• 这种法治尽管药物可以延缓病情发展

    There is no cure for the disease, although drugs can slow down its rate of development.


  • 它们能够降低医学倒退发生率或者延缓倒退-抵消相转换医学形式但是药物并不能够改变这些症候

    They can reduce the incidence of relapse or extend time between relapses in the relapsing-remitting form of MS but symptoms are not changed by the drugs.


  • 官员们正在调查昂贵品牌药物销售者是否正在一起策划延缓便宜学名药上市

    Officials are investigating whether sellers of expensive branded pills conspired together to delay the launch of cheap generic rivals.


  • 生物衰老如何延缓衰老潜在里程碑式研究中,一种药物使老年小鼠延长相当于人类13寿命

    In a potentially landmark study on the biology of aging and how to delay it, a drug gave elderly mice the human equivalent of thirteen extra years of life.


  • 在患有轻度痴呆症病人中,服用剂量药物的病人相比服用药物的病人的功能衰退显著延缓

    Patients with a mild version of the disease who took a high dose of the drug had a slower rate of decline than those who did not.


  • 事实上现在正在研发某些药物可以真正做到延缓脑细胞受损的过程延缓死亡不过我不清楚这种药物是否已经供应市场

    In fact, there are drugs being developed right now - who knows if they'll ever make it to the market - that may actually slow down the process of brain-cell injury and death.


  • 维生素通常被认为抗衰老特性,在隐形眼镜内部形成一个网眼延缓药物释放过程,确保药物可以眼睛里停留长的时间。

    The vitamin, which is normally associated with anti-ageing properties, forms a mesh inside the lens, which slows the release of the drug, ensuring it spends much longer in the eye.


  • 药物延缓症状段时间没有很好的治疗方法不能治愈

    Drugs can delay symptoms for a while but there is no good treatment and no cure.


  • 有些研究者仅仅为了延缓衰老而健康身上试验雷帕霉素其他任何药物都会引起严重担忧

    And some researchers say there would be serious concerns in testing rapamycin, or any drug, in healthy people just to slow aging.


  • 为了更健康,很多人求助于医生、自己读些医学书籍或使用辅助药物忽略了抵御疾病抑郁情绪加快康复延缓衰老、延年益寿的重要武器他们朋友

    Herbal supplements. But they overlook a powerful weapon that could help them fight illness and depression, speed recovery, slow aging and prolong life: their friends.


  • 这些药物有时通过不同形式延缓痴呆症状进展

    The drugs can sometimes delay progression of the symptoms of dementia, which can take many different forms.


  • 科学家希望他们发现可以最终研发出阻断基因药物延缓中止癌细胞生长

    The scientists hope their findings will eventually lead to the creation of drugs to block the gene, which may slow down or stop the growth of cancer cells.


  • 多项研究显示这种药物不能预防治疗艾滋病,但是可以延缓病征出现时间。

    Several studies have shown that AZT can delay the onset of symptoms, thought it doesn't prevent or cure the disease.


  • 如果发现人体上证实,研究者或许就能以此开发出相关药物延缓痴呆的发生,甚至减轻老年时正常认知能力下降

    If the findings translate to humans, they may one day lead to drugs that stave off dementia or even the normal cognitive declines of old age.


  • 食物特别是食物延缓排空速度(从而也延缓药物吸收速度),这也就是为何某些希望迅速奏效药物空腹服用的原因。

    Food, especially fatty foods, slows gastric emptying (and the rate of drug absorption), explaining why some drugs should be taken on an empty stomach when a rapid onset of action is desired.


  • 单纯药物放疗联合药物治疗不能阻止髋关节病变病情进展,放疗联合药物治疗有延缓髋关节病变病情进展趋势。

    Both pure drug therapy and X-ray radiotherapy combined with drug therapy can not stop the progress of hip joint involvement but X-ray radiotherapy combined with drug therapy can postpone it.


  • 此外同样有人关注到,去年由于全民医疗服务体系(NHS)实施定量供应监护人举措痴呆病人拒绝给予延缓他们病程药物

    There have also been concerns in the last year that dementia patients could be denied drugs to slow down their progression, because of a move by NHS rationing watchdogs.


  • 此外同样有人关注到,去年由于全民医疗服务体系(NHS实施定量供应监护人举措,痴呆病人拒绝给予延缓他们病程药物

    There hae also been concerns in the last year that dementia patients could be denied drugs to slow down their progression, because of a moe by NHS rationing watchdogs.


  • 发表于美国实验生物学会联合会(FASEB)杂志这项发现可能有助于开发延缓人类衰老预防癌症药物疗法

    This discovery, published online in The FASEB Journal, could help lead to drugs and treatments that slow human aging and prevent cancer.


  • 这种药物针对细胞关键信号途径从而阻滞延缓肿瘤生长

    Such drugs target key signaling pathways within cells that can stop or slow tumor growth.


  • 寻找延缓老化有效药物探讨其防治机理具有重要的现实意义

    It is great practical significance to find an effective medicine to delay the aging of brain, as well as discussing the mechanism of prevention and treatment.


  • 金黄色葡萄球菌耐药性日趋严重,加强耐药性的检测合理使用抗菌药物,可以延缓避免药菌株出现

    To avoid the occurrence of resistance of S. aureus, it is critically important to monitor the drug resistance of S. aureus and use antibacterial agents rationally.


  • 本文研制了水飞蓟素缓释片延缓药物释放减少给药次数提高患者顺应性

    In the present study, silymarin sustained-release tablets were developed to delay the drug release, reduce dosing frequency and improve patient compliance.


  • 结论药物治疗基础上,采取综合性干预治疗明显提高治疗效果延缓并发症发作

    ConclusionOn the basis of medication, the comprehensive interventions may improve the efficacy remarkably and delay the attack of complications.


  • 最新研究表明一种来源于位于太平洋已经消失那个雕刻石像民族神秘家园——复活节岛上药物可能成为第一延缓人类衰老物质

    A drug originating on Easter Island, the mysterious South Pacific home of a lost statue-building people, may become the first substance to slow down human ageing, new research indicates.


  • 提高明胶浓度进一步延缓药物释放度。

    The rate of release can be slowed down by increasing the concentration of gelatin.


  • 作为一种折衷措施一些患者选择时间服用药物而后停止,以此延缓几年疾病损害进展。

    As a compromise measure, some patients opt to take medication for a short time, staving off for a few years the damage the illness will cause.


  • 适量红酒阿斯匹林摄入可以延缓年龄相关性耳聋的发生减少由于噪音一些药物引致的失聪。

    Moderate consumption of red wine or aspirin may delay the onset of age-related deafness and reduce hearing loss caused by loud noise and some antibiotics.


  • 包括I.A。维生素c绿茶提取物延缓心血管疾病药物组合物。

    Pharmaceutical composition comprising I. A. vitamin c, magnesium, green tea extract for retarding cardiovascular diseases.


  • 早期并发症阶段,只需进行药物治疗延缓其进展,并配合小幅度生活方式调整

    When complications are found early, you might only have to take medication to prevent progression of the disease. Only minor lifestyle changes may be necessary.


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