• 苹果公司大部分iPhone手机中国制造的。

    Most of Apple's iPhones are made in China.


  • 苹果签约合作使中国联通获得一个强大的工具市场领先者那里争夺年轻手机用户

    A deal with Apple would give China Unicom a powerful tool to poach young mobile users from the market leader.


  • 本周一些中文报道暗示苹果正在研发支持中国移动TD-SCDMA制式无线网络手机

    Several Chinese language news outlets hinted this week that Apple is developing phones for China Mobile’s TD-SCDMA’s wireless network.


  • 苹果首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯(SteveJobs)正在与全球最大手机运营商——中国移动谈判,商讨如何iPhone带到更多科技越来越感兴趣的中国消费者手中。

    Apple CEO Steve Jobs is personally negotiating with China Mobile, the world's largest cell phone carrier, to bring the iPhone to an increasingly tech-hungry Chinese market.


  • 富士康中国雇佣了一百万组装各种消费设备包括苹果手机但是工人工资攀升很快

    Foxconn currently employs 1m people in China to assemble a whole host of consumer devices, including Apple's iPhone, but workers' wages are climbing rapidly.


  • 几个中国电信董事长王晓初表示,该公司正在就引入iPhone手机一事苹果公司进行磋商,现在看来形势正越来越明朗化

    A few months ago China Telecom Chairman Wang Xiaochu signaled that his company was getting in touch with Apple to launch the iPhone, and that scenario appears to be getting closer.


  • 诺基亚苹果拥有机会生产能成功打进中国印度市场智能手机

    Nokia has a better chance of producing a successful smartphone than Apple does of penetrating the Chinese and Indian markets.


  • 苹果公司中国延迟推出最新产品的这种做法盗版产品制造商销售山寨苹果智能手机提供了机会

    The release delay provided opportunities for pirated goods manufacturers to sell falsified Apple smartphones. False Apples can be found Apple’s Sanlitun store in Beijing.


  • 中国联通(China Unicom)下个推出第三移动通信(3G)服务时,希望苹果公司(Apple)达成协议,3年内中国独家销售iPhone手机以此为贺

    When China Unicom launches third-generation telecommunications next month, it hopes to celebrate with a deal to sell Apple's iPhone exclusively in the country for three years.


  • 苹果公司(Apple Inc .)距离扫除中国销售iPhone手机障碍一步。中国公司尚未涉足主要手机市场之一。

    Apple Inc. is getting closer to clearing the hurdles to start selling iPhones in China, one of the last major phone markets Apple has yet to tap.


  • 中国世界最大手机市场苹果公司中国的唯一官方代理商是中国联通(China Unicom,中国第二移动运营商)。

    Officially, Apple sells iPhones in the world's largest cell phone market only through China Unicom (CHU), the country's second largest carrier.


  • 苹果公司中国市场推出iPhone3gs手机要比美国延迟近两年,深受欢迎的iPhone4手机则延迟9个月。

    The company's iPhone 3gs arrived in the Chinese market almost two years later than in the US, while the popular handset iPhone 4 had a nine-month delay.


  • 多数人都知道其中家:苹果公司(iPhone的制造商)、RIM公司(黑莓手机的制造商),但对第三家却闻所未闻:中国中兴公司

    Most people know two of them-apple, maker of the iPhone, and Research in Motion (RIM), maker of the blackberry-but not the third: ZTE of China.


  • 由于苹果公司设备并不支持中国移动自主研发的TD - SCDMA标准,因此,iPhone 4手机的移动用户无法享受到3G网络高速服务

    But because Apple's device doesn't support China Mobile's home-grown TD-SCDMA standard, those customers aren't getting 3g speeds.


  • 本月早些时候,曾传言称,中国移动苹果公司签订协议代理下一代iPhone手机,使用户可以通过中国移动的网络享受高速互联网冲浪的乐趣。

    According to a rumor widely circulated earlier this month, China Mobile has already signed a deal to carry a next-generation iPhone that would deliver high-speed Internet access to its network.


  • 苹果目前面临主要问题大批制造优质手机中国本土竞争对手

    The main problem Apple is facing at the moment is a slew of Chinese competitors that make high-quality phones.


  • 上海戴尔公司正在中国最大搜索引擎百度公司联合开发平板电脑手机瞄准主导目前中国市场苹果公司和联想设备

    SHANGHAI - Dell Inc is partnering China's top search engine Baidu Inc to develop tablet computers and mobile phones, targeting the Chinese market now dominated by Apple Inc and Lenovo devices.


  • 尽管苹果三星中国依然流行,越来越多人转向购买更便宜中国品牌这些本地手机只有几分之一的价格、却拥有差不多卖点

    Although Apple and Samsung are still hugely popular in China, many people are turning to cheaper domestic brands to acquire the same bells and whistles at a fraction of the price.


  • 作为全世界最大智能手机市场中国苹果季度营收中所占比例15.9%。

    The largest smartphone market in the world, China accounted for 15.9 percent of Apple's revenue in the last quarter.


  • 看看苹果公司是否会被迫中国移动让步顾客一起分担手机补贴费用

    He wants to see whether Apple is forced to yield to demands by China Mobile that it split the cost of its handset subsidies with customers.


  • 之前报道中国苹果公司只为客户维修有损坏其他问题的手机零件,而在其他国家却对提供更换手机服务。

    The initial report claimed Apple repaired only broken or otherwise faulty parts within its products for customers in China, versus providing new replacements in other countries.


  • 中国苹果一度财富时尚象征,许多中国每年都要换新款智能手机,于凯并非

    In China, where Apple has been a signifier of wealth and fashion, and where many Chinese update their smartphones each year, Mr. Yu is not an outlier.


  • 中国苹果一度财富时尚象征,许多中国每年都要换新款智能手机,于凯并非

    In China, where Apple has been a signifier of wealth and fashion, and where many Chinese update their smartphones each year, Mr. Yu is not an outlier.


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