• 克尔顿、斯科特阿蒙森他们巨大的英雄主义,使新大陆阴影中浮现那个英雄时代,一个世纪已经一去不复返了。

    By their tremendous heroism, men such as Shakleton, Scott, and Amundsen caused a new continent to emerge from the shadows, and yet that heroic age, little more than a century old, is already passing.


  • 20世纪早期随着同时代相关联人被一个来自德国入侵者战斗英国英雄扯上关系,公众兴趣开始上升,海教授说道。

    And in the early 20th Century there was an upswing of interest as contemporary analogies were drawn with a British hero fighting invaders from Germany, Prof Higham argues.


  • 希腊已有世纪长的,诗学教育传统,可回溯几个世纪荷马,赫西奥德,他们,英雄美德公民生活确立了典范。

    The Greeks already had a century's long tradition of poetic education going back centuries to the time of Homer and Hesiod that set out certain exemplary models of heroic virtue and civic life.


  • 霍顿·考尔菲德特拉维斯·比考可算得上是20世纪美国文化值得纪念英雄人物。

    Holden Caulfield and Travis Bickle rank as two of the most memorable antiheroes of 20th century American culture.


  • 20世纪70年代90年代,一直是全球票房号召力影星之一,并成了男子气概好莱坞动作片英雄主义的代表。

    He became one of the biggest box office draws in the world from the 1970s to the 1990s, as well as an icon of machismo and Hollywood action heroism.


  • 回顾20世纪70年代,三分之英国人收看世代游戏一个具有英雄的、让人感到沉闷的电视游戏节目

    BACK in the 1970s, a third of Britons routinely tuned into the "Generation game", a heroically drab television game show.


  • 近年来,背景设为19世纪20世纪古装剧追捧,它们反映了那个视为更加具有英雄气概由于模糊道德界限没那么细致的时代的怀念

    In recent years the popularity of costume dramas set in the late 19th or early 20th centuries reflected nostalgia for an age seen as more heroic, less nuanced by fuzzy moral boundaries.


  • 如今的萨尔蒙德正努力搬来另一位世纪苏格兰英雄罗伯特·布鲁斯,希望依样画葫芦能为的苏格兰民族党抹上同样的奇幻色彩。

    Now he seems bent on using another medieval Scottish hero, Robert the Bruce, to work the same magic for his Scottish National Party (SNP).


  • 20世纪福克斯公司这部新片之前的超级英雄电影一样讲述漫威漫画人物故事嗖的一下成了摇钱树

    This latest release from 20th Century Fox tells the story of yet another Marvel comics character, and like its superhero predecessors, it too was an instant moneymaker.


  • 如果马其顿英雄雕塑方式得以纪念,当然它们占总人数更多阿尔巴尼亚人也应该享有更多的空间(土生土长的特雷莎修女世纪英雄斯坎德培已经代表建筑了)。

    And if Macedonian heroes are to be celebrated in statue form, surely space can be found for a few more Albanians (Skopje-born Mother Teresa and Skanderbeg, a medieval hero, are already represented).


  • 部影片出现之前,人们很少把这座城市浪漫联系起来罗马作为几个世纪以来西方文明中心英雄浪漫之地

    Before the film the city seldom was associated with romance. Rome, the centre of Western civilization for centuries, had been a city of heroes rather than lovers.


  • 这个时刻虽然已经过去半个世纪,但是历史不能不提,英雄应该被忘记

    Although this time has past half a century, the history should be mention and the heroes can't be forgotten.


  • 华特·迪士尼一个传奇人物,是20世纪平民英雄

    Walt Disney is a legend; a folk hero of the 20th century.


  • 十九世纪发明家英雄

    In THE 19th century, inventors were heroes.


  • 自此以后,直至整个20世纪社会性别女性英雄指认中国女性有着不解之缘。

    From then on, through the entire 20th century, gender female-hero assignment had indissoluble bond with the Chinese females.


  • 英雄事迹自己到了本书里《23实际的生活马上荣获诺贝尔全部奖,称为23世纪优秀的作家,数学家科学家以及发明家

    My heroic deeds by their own written a book, "23 real life" immediately won the Nobel Prize in all, also known as the finest 23-century writing, mathematicians, scientists and inventors.


  • 直到20世纪晚期,英国美国人(可以扩大多数欧洲美国人)他们祖先到达新大陆正面英雄壮举。

    Until the late 20th century, Anglo-Americans (and by extension most European-Americans) regarded their ancestors' arrival in the New World as a heroic and positive movement of people.


  • 上周日,1500群众聚集19世纪民族解放英雄西蒙·玻利瓦尔雕像前。

    More than 1,500 people gathered around a statue of 19th century liberation hero Simon Bolivar on Sunday and posed nude for a U.


  • 不知道英雄联盟如何换皮肤。即使我们庆祝今晚,我们知道,明天挑衅最大的我们有生之年-场战争地球处于危险,严重的金融危机一个世纪

    For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring become the greatest of our lifetimetwo wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.


  • 20世纪60年代开始,通过书籍电影学校中的学习白求恩中国已经成为了一位伟大的民族英雄

    Since the 1960s through books, movies, and study in the schools, Bethune has become a national hero in China.


  • 据说,19世纪有一英雄战场上回来受了,于是镇上的人也一起跛行以庆祝胜利

    In the nineteenth century, they say, a hero returned home from battle wounded in the leg, and the townspeople celebrated his victory by limping with him.


  • 第三时期2002年至今银幕英雄形象世纪以来中国电影商业化运作再次进行全新的探索。

    The third period referred to the movie heroic images from 2002 till now. Since the new century, the Chinese movie's commercial development reached a climax.


  • 拜伦英雄源于18世纪诗人拜伦作品中的某些主人公海明威英雄海明威作品中的一系列主人公。

    The term Byronic Hero originates from the heroes in works of Byron, a poet in the 18~(th) century; Hemingway Hero refers to a series of heroes in Hemingway's works.


  • 拜伦英雄源于18世纪诗人拜伦作品中的某些主人公海明威英雄海明威作品中的一系列主人公。

    The term Byronic Hero originates from the heroes in works of Byron, a poet in the 18~(th) century; Hemingway Hero refers to a series of heroes in Hemingway's works.


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