• 菲尔斯现在仍然苹果大学教书

    Phills continues to teach at Apple.


  • 可能文章引人入胜趣闻关于一个叫做苹果大学项目

    And perhaps the most fascinating tidbit from the article is about a program called Apple University.


  • 苹果电脑公司首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯当年斯坦福大学演讲谈到死亡,那次演讲被认为是近年最好的演讲之一

    Apple Computer CEO Steve Jobs' address at Stanford University that year, in which he talked about death, is also considered one of the best in recent memory.


  • 来自英国诺丁汉大学研究发现,一个星期吃了超过五个苹果,他们的功能会有所改善哮喘症状也会减少

    A study from the University of Nottingham found that people who ate more than five apples a week had improved lung function, less wheeziness and fewer asthma-like symptoms.


  • 宾州州立大学调查显示,本身具有苦味的欧防风苹果等会释放乙烯气体水果一起存放变得更苦

    Parsnips, which have a strong flavor to start with, can become bitter when stored near apples and other fruits, which produce ethylene gas, according to research from Penn State University.


  • 诺丁汉大学研究显示,每星期五个苹果以上会更加健康,而且不容易得气喘

    A study from the university of Nottingham found that people who ate more than five apples a week had improved lung function, less wheeziness and fewer asthma-like symptoms.


  • 这项美国佛罗里达州立大学展开研究涉及了160名女性研究对象,她们要求每天2.7盎司(75)的苹果李子干,吃的时间点随自己的便。

    The study, conducted by researchers atFlorida State University, involved 160 women who were randomly assigned to eatabout 2.7 ounces (75 g) of dried apples or prunes (dried plums) daily.


  • 根据密歇根大学美国客户满意度指数》(ACSD)报道,苹果连续年在PC行业超越竞争对手获得了86分(总分100评级指数。

    For the seventh straight year, Apple has topped its competitors in the PC industry in the University of Michigan's American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI), achieving a score of 86 out of 100.


  • 牛津大学出版社业务开发版权总裁Evan R . Schnittman:“苹果有意放弃电子书市场,但认为一市场重要。”

    "Apple is consciously skipping the e-book market," said Evan R. Schnittman, vice President for business development and rights at Oxford University Press. "I think it's pretty significant."


  • 由于工薪阶层父母无力承担学费,这个无限循环1号(苹果公司总部所在地——译者注)的奇才进入里德大学个月便退学

    The future wizard of One Infinite Loop dropped out of Reed College after just six months because of the undue financial strain it placed on his working-class parents' savings.


  • 这位苹果帝国天才人物在里德大学学习了个月便辍学了,因为读书所需高昂费用令那身处工薪阶层父母不堪重负。

    The future wizard5) of One Infinite Loop6) dropped out of Reed College after just six months because of the undue7) financial strain it placed on his working-class parents.


  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校梅尔特教授苹果公司还有其他一些公司的商业战略写了本书

    Rumelt wrote a book that examines the strategies of businesses such as Apple.


  • 斯坦福大学苹果公司好莱坞天才吸铁石这些天才正是为何加州风险投资总额等于其它所有之和的原因。

    From Stanford and Apple to Hollywood, it is a magnet for talent, which is why venture capitalists invest about as much money in California as in all other states combined.


  • 一些硅谷顶级经理星期日晚上斯坦福大学聚会纪念苹果公司创始人乔布斯天才一生

    Some of Silicon Valley's top executives were set to gather at Stanford university on Sunday evening to celebrate the life and genius of the Apple founder Steve Jobs.


  • 匹斯堡加利福尼亚大学科学家发现,拥有“S形”身材女性那些苹果形”竹竿身材的女性聪明。

    Scientists at the Universities of Pittsburgh and California found that women with large hips and small waists are cleverer than those with either "apple-shaped" or linear bodies.


  • 中学生都苹果II型机搬回家了,大学使用穿孔卡片

    So while high school kids had Apple IIs at home, the universities were still using punch CARDS.


  • 学术领域如果平板设备没有满足大学需要或者学生们正在使用其他计算设备兼容,那么苹果可能会求得大学给予支持上遇到困难。

    In the academic arena, Apple could face hurdles wooing universities if the tablet doesn't meet their needs or isn't compatible with other computing devices that students are using.


  • 现在,这里,我们完整用文字呈现了现任苹果CEO提姆库克奥本大学开学典礼上演讲

    Here's the complete transcript of then Apple CEO Tim Cook's Auburn commencement speech.


  • 已经使用苹果公司iTune款颇为流行的在线音乐服务软件)存储亚利桑那州立大学播客文件(Podcsts)。

    He is already using Apple's iTunes, a popular online-music service, to store the university's podcasts.


  • 最具有说服力例子莫过于行业偶像人物,苹果公司的创始人乔布斯沃茨尼亚克,微软创始人盖茨他们是一些大学辍学者,讲究学历的社会很可能永无出头之日

    This is amply demonstrated by industry icons like Apple’s Jobs and Wozniak and Microsoft’s Gates, all college dropouts who might not have emerged in a qualification-conscious community.//


  • 最具有说服力例子莫过于行业偶像人物,苹果公司的创始人乔布斯沃茨尼亚克,微软创始人盖茨他们是一些大学辍学者,讲究学历的社会很可能永无出头之日

    This is amply demonstrated by industry icons like Apple's Jobs and Wozniak and Microsoft's Gates, all college dropouts who might not have emerged in a qualification-conscious community.//


  • 时候Compaq公司的销售额不仅远远苹果公司而且总部设德克萨斯州因此奥本大学的足球场很近。

    Not only was Compaq performing much better than Apple, it was headquartered in Texas and therefore closer to Auburn football.


  • 大学辍学乔布斯一边旅行一边工作自己的高中朋友斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克在自家的车库里创建了苹果电脑公司。

    After dropping out of college, traveling and working, Jobs and high school friend Steve Wozniak formed Apple Computer from Jobs's parents' garage.


  • Azusa Furushima,22岁大学HELLO KITTTY中也一个苹果手机,已经35个应用程序包括节食打字等。

    Azusa Furushima, a 22-year-old college student, who has an iPhone in a glittery Hello Kitty case, says she already has about 35 apps, including those for dieting and practicing typing.


  • 很多世界顶级公司微软戴尔苹果金考,还有很多其他的公司都是年青的大学创建的。

    Many of the world's top companies, such as Microsoft, Dell, Apple, Kinko's, and many more were started by college kids.


  • 很多世界顶级公司微软戴尔苹果金考,还有很多其他的公司都是年青的大学创建的。

    Many of the world's top companies, such as Microsoft, Dell, Apple, Kinko's, and many more were started by college kids.


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