• 英国剑桥郡斯韦夫西市温迪·罗斯韦尔自家后院,亲眼目睹了一场现实的《猫和老鼠》。

    In his backyard, Wendy Roswell of Swaves West, Cambridge, England, witnessed a realistic version of "Tom and Jerry".


  • 牛津高中校长迪斯·卡莱尔,为英国普通中等教育证书烦恼没有任何意义因为不能反映学生的性格

    Judith Carlisle, headmistress of Oxford High School, said there was no point fretting over GCSEs because they don't reflect character.


  • 迪克兰·盖勒布雷斯一名英国歌手

    Declan Galbraith is an English singer.


  • 今天见到,让不由地想到了《我走我路》(由鲍威尔皮斯·伯格执导经典英国电影)里的温迪·希勒

    Meeting her today, it is hard not to be reminded of Wendy Hiller in Powell and Pressburger's classic British film, I Know Where I'm Going!.


  • 日前英国剑桥斯韦夫西市温迪·罗斯韦尔自家后院,亲眼目睹了一场现实版的《猫和老鼠》。

    Wendy Rothwell spotted a real-life Tom and Jerry encounter in her backyard in Swavesey, Cambridge of the UK recently.


  • 英国曼切·斯特、卡迪、兰彼得、诺丁汉谢菲尔德爱丁堡伦敦大学设有孔子学院,通常都是在校园里。

    In the UK, there are Confucius Institutes at universities in Manchester, Cardiff, Lampeter, Nottingham, Sheffield, Edinburgh and London, usually on campus.


  • 我们正在继续努力的地方,”英国卡卡圈坊的市场销售部经理迪斯•登比说道

    "It is something that we're continuing to work on," says Judith Denby, the UK's marketing manager of Krispy Kreme.


  • 其余内容所争论的是布·迪斯称为的“人常识的事实”,俄勒冈只是保护妇女们的身体健康状态,这些内容都是从英国欧洲的各类健康报告中提取的。

    The rest argued from what Brandeis called "facts of common knowledge", drawn mainly from British and European health reports, that Oregon was simply protecting women's health.


  • 伊丽莎白·格拉迪斯·米尔维娜·迪安1912年2月2日出生伦敦一生大部分时间都是在英国海边小镇南安普顿度过的,这里是泰坦尼克号

    Born in London on Feb. 2, 1912, Elizabeth Gladys "Millvina" Dean spent most of her life in the English seaside town of Southampton, Titanic's home port.


  • 保守派专栏作家乔治·威尔更是写到,当年英国首相迪斯雷利其前任格拉德斯通的评价巴马身上再合适不过了,“陶醉自己的‘裹脚布’中不能自拔。”

    George Will, a conservative columnist, notes that Disraeli's gibe about Gladstone might well apply to Mr Obama-he is "inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity".


  • 大约在1780年,英国Clerkenald威廉·制成了一支牙刷19世纪他的后裔开发大量生产质量更为精细牙刷

    Around 1780, William Addis of Clerkenald, England, made his first toothbrush and in the 19th Century his descendants developed and mass-manufactured fine toothbrushes.


  • 设备发明者山迪·沙利文Sandy Sullivan)来自格拉斯哥地区,他正在推动英国殡葬允许投入使用这种新型火化设备。设备目前已经远销英国以外的地区。

    The Glasgow-based inventor Sandy Sullivan is pushing for UK cremation laws to be adapted to allow for the new devices, which have already been sold abroad.


  • 接受英国广播公司(BBC)的采访时,GGF首席执行官汉斯·潘迪亚(HansPandeya坚持表示,这项交易8月27日完成,并且在完成收购之后,通过用户收费以及版权持有人付费,使海盗网站变成一项合法业务

    In an interview with the BBC, GGF chief Hans Pandeya insisted the deal will go through on 27 August to buy the site and turn it into a legal business, by charging users and paying copyright holders.


  • 四月德国埃费尔斯·贝格射电望远镜光纤与处于英国焦德雷尔·班克、意大利梅迪奇纳、瑞典奥萨拉以及波兰托伦等观测站的射电望远镜连接起来。

    In April, the 100-meter radio telescope Effelsberg in Germany was tied in via fiber optics to radio telescopes at Jodrell Bank in the U.K., Medicina in Italy, Onsala in Sweden and Torun in Poland.


  • 英国维多利亚时代领导人本杰明·迪斯雷利获得了3%支持率。

    Victorian leader Benjamin Disraeli picked up three per-cent of the vote.


  • 博德嘉曼纽斯为智利卡莎维迪庄旗下主力葡萄酒品牌之一,智利本土销售外,外销英国美国日本

    Bodega Manriquez is one of the main brands of Casaverdi, a wine company of Chile. Besides the distribution in Chile, the wines are exported to England, America and Japan.


  • 19世纪英国约克郡阴沉荒原边上名叫希斯·克利夫的一个吉普赛男孩,被迪恩先生带到咆哮山庄

    The 19th century, in a gloomy Yorkshire moors British side, called a gypsy boy Heathcliff, Mr. Dean was brought to Wuthering Heights.


  • 据说英国摇滚乐队就是以马迪·沃特斯命名的。

    British rock group is said to have taken its name from Muddy Waters' song.


  • 质量目前英国的总部设在迪斯·伯里,西约克郡,奥特林厄姆提出2005年年底

    Mass Spectrometry Instruments is now based in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, UK, having moved from Altrincham in late 2005.


  • 英国老牌实体书店水石书店旗下140所连锁书店周六晚上举行了哈利波特趴,是爱丁堡曼彻斯特丁斯盖特大街以及伦敦皮卡迪利大街近来盛大的活动。 。

    Waterstones said 140 of its shops were hosting Potter parties on Saturday night, with the largest events in Edinburgh, Manchester Deansgate and London's Piccadilly.


  • 新闻节目苏格兰实际上已完全无用我们期待巨大破坏今天再一次横扫英国广播公司,”迪尔星期六苏格兰格拉斯哥抗议演说

    "News programs have virtually been written off in Scotland and we expect huge disruption across the BBC again today," Dear said Saturday, speaking at a protest in Glasgow, Scotland.


  • 《神探夏洛克英国广播公司BBC出品的电视系列剧史蒂文·莫法特马克·加蒂斯主创,本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇、马丁·弗瑞曼搭档主演

    Sherlock is produced by BBC TV series, by Steven Moffat and mark Gatiss creative, Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman partner, starring.


  • 罗特。嘉野营地也是西迪哈斯。辛格所拥有的。 1985年,当这里还没有建起酒店时,英国旅行作家布鲁斯。查特文曾在这里呆了个月写下名作“歌之版图”。 麦当娜和盖。里奇更加近期的客人。

    Siddharth Singh also owns Rohet Garh itself, the palace where Bruce Chatwin spent six months writing The Songlines in 1985 before the estate was turned into a hotel.


  • 能为他人最大善事不是分享财富而是对方展现自我本杰明·迪斯雷利(英国前首相)。

    The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your own riches, but to reveal to him his own. - Benjamin Disraeli.


  • 能为他人最大善事不是分享财富而是对方展现自我本杰明·迪斯雷利(英国前首相)。

    The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your own riches, but to reveal to him his own. - Benjamin Disraeli.


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