• 史剑道其他专家表示这种趋势不通的,除非中国通过英国账户购买美国国债

    Scissors and others said those trends didn't make sense unless China was buying Treasuries through accounts in the U.K..


  • 英国警方外国银行账户没有司法管辖权。

    The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.


  • 一个活期账户需要出示护照出生证明提供英国地址

    To open a current account, you will need to show your passport and birth certificate and to provide your address in the United Kingdom.


  • 英国银行法国银行简单方法银行转账:只需提供英国银行的名字地址你的法国银行的账户号码

    The easiest way to transfer money from a British bank account to a French one is by bank transfer: simply provide your British bank with the name, address and number of your French bank account.


  • 这个国家精英成员西方许多私人关系他们伦敦财产自己孩子送到英国美国大学读书,还有外国银行账户

    Members of the country's elite have many personal ties with the West: they own property in London, send their children to British and American universities and hold foreign bank accounts.


  • 此外,英国零售银行将要保证任何人,只要有家庭地址,就可以它们开一个基本银行账户

    And British retail Banks will have to make a basic bank account available to anyone in the country with a home address.


  • 以前也尝试新生婴儿设立账户一些富裕国家英国加拿大韩国等,这些国家实施这类项目的影响要小

    Opening accounts for babies has been tried before, but only in rich countries such as Britain, Canada and South Korea, where its potential impact is far smaller.


  • 但是由于他们认定为“被胁迫”状态,英国法律保护他们账户不不让任何人触碰。

    But because the couple were deemed "under duress", British law prevented anyone from accessing their accounts.


  • 他们获得利润后,要么存入外国银行账户要么挥霍一空:购买欧洲都市豪华地产让子女英国私立学校接受教育

    The profits are often stashed away in foreign bank accounts or quickly spent: on luxury property in European capitals, or on their children's education in British private schools.


  • 英国经济现在必须转向实际房地产价格更高储蓄更小经常账户赤字以及更加疲软的汇率

    The UK must now shift to an economy with lower real house prices, higher savings, a smaller current account deficit and a weaker real exchange rate.


  • 英国央行私企购买证券做为量化宽松政策一部分时,采用的赊给卖方银行储备账户的方式。

    When the bank of England buys gilts from the private sector as part of its QE programme, it pays for them by crediting the reserves account of the seller's bank.


  • 如同美国一样,英国经历了强劲信贷增长、房价大幅上涨、较低私人国家储蓄水平以及规模庞大的经常账户赤字

    Like the us, the UK has had buoyant credit growth, huge rises in house prices, low private and national savings and a sizeable current account deficit.


  • 英国切斯特刑事法庭了解到,格林住在沃尔兴利特·汉普顿,他使用11个不同Facebook账户散播儿童淫秽图像视频

    Chichester Crown Court heard Green, of Littlehampton Road, Worthing, used 11 different Facebook accounts to distribute the images, along with indecent videos of children.


  • 如今局势生变,仅在上月英国就有超过10万人注销了账户

    But times change - and last month more than 100, 000 in the UK stopped using the website, figures show.


  • 指出,随着越来越英国纳税人个人账户移往税率更低瑞士,在接下来年内英国个税的流失将激增。

    He said losses to the taxpayer could balloon over the next few years as more people move their accounts to Switzerland's lower tax regime.


  • 英国皇室网站上周五表示,英国皇室已经Twitter开设了一个皇家t witter”账户英国白金汉克拉伦斯宫(Clarence House)的网络团队负责使用。

    The British monarchy has started what it called a "royal Twitter" account that will be run by the web teams at royal residences Buckingham Palace and Clarence House, according to its website.


  • 我们专注网页设计开发创建软件包提供银行账户没有刹车最佳英国优质服务

    We specialise in web design and development and have created packages to offer the best UK quality service without braking the bank account.


  • 澳大利亚警方连入许多Facebook账户,发现这些账户里面都包含一个英国用户传播儿童淫秽图片国际调查组就此事正式展开调查。

    An international investigation into the network began when police in Australia linked a number of Facebook accounts containing indecent images of children to a user in the UK.


  • 尽管已经成为全球化品牌——欧洲有35,000,000个账户英国就有15,000,000个账户——贝宝努力实现真正全球化

    Already international—35m of the accounts are in Europe, 15m of those in Britain aloneit is striving to become truly global.


  • 据称,因担心隐私外泄或者只是厌倦使用社交网站英国上月有十万人注销了Facebook账户

    Fearing for their privacy or perhaps just bored with using the site, 100,000 Britons are said to have deactivatedtheir accounts last month.


  • 据称,因担心隐私外泄或者只是厌倦使用社交网站英国上月十万人注销了Facebook账户

    Fearing for their privacy or perhaps just bored with using the site, 100,000 Britons are said to have deactivated their accounts last month.


  • 现在英国智能环境公司已经推出了能够绑定手银行账户软件

    Now British firm Intelligent Environments has launched software that can link the wristband to people's bank accounts.


  • 很多外国政客名人已经新浪微博上开设了账户包括英国首相卡梅伦和好莱坞明星汤姆·克鲁斯

    Many foreign politicians and celebrities have established accounts on Sina Weibo, including British Prime Minister David Cameron and Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise.


  • 如果拥有JBL (UK)的账户,您可以星期天23:00(英国夏令时)星期五22:00进行交易

    If you have a JBL (UK) account, you can from Sunday 23:00 (British Summer Time) to Friday 22:00 to trade.


  • 200亿美元的条件交付账户应该能覆盖大多数清理花费以及英国石油公司也许赔偿的潜在经济损害

    The $20 billion escrow account should cover most clean-up costs as well as the potential economic damages BP might have to pay.


  • 我们最近开始一些英国公司大量业务所以我们要一个英镑账户。我们应该怎么办理? ?

    We have recently started doing a lot of business with British companies, so we'd like to open a GBP account. How should we go about this?


  • 英国发布修订过第四季度增长数据以及当前账户借出净额数字

    The U. K. is to release revised data on fourth quarter growth, as well as figures on the current account and net lending.


  • 英国银行角度海外银行账簿上我方银行账户

    From the point of view of an UK bank, a nostro account is our bank's account in the books of an overseas bank.


  • 英国金管局银行开出历来第三大罚单。罪名是瑞银高级雇员客户账户挪用资金外汇大宗商品市场进行投机

    The third-largest fine ever by the FSA was imposed on the bank after senior employees used money taken from customer accounts to speculate in foreign currencies and commodities.


  • 英国金管局银行开出历来第三大罚单。罪名是瑞银高级雇员客户账户挪用资金外汇大宗商品市场进行投机

    The third-largest fine ever by the FSA was imposed on the bank after senior employees used money taken from customer accounts to speculate in foreign currencies and commodities.


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