• 了夺取抗击新型肺炎战争的胜利,许多英雄献出他们的了生命。

    In order to win the new pneumonia Resistance War, many heroes lost their lives.


  • 伦敦·特拉法加广场本周一上演了不同寻常新式艺术秀除了战争英雄和国王的重要雕像之外,广场上还有一个空基座,数名公众轮流上面站立小时

    London's Trafalgar Square got an unusual new artwork to go alongside its historic sculptures of war heroes and Kings Monday — an empty plinth where members of the public stand for an hour at a time.


  • 托马斯·斯通威尔·杰克逊(1824- 63)战争英雄,同时也是美国内战(1861 - 65)时期南方成功将军之一。

    Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson (1824-63) was a war hero and one of the South's most successful generals during the American Civil war (1861-65).


  • 每当空想愿意变成事实,那时一声召唤,便立即进行战争,但不是老百姓的作风,这些民族不是时刻有着英雄烈士气质

    Waging war at every summons and every time that Utopia desires it, is not the thing for the peoples. Nations have not always and at every hour the temperament of heroes and martyrs.


  • 他们荣誉谢谢上帝,他们的尊严,他们的光明,他们的天才不是那些赌鬼似的英雄征服者战争赌局中下的赌注。

    Their honor, thank God! their dignity, their intelligence, their genius, are not numbers which those gamblers, heroes and conquerors, can put in the lottery of battles.


  • 2008年美国正经历着两场战争巴马第一认识到,社区组织者战胜一个真正共和党战争英雄需要一定勇气

    Mr Obama would be the first to admit that it took a certain audacity for a former community organiser to run against an authentic Republican war hero in 2008, when America was at war on two fronts.


  • 约翰·肯尼迪战争英雄普利策获得者,整个五十年代,都美国参议员

    [Brief introduction to the speaker]: John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) John F. Kennedy was a war hero, a Pulitzer Prize [1]-winning author, a U. S. Senator for most of the 1950s.


  • 加拿大政策选择中心——加拿大智囊团——珊佳娜•哈托图瓦声称以与猛虎组织战争胜利缔造者战争英雄的身份出现。

    Sanjana Hattotuwa, of the Centre for Policy Alternatives, a Colombo think-tank, says he will present himself as the architect of the victory over the Tigers and as a war hero.


  • 场以前线最为安全如果这样一个前线的话,以平民房屋最为危险战争中,谈不上什么英雄行为

    There will be no heroics in a war where the safest place will be the front line, if there is one, and the most dangerous the houses of our civilian population.


  • 海伦遭诱拐就成了特洛伊战争直接起因。这场战争吞噬了所有希腊武士生命,也因此结束英雄时代

    Helen's abduction28 became the righteous29 and immediate cause of the Trojan war, which consumed30 the lives of Greece's warriors, thus ending the age of heroes.


  • 影院消失四年李安今年秋季回归,带来一部讲述美国年轻战争英雄的扣人心弦的影片或许该片能令加入奥斯卡的角逐中去。

    After a four-year absence from theaters, Ang Lee will return this fall with a searing film about young American war heroes that may land him in the Oscar race.


  • 《战火英雄》一集则由英国演员拉基•卡比主演关注战争科技应用以及科技如何淡化杀人现实

    While Men Against Fire stars English actor Malachi Kirby, its theme focusing on the application of technology in warfare and how it can distance us from the reality of killing other human beings.


  • 参加过抗美援朝战争老兵们共聚长春万达国际影城一同观看英雄儿女》,缅怀那段峥嵘岁月。

    Once joined Korean War's veterans copolymerization Changchun ten thousand to reach the international cinema city, watches "Heroic Children" together, cherishes the memory of that eventful years.


  • 战后岁月里索姆河成了个典型,证明着战争带来巨大浪费战争本身的毫无意义,它不仅象征战争幻灭,也象征着英雄主义这概念的幻灭。

    In the postwar years, the Somme exemplified the waste and futility of battle, symbolizing disillusionment not only with war, but with the very idea of heroism.


  • 我们真的帕帕诺依达塑造几分动作片英雄样子,”《克隆人战争》的总监戴夫·洛尼,“坏人抓了家人就追踪他们枪声大作。”

    "We actually made Papanoida into kind of an action hero," says Dave Filoni, supervising director of the Clone Wars. "the bad guys have his family, and he goes after them, blasters blazing."


  • 敬爱的战争英雄天使圣多芬领导着议会,一个由天使牧师学者所组成,以决定继承猎鹰帝国帝位团体。

    The beloved Archangel and war hero Sandalphon leads the Conclave of the New Dawn. This assembly of Angels, priests and scholars, must decide who will inherit the Falcon crown.


  • 但是相反这个不幸已经取得许多难以置信成功足球明星,一名战争英雄和一个百万富翁

    But, instead, this unlucky man has achieved lots of incredible success, he is a football star, a war hero, a pingpang star, a millionaire, and later a strong runner!


  • 古希腊按摩运动员之前之后训练竞争草药用按摩,恢复他们用尽战争英雄

    In ancient Greece massage was used by athletes before and after training and competing, herbs and oils were used with massage to restore their exhausted war heroes.


  • 记得我做练习的第一片段Midnight”,JimiHendrix一首伟大表现战争英雄的歌。

    The first piece I remember doing this with was "Midnight", a great Jimi Hendrix song that appears on War Heroes.


  • 不知道英雄联盟如何换皮肤。即使我们庆祝今晚,我们知道,明天挑衅最大的我们有生之年-战争地球处于危险,严重的金融危机一个世纪

    For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring become the greatest of our lifetimetwo wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.


  • 故事中的英雄就是安德鲁·罗文个送信美国陆军一位年轻中尉当时西战争爆发

    The hero of the story, the man who carried the message, was Colonel Andrew Summers Rowan, who, when the Spanish-American War broke out, was a young lieutenant in the United States Army.


  • 二战结束之际,美国陆空司令亨利·阿诺德(Henry Ar nold)将军宣布道,“我们赢得了战争,这场战争中是由无数英雄驾驶飞机而换来。”

    At the end of the war General Henry "Hap" Arnold, the chief of America's army air forces declared: "We have just won a war with a lot of heroes flying around in planes."


  • 1964年的越南战争奖励其今年早些时候战争中表现出来英雄精神,来自纽约索哲提斯的陆军上尉罗杰尔·堂伦授予此次战争中的第一荣誉勋章

    1964 - Vietnam War: For his heroism in battle earlier in the year, Captain Roger Donlon of Saugerties, New York is awarded the first Medal of Honor of the war.


  • 创作思想首先来自英雄幻灭人生体验战争创伤契合自身感受形成悲剧意识

    His idea of creation came first from his own experience of the vanished heroism. The innermost grief resulting from the war accorded with his personal feeling and that formed his tragic thinking.


  • 英雄飞跃战斗姿态股票电荷冷却时间,剑圣战争使者人才使英雄的飞跃,用于任何立场可能战斗

    Heroic Leap will be usable in Battle stance and shares a cooldown with Charge, but the Juggernaut and Warbringer talents will allow Heroic Leap to be used in any stance and possibly while in combat.


  • 英雄飞跃战斗姿态股票电荷冷却时间,剑圣战争使者人才使英雄的飞跃,用于任何立场可能战斗

    Heroic Leap will be usable in Battle stance and shares a cooldown with Charge, but the Juggernaut and Warbringer talents will allow Heroic Leap to be used in any stance and possibly while in combat.


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