• 巴拉其他数百农民不断移除他们部分茶树,换成肯尼亚茶叶研究基金会Tea Research Foundationof Kenya)开发的新品种茶树

    Kibara and hundreds of other farmers have been removing some of their tea bushes and planting a new kind of tea developed by the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya.


  • 巴拉先生其他上百农民拔掉了他们一部分茶树,换成另肯尼亚茶叶研究基金会开发的新品种茶树

    Mr. Kibara and hundreds of other farmers have been removing some of their tea bushes and planting a new kind of tea developed by the Tea Research Foundation of Kenya.


  • 商家高价收购那些茶树采摘下来茶叶甚者,高价收购在森林采伐中幸存下来的“茶树”上采摘的茶叶

    Sellers charge a premium for batches picked from older plants or, even better, fromwild teatrees that have survived the deforestation that scars much of the region.


  • 是因为当时茶叶经常野生茶树制成。

    That's because the tea then was often made from wild tea leaves.


  • 林奈学会这个问题糊涂并不奇怪,因为之前没有个欧洲亲眼见过茶叶种植或是活着茶树进行研究

    Given that to that point no European botanist had seen tea growing or evaluated it in its living state, the Linnaean Society's confusion on the subject is understandable.


  • 两种茶叶都产同一茶树区别茶叶加工过程不一样——绿茶烘干前没有进行发酵

    Both teas come from the same plant; the difference is the way the different teas are processed. The green tea in not fermented it has been dried.


  • 这里不使用杀虫剂,而是电子灭虫器来保护茶树免受叶蝉其它茶叶害虫的侵害。

    Instead of pesticides, bug-zappers protect the crop from leafhoppers and other tea-loving pests.


  • 结果表明目前该地区的茶园土壤环境按农业土壤环境质量监测标准分析基本适合种植茶树生产符合卫生质量标准的茶叶

    The results show that: at the present, these soils are suitable to planting tea tree and to producing tea that suit health standard based on monitoring standard of environment quality.


  • 最近十多年来茶树分子生物学研究茶叶科学活跃进展最快领域

    Molecular biology of tea plant is one of the most active and kinetic research fields of tea science in the last decade.


  • 茶叶土壤含硒量、茶叶采摘季节茶树品种等因素共同影响结果。

    Thus, se content in tea is resulted from a common function of soil se, tea harvesting season and tea cultivar.


  • 研究丰富茶叶精深加工内容具有重要理论意义,对指导特色茶树资源利用工作具有实用价值

    Also, the thesis had important theoretical significance to enrich the theory of tea fine processing, had practical value to guide the application of special tea resources.


  • 国内外许多研究人员认为茶叶香型主要取决于茶树品种

    A lot of domestic and international researchers thought that the fragrant types of tea mainly depended on the tea varieties.


  • 茶叶油茶籽茶树不同物质它们容易混淆

    Tea seed oil, oil - tea camellia seed oil and tea tree oil are different matters, and they are easily confused.


  • 茶树原产地我国茶叶工作者多年调查研究已经充分证实我国

    Though years of inspection and investigation by the Chinese tea specialists it has already been fully proved that the origin of tea plant is in China.


  • 采用原子吸收方法对谷城五山镇的玉皇剑茶叶以及生长土壤中的10微量元素进行测定

    The qualities of 10 microelements were determined in tealeaf, tea plant leaf of "Jade Emperors sword" and soil in Wushan Gucheng.


  • 茶叶香气密切相关个基因茶树不同部位叶片中表达表达类型存在明显差异。

    The expression intensity and pattern of these genes, which are closely related to tea aroma, are different in the young shoot.


  • 功夫茶中国种浓茶,茶叶茶树顶部第五最大的一片叶子

    Answer:A grade of Chinese black tea, obtained from the fifth and largest leaf gathered from a shoot tip of a tea plant.


  • 含水量减少,从而影响茶树生化成分造成茶叶减产以及茶叶品质下降

    Decrease of the water content of new shoot influences the chemical components and brings the yield and quality decrease.


  • 方法能使茶树生长旺盛获得更多的优质茶叶

    The method enables tea trees to grow more exuberantly so as to obtain more high-quality tea.


  • 茶树中的生化成分决定茶叶品质优次以及茶叶的适制性,从而决定了茶树品种资源利用价值茶叶经济效益

    The biochemical components in tea fresh leaf decide the quality of tea and the tea type for tea fresh leaf, and also determine the value in use of tea germplasm resources and economic benefit.


  • 主要茶叶香菇竹笋木耳猴头菇、茶树灵芝蜂蜜各种天然食品鲜品

    Mainly has: Tea, shiitake mushroom, bamboo shoots, auricularia auricula, hedgehog hydnum mushroom, tea tree mushroom, ganoderma lucidum, earth honey and so on each kind of natural food, fresh.


  • 结果表明茶树是富能力较强植物,影响茶叶浸出主要因素茶叶的富氟量及泡茶方式

    The results show that tea trees can accumulate fluorine and fluorine content in extraction of tea is decided on the fluorine accumulation in tea and the ways of making tea.


  • 新的茶树必须生长可以采摘茶叶三十茶树茶叶一般不再生长。

    A new tea plant must grow for five years before its leaves can be picked. At 30 years of age, it stops producing leaves.


  • 方法土壤茶园施用无机肥,经茶树生物转化,制备茶叶

    Methods: The Se enriched tea was produced by fertilization of sodium selenite through biological transformation of tea tree in low Se content soil.


  • 茶叶SOD分析表明,不同品种茶树SOD同工谱有差异。

    The SOD isoenzymes of shoots was analysised that their SOD activity was different among various varieties.


  • 白茶——白茶茶树新芽或者嫩尖制成的。茶叶经过的工序阻止氧化

    White tea — White tea is tea made from new growth buds and young leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis. The leaves are steamed or fried to inactivate oxidation, …


  • 春兰是从福建省农科院茶叶研究所茶树品种资源圃铁观音自然杂交后代中,经系统选育而成的一个优质早生乌龙茶新品种。

    Chunlan, selected from progenies of natural hybrid of Tie Guanyinkept in the germplasm garden of Tea Research Institute, was a newly bred Oolong tea cultivar with early-growth and high-quality.


  • 比较十九个茶叶样品所泡制的茶汤中铝形态分析结果讨论了其揭示茶树生长环境和茶叶制作工艺的信息。

    Al speciation analytical results of 19 tea infusions are compared. The possible sources for Al in the tea samples are discussed.


  • 同时4农药茶树田间自然降解动态农药茶叶加工过程中的降解进行了研究。

    At the same time, the natural degradation dynamics of 4 pesticides on tea new shoots as well as the degradation rate of 4 pesticides during oolong tea processing were studied.


  • 同时4农药茶树田间自然降解动态农药茶叶加工过程中的降解进行了研究。

    At the same time, the natural degradation dynamics of 4 pesticides on tea new shoots as well as the degradation rate of 4 pesticides during oolong tea processing were studied.


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