• 比尔·汤普森英国记者评论员科技评论家

    Bill Thompson is an English journalist, commentator and technology critic.


  • 场面向英国记者媒体招待会惹恼大马士革异议知识分子

    A PRESS junket for British journalists has annoyed the dissident intelligentsia of Damascus.


  • 为了振奋精神,让这位英国记者来一杯上好的单一麦芽苏格兰威士忌。

    He asks this British correspondent to prescribe a decent shinguru moruto—single malt—for his depression.


  • 另一种解释法国银行抛售恐慌说法英国记者用法语报道有误。

    Another theory to explain panicked selling of French Banks was that British journalists speak poor French.


  • 希腊英国记者、《卫报投稿人伊亚索(称为詹森拘留;

    The Greek-British journalist and Guardian contributor Iason Athanasiadis, also known as Jason Fowden, has been detained.


  • 一场面向英国记者媒体招待会惹恼大马士革异议知识分子

    PRESS junket for British journalists has annoyed the dissident intelligentsia of Damascus.


  • Helm女士是一英国记者幸存者后代会面发挥记者的特点。

    Ms Helm, a British journalist, brings her training into play when meeting survivors and descendants.


  • 图表是由擅长图像方式展示数据英国记者平面设计师大卫·麦克坎·德莱斯编制的。

    British journalist and graphic designer David McCandless, who specializes in showcasing data in visual ways, compiled the chart.


  • 该报称,库雷希、摩尔带着鲁比娜以及其他一些亲戚孟买一家酒店英国记者会面

    Qureshi, Ali, More and some other relatives met the British reporters in a Mumbai hotel, the newspaper said.


  • 此种渴望一直多米尼克如影相随。 这个花花公子是英国记者兼电影制作者,从小就马匹中穿梭

    This longing has never left Dominic Prince, a British journalist, film-maker and bon viveur, who spent his childhood hurtling around on ponies.


  • 一些人怀疑是药品滥用去年一名英国记者报道杰克逊有可以导致肺功能减弱的遗传性失调

    Some suspected substance abuse; last year a British journalist reported that Jackson had a genetic disorder that weakens the lungs.


  • 愚人节英国记者宣称不会意大利因为意大利农民不再生产意大利面了。

    One April Fool's Day, a reporter in England announced that there would be no more spaghetti because the spaghetti farmers in Italy had stopped growing spaghetti.


  • 一名英国记者沙哈普尔逗留一周看看印度村子什么模样,他不请自来暂住在萨尔朱家萨尔朱受宠若惊。

    That a British correspondent invited himself to stay, during a weeklong sojourn in Shahabpur to see how village India ticked, was remarkable to Sarju.


  • 英国记者佩雷斯早前发起网上联名要求英格兰银行选择女性作为新钞肖像人物,获得3.5万响应

    The British journalist Peres earlier launched an online petition that asked the England bank choose female as the new portrait on the pound note, which receiving 35000 people responses.


  • 加西一名英国记者告诉BBC这座城市受到支持卡扎菲的力量的猛烈炮轰但是下午晚些时候出现炮火

    A British journalist in Benghazi told the BBC that the city had been heavily shelled by pro-Gaddafi forces, but that there had not been any incoming fire since late afternoon.


  • 尽管阿森纳足球娱乐着球迷(不仅仅是阿森纳球迷),一些英国记者球迷从没有喜欢温格哲学

    Although Arsenal play some fine football that entertain fans of not just Arsenal, several English journalists and fans have never taken a liking to Arsene Wenger and his philosophy.


  • 接受英国记者一次采访中,杰克逊承认儿童一张床,其中包括演员麦考利·考尔考尔金兄弟。

    In an interview with a British journalist, Jackson admitted that he had slept in a bed with many children, including actor Macauley Caulkin and Caulkin's siblings.


  • 加西一英国记者告诉BBC这座城市受到支持卡扎菲的力量的猛烈炮轰但是下午晚些时候出现炮火

    British journalist in Benghazi told the BBC that the city had been heavily shelled by pro-Gaddafi forces, but that there had not been any incoming fire since late afternoon.


  • 瑞安尝试阳台架设卫星天线时,狙击手向开枪另外一名英国记者打算逃离时守卫直接指着

    When Ryan in her attempt to set up satellite antenna on the balcony, a sniper, and another to shoot her a British reporter is planning to flee, the guards with guns pointed at him directly.


  • 英国记者知道他们——我们——都无足轻重,他们追求交易不是职业知道自己永远不可能成为精英集团的一份子。

    British journalists know they-we-are below the salt, that reporters pursue a trade not a profession and can never be part of the Establishment.


  • 一个愚人节有位英国记者宣称以后不会再有意大利式细面条可以吃了,因为意大利农民已经停止种植生产细面条的植物了。

    One April Fool's day, a reporter in England announced that there would be no more spaghetti because the spaghetti farmers in Italy had stopped growing spaghetti.


  • 警方随后逮捕了袭击者。据英国记者协会称,袭击男子社交网络服务twitter上以“JonnieMarbles ”自称。

    A police officer arrested the protester, identified by the British Press Association as a man known as "Jonnie Marbles" on the social networking service Twitter.


  • 英国记者加斯普•里斯年40,却自己婚姻结束而痛苦不堪;上自己的小阁楼发现了个被压变形的箱子,里面装有一个他童年时奢求:一支法国圆号

    ABOUT to turn 40 and bruised by the end of his marriage, Jasper Rees, a British journalist, climbed up to his attic and found a misshapen case containing his childhood Nemesis: a French horn.


  • 1986年,这位英国王位继承人告诉一位电视记者自己乡间别墅海格罗夫与植物交谈刺激它们生长时,他们放声大笑

    They laughed aloud in 1986 when the heir to British throne told a TV reporter that he talked to his plants at his country house, Highgrove, to stimulate their growth.


  • 1986年,这位英国王位继承人告诉一位电视记者自己乡间别墅海格罗夫与植物交谈刺激它们生长时,他们放声大笑

    They laughed aloud in 1986 when the heir to British throne told a TV reporter that he talked to his plants at his country house, Highgrove, to stimulate their growth.


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