• 第一试管婴儿路易斯·布朗,1978年英国诞生

    The first so-called test-tube baby, Louise Brown, was born in England in 1978.


  • 宣布个旨在挑选工程师科学家竞赛之后世界第一个规模的CCS示范工厂大概就要英国诞生,而这些工程师和科学家就是建造的。

    Now, the birthplace of the world's first full-scale CCS demonstration plant may be in the United Kingdom, following the announcement of a competition to attract engineers and scientists to build it.


  • 网球运动历史要追溯到埃及波斯那里一些图片显示,当时人们来回击球游戏。到了19世纪,现代网球运动正式英国诞生,一位名叫梅杰·瓦尔特·温菲尔德的男子开启了一历史。

    The history of tennis goes all the way back to ancient Egypt and Persia where pictures indicate a type of game in which a ball was stroked1 over a net was played.


  • 为什么这个特别爆炸性事件——改变世界工业诞生——会发生英国

    Why did this particular Big Bang—the world-changing birth of industryhappen in Britain?


  • 于是大陆游学想法就此诞生了,在接下来的300年里,游学旅行将英国人、德国人斯堪的纳维亚人,还有美国人带到了法国意大利他们接触到了那里的艺术文化

    Thus was born the idea of the Grand Tour, a practice which introduced Englishmen, Germans, Scandinavians, and also Americans to the art and culture of France and Italy for the next 300 years.


  • 1963年,先前英国殖民地新加坡,还有位于婆罗洲海岸马来国家沙巴砂劳越加入联盟后马来西亚诞生了。

    Malaysia was formed in 1963 when the former British colonies of Singapore and the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak on the northern coast of Borneo joined the Federation.


  • 英格兰寄宿学校学生们要求模仿标准发音上层英国人的英式发音,由此诞生这种中大西洋口音

    The accent comes from American boarding schools in New England where students were taught to speak English in more of an RP(Received Pronunciation)or high-class British way.


  • 时钟宇宙:艾萨克·牛顿英国皇家学会现代世界诞生

    The Clockwork Universe: Isaac Newton, the Royal Society, and the Birth of the Modern World.


  • 人口普查过度拥挤短缺恐惧诞生的:第一现代人口统计,紧随托马斯.马尔萨斯关于英国无力自给自足的骇人预测之后,于1801年(进行)。

    The census was born amid fears of overcrowding and shortages: the first modern headcount, in 1801, followed Thomas Malthus’s alarming projections about Britain’s inability to feed itself.


  • 44会议典礼的开幕代表英国第一次大型信息安全专家会议的诞生

    The inaugural 44Con was Britain's first major conference for the good guys of infosec.


  • 随着工业化横扫世界诞生发达国家中,生育率急剧下降, 这种现象首先发生法国,然后英国,后来遍及整个欧洲美洲.当人们富裕时, 家庭规模变小;

    As industrialisation swept through what is now the developed world, fertility fell sharply, first in France, then in Britain, then throughout Europe and America.


  • 于是三明治就这么诞生开始只是英国有钱人家小吃而已,后来迅速流行起来成为各处都便捷食品

    And so the sandwich was born - beginning as a snack for some of the wealthiest men in England! It quickly became popular and widespread as a quick and easy food to eat.


  • 1970年的出生队列调查追踪了1970年4月一周内诞生英国17,000名婴儿

    The 1970 Birth Cohort Survey has followed over 17, 000 babies who were born in the UK during a particular week in April 1970.


  • 澳洲22,000,000人口中26%以上诞生国外,而加拿大这个数字为21%,美国14%,英国10%。

    Over 26% of Australia’s 22m population were born abroad, compared with 21% in Canada, 14% in America and 10% in Britain.


  • 这位被命名为NmachiIhegboro英国女孩诞生遗传学家大吃一惊:她不是得了白化病

    British Nmachi Ihegboro has amazed genetics experts who say the little girl is NOT an albino.


  • 美国东弗吉尼亚医学院的研究小组就此展开了研究,他们世界各地(包括美国英国)2万8千零4爸妈进行了43项调查和学习,发现爸爸普遍来说会孩子诞生最早几个星期感到无比开心但3-6个月之后就会出现不同程度的抑郁情绪。

    They found new fathers were generally happiest in the early weeks after the birth of their baby, with depression kicking in after three to six months.


  • 通常情况下英国出生100个女孩,就会有105个男孩诞生

    Normally, in Britain 105 boys are born for every 100 girls.


  • 不久后个新的国王诞生,而君主责任制也英国,包括此后王国中,成为了一个常识

    Soon a king was back; and quite soon the notion of responsible monarchy was common coin in Britain and, later, its empire.


  • 人口普查过度拥挤短缺恐惧诞生的:第一现代人口统计,紧随托马斯.马尔萨斯关于英国无力自给自足的骇人预测之后,于1801年(进行)。

    The census was born amid fears of overcrowding and shortages: the first modern headcount, in 1801, followed Thomas Malthus's alarming projections about Britain's inability to feed itself.


  • 出生婴儿中,有58男孩72个女孩通常情况下,在英国出生100个女孩,就会105个男孩诞生

    Of the babies born, 58 were boys and 72 were girls. Normally, in Britain 105 boys are born for every 100 girls.


  • 然而星巴克成功进军英国法国德国甚至奥地利首都维也纳——咖啡馆诞生之地,也获得了成功。

    Yet Starbucks has marched successfully into Britain, France and Germany, and it has even found success in Vienna, the Austrian capital, which gave birth to the coffeehouse.


  • 正是由于诺曼征服者击败盎格鲁—撒克逊人的结合英国人和英语诞生了。

    It was from the union of Norman conquerors and the defeated Anglo-Saxons that the English people and English language were born.


  • 伟哥诞生英国特郡(Kent)三文治村(sandwich)的一个实验室里,在那里最初是开发用于治疗高血压

    The drug started life in a lab in Sandwich, Kent, where it was developed to treat high blood pressure.


  • 汤普森朋友詹姆斯·图里是自行车狂热爱好者去年观看完英国自行车巡回赛后就挑战汤普森,就挑战他,问他能否制造一辆木质自行车。 于是造一辆木制自行车想法诞生了。

    The idea began when Thompson was challenged by cycling enthusiast friend James Tully to build a wooden bike while watching the Tour of Britain last year.


  • 1923年中华医学会传教部上海会议决定采纳英国基督教传教医生乔治·哈登建议创建“博医技专”安徽安庆诞生

    By accepting British missionary doctor George Harden's advice, the Chinese Medical Association set up a medical vocational college in Anqing , Anhui province in 1923.


  • 英国物理学家数学家斯蒂芬·霍金需要,他自己新书中称,宇宙诞生需要上帝

    British physicist and mathematician Stephen Hawking says no, arguing in his new book that there need not be a God behind the creation of the universe.


  • 英国PPL医药公司宣布了这些小猪诞生

    The British company PPL Therapeutics announced the pig births.


  • 18世纪英国创办房地产按揭贷款的机构——建筑社团实质上宣告按揭诞生

    The construction committee, an organization created by English in 18th century, announced the birth of real estate mortgage.


  • 一方面,于1800年代诞生英国时代正在为教会在末日道和没落哀恸。

    On the other hand, dispensationalism was born in England in the early 1800s bemoaning the latter-day apostasy and ruin of the church.


  • 英国生物遗传学家维尔·穆特成功地克隆出了一只羊克隆羊多莉诞生震惊了世界

    British biological geneticists Wilmut cloned a sheep successfully. the birth of the cloned sheep "Dolly" shocked the world.


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