors, the botulinum toxin products have changed their established drug names (often referred to as the drug's "generic" name).


  • 环境毒素或是遗传敏感性可能也是病因。药物疗法必须谨慎规划结合耐药性副作用延迟作用。

    Environmental toxins or genetic susceptibility may account for some cases. Drug therapy requires careful scheduling and combinations to delay development of tolerance and side effects.


  • 同时应该考虑中草药药物的肝毒素反应

    Hepatotoxic reactions to herbal remedies or drugs also merit consideration.


  • 免疫毒素近年来新兴种特异性靶向治疗药物毒素蛋白载体两部分构成。

    Immunotoxin is a novel class of targeted agents in recent years, which is composed of toxin fragment and antibody or cytokine.


  • 目的评估各种药物口腔厌氧菌毒素降解作用

    Objective To evaluate the effect of drug on chemical degradation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from oral anaerobes.


  • 目的介绍目前国内应用KTA 检测注射抗菌药物细菌毒素研究情况,同类研究提供参考

    Objective:To introduce the research of using KTA to analyse for bacterial endotoxins of antibacterial for injection at present, and offer reference for similar research.


  • 目的观察A毒素(BTXA)去除面部皱纹疗效探讨BTXA皮肤除皱方法及降低药物副作用的发生。

    Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of botulinum toxin type a (BTXA) injection in the treatment of facial wrinkles and to explore the method in reducing the side effects associated with BTXA.


  • 虽然老鼠肝部基因恢复活力不会 转它们其他方面的老化,但是有助于这些老鼠的肝脏药物新陈代谢清除毒素

    The genetic rejuvenation won't reverse other damage caused by time for the mouse, but could help its liver metabolize drugs or get rid of toxins.


  • 一种便携式检测系统(PTS)能够检测医疗设备生物产品药物中的内毒素污染,能够用于各种环境,包括太空船

    A portable test system (PTS) can detect endotoxin contaminants in medical devices, biologic products, drugs, and can be used for other applications, including spacecraft missions.


  • 基因药物研究应用基因芯片技术、基因毒素反义药物肿瘤治疗中的应用的研究进展做综述

    In this paper, a review is presented, which contains the application and development of gene drug in the tumor therapy in several directions such as DNA. microarray, gene toxin and antisense drug.


  • 及早准确使用破伤风毒素血清,交替使用安定氯丙嗪药物控制抽搐严密观察病情和精心护理该病治愈关键。内容来自“岁月联盟”

    Early using proper tetanus antitoxin, replace using valium and wintermin and so on medicines to control convulsions, careful observation and careful nursing are critical to cure neonatal tetanus.


  • 我们现在利用毒素分子无毒性部位其他药物靶向药物或者成像药物与纳米微粒结合起来。

    We are now using a nontoxic part of the melittin molecule to hook other drugs, targeting agents, or imaging compounds onto nanoparticles.


  • 基因药物研究应用,基因芯片技术、基因毒素、反义药物肿瘤治疗中的应用的研究进展做综述

    In this paper, a review is presented, which contains the application and development of gene drug in the tumor therapy in several directions such as DNA.


  • 表鬼臼毒素2″,3″二脱氧糖苷新型衍生物其制备方法作为药物应用及其抗癌治疗的应用。

    Amine derivatives of epipodophyllotoxin 2', 3'-dideoxyglycosides, preparation method therefor and use thereof as drug and for treating cancer.


  • 目的:利康颗粒治疗药物损伤毒素水平疗效探讨

    Objectives: To explore the efficiency of Lidankang Keli in treating Drug-induced liver injury.


  • 毒素A作为小儿瘫痪的一种新型辅助治疗药物,已越来越多受到临床医师的关注。

    Botulinum toxin type a (BTX-A) is a new auxiliary treatment in the management of spasticity in children with cerebral palsy.


  • 结果麦冬药物血清明显保护HUVEC减少毒素对其诱导的凋亡作用

    RESULT The pharmacological serum can effectively protect HUVEC and decrease apoptosis induced by endotoxin.


  • 化疗药物放射性物质以及生物毒素单克隆抗体偶联得到单克隆类药物

    Monoclonal antibody agents can be obtained by coupling the chemotherapy agents, radioactive materials, biotoxin and monoclonal antibody.


  • 发明公开了板蓝根制备防治毒素血症药物中的应用以及一种板蓝根颗粒在制备防治内毒素血症药物中的应用。

    The invention discloses an application of radix isatidis in preparing medicine curing endotoxemia and an application of radix isatidis particle in preparing medicine curing endotoxemia.


  • 治疗方面,除了常规的口服药物治疗外,肉毒毒素注射、支具固定制动行为治疗等特殊方法好的疗效

    Current treatments such as botulinum toxin injection, immobilization and behaviour therapy have shown good effects on some patients.


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