• 我们一同回顾苹果系列标志性产品

    We take a look back at Apple's most iconic products


  • MacBook Pro确苹果系列佼佼者,专业人士无疑需要最快大型的掌上系统,而款便是苹果能为其提供的不二选择。

    The MacBook Pro is really Apple's creme de la creme, the no-compromises laptop for the Apple professional that absolutely needs the fastest, biggest portable system Apple has to offer.


  • 苹果公司这些问题立场斯诺登事件出现形成,在之后,公司开始采用系列技术,这些技术在默认情况下使用者的数据加密限制他人访问

    Apple's stance on these issues emerged post-Snowden, when the company started putting in place a series of technologies that, by default, make use of encryption to limit access to people's data.


  • 专利申请引发更多关于苹果的离奇留言,但是不可否认,最近已经系列围绕平板相关技术行动

    Patent applications have kindled more bizarre Apple rumors than I can count, but there has been an undeniable cluster of activity around tablet-oriented tech as of late.


  • Podolny雇佣了商业教授组成团队针对近年苹果重要决定写作一个系列内部案例研究

    Podolny has hired a team of business professors to write a series of internal case studies about Apple's most significant decisions in recent history.


  • OmniFocus系列8:工作流设备Thanh展示每个苹果设备工作流具有不同功能

    OmniFocus Series Part 08: Workflows and devices: Thanh shows how each Apple devices has a different function within a workflow.


  • 就在今年包括iPhone3g照片以及iPod Nano最新产品组合等一系列苹果产品的详尽资料都互联网上被泄漏出来。

    This year, advance details about a number of Apple products spilled onto the web, including photos of the iPhone 3g and the latest lineup of iPod nanos.


  • 索尼vaio系列笔记本电脑也改变了苹果的同类产品一枝独秀的局面。

    Sony’s Vaio notebook computers offer an alternative to Apple’s laptops.


  • 凑巧是,几个曾有传言苹果会为21.5-27寸尺寸iMac系列产品增加型号.

    The latest news adds weight to the once-idle rumors circulating in recent months that Apple plans on adding a third iMac model to its current range of 21.5-inch and 27-inch iMac offerings.


  • 最新系列法律争议中涉及到苹果公司

    It is the latest in a series of legal wrangles involving Apple.


  • 纽曼表示,苹果公司消费电子领域主宰地位面临系列竞争者挑战其中一些牵涉苹果公司有关的大型诉讼

    Newman says Apple's dominance in consumer electronics faces serious challenges from its competitors, some who are involved in a number of high-profile legal battles with Apple.


  • 一些植物中(包括苹果)能提取出系列化学物质,用于对抗阿尔兹·海症方面前景。

    A group of chemicals made by some plants, including in apple skins, have promising characteristics in fighting Alzheimer's.


  • 苹果公司的成功就此触发了一系列疯狂革新

    Apple's success has triggered a frenzy of innovation.


  • 苹果优势植根于系列因素

    Apple's strength stems from several factors.


  • 斯蒂夫•乔布斯成为亿万富翁是因为人们喜欢苹果产品;J•K•罗琳地下室塞满了魔法金币因为上百万买了哈利波特系列小说

    Steve Jobs is a billionaire because people love Apple’s products; J.K. Rowling’s vault is stuffed with gold galleons because millions have bought her Harry Potter books.


  • 周前苹果加州联邦法院起诉三星,称其侵犯自己一系列知识产权

    A week earlier it had been sued by Apple in a California federal court for violating a broad range of Apple's intellectual property rights.


  • 在这系列的事件中,诺基亚可谓先发制人,他们首先苹果一状,指控苹果贪小便宜拒绝向3G有关的专利的持有者诺基亚公司缴纳技术授权费用。

    The actions were originally triggered by Nokia suing Apple for refusing to license allegedly valid patents for 3G and thus skimping on royalty payments.


  • 进行一个苹果-苹果比较(apples-to-apples comparison)”,我们使用系列第 1部分开发应用程序使用Cappuccino 重写

    To make an apples-to-apples comparison, we will take the application we developed in Part 1 of this series and re-write it using Cappuccino.


  • 三星发言人表示苹果侵犯了三星移动通信技术领域系列专利

    According to a company spokesman they allege that Apple infringed on a series of Samsung patents covering mobile communications technology. Specifically.


  • 九月史蒂夫健康状况已可支撑他出席苹果iPod系列年度更新发布会。

    In September, Steve was healthy enough to speak at Apple's annual refresh of its iPod line.


  • 可是到2010年为止,苹果i系列产品所有处理器苹果制造

    Until 2010, none of the microprocessors in Apple's i-products were designed or made by Apple.


  • 报道显示由于苹果Macbook系列产品订单将占去广达大部分产能,因此广达苹果的合作关系得到进一步的加强。

    The reports appear to indicate the relationship between Apple and Quanta continues to develop, as MacBooks account for a larger portion of the manufacturer's capacity..


  • 苹果究竟会不会以iPodiPhone规模再研发系列创意的产品,还是一个未知数

    It is unknown whether Apple has a pipeline of innovative new products on the scale of the iPod or iPhone.


  • 当然并非越大就会越对于苹果来说升级到大屏是个很不错决定——毕竟苹果唯一错过潮流就是没有为iphone系列换上大屏。

    Bigger isn't always better, of course, but it's high time the Apple iPhone gets a bigger screen - about the only thing that's been missing from the popular product the last few years.


  • 苹果Macbook系列笔记本使苹果高端PC市场处于一个赢利增长地位这个市场上一笔记本价格动辄数百美元

    Apple's Macbooks have given it a lucrative and growing position at the high-end of a PC market where most of the machines sold are commodities priced at a several hundred dollars.


  • 实际上除了去年推出款低端MacBook笔记本电脑,苹果公司整个笔记本电脑产品系列目前使用了内置电池

    In fact, Apple's entire line of laptops now USES sealed batteries, except for one low-end MacBook model from last year's series.


  • 最近一次官司去年12月底诺基亚要求美国国际贸易委员会禁止包括iPhone在内苹果公司系列产品进入芬兰。

    The latest suit, filed in late December, asks America’s International Trade Commission to ban various Apple products, including the iPhone, from entering the country.


  • 三星芯片业务得益于苹果Iphone芯片IPad平板电脑使用,当然包括自己银河系列智能手机

    Samsung's chip business is also benefiting from strong demand for mobile processor chips used in Apple's iPhone and iPad tablet as well as its own Galaxy smartphones.


  • 三星芯片业务得益于苹果Iphone芯片IPad平板电脑使用,当然包括自己银河系列智能手机

    Samsung's chip business is also benefiting from strong demand for mobile processor chips used in Apple's iPhone and iPad tablet as well as its own Galaxy smartphones.


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