• 令人特别生气英国纳税人可以持有超过80%资金用来救济银行苏格兰皇家银行不能停止他们高级职员发放丰厚奖金

    There is particular anger that British taxpayers can own more than 80% of rescued Banks like the Royal bank of Scotland, and yet be unable to stop their top staff receiving fat pay packages.


  • 84%股份英国纳税人所有的苏格兰皇家银行这起疑似欺诈案最大受害者之一

    Royal Bank of Scotland, which is 84% owned by the UK taxpayer, appears to have been one of the biggest losers from the alleged fraud.


  • 另外英国银行苏格兰皇家银行劳埃德-信托储蓄集团也都紧随其后。

    Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB, two other British banks, have followed suit.


  • 在金融危机期间世界上发生最大的金融救助事件中,英国占了两个,分别是劳埃德集团苏格兰皇家银行的救助。

    Britain had two of the world's largest bail-outs, of Lloyds Group and Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS).


  • 澳新银行最近大伤元气英国贷者——苏格兰皇家银行手中买下一些亚洲业务,准备18个月内这个地区招募100个高级私人银行业务专业人员。

    And ANZ of Australia, which recently bought some Asian operations from Royal bank of Scotland, the battered British lender, is hiring 100 senior private bankers in the region over the next 18 months.


  • 这家银行今年夏天成为英国最大银行,别清楚了不是皇家不是苏格兰,更不是了不起的银行

    But the bank, which this summer was Britain's largest, is now neither Royal nor Scottish nor much of a bank.


  • 欧洲资本状况最好银行一致比如英国国有苏格兰皇家银行即便银行最近巨幅损失之后,其比率依然维持7%左右。

    This is in line with the best capitalised European banks-for example Britain's state-controlled RBS, even after it latest round of big losses, stands at about 7%.


  • 据《金融时报》报道,有位熟悉内幕知情人透露苏格兰皇家银行可能提前一年退出这项保护英国银行免受高风险资产影响计划

    Citing two persons close to the plan, the newspaper said RBS could exit by the end of this year the program set up to protect U.K. Banks against bad or risky assets.


  • 据《金融时报》报道,有位熟悉内幕知情人透露苏格兰皇家银行可能提前一年退出这项保护英国银行免受高风险资产影响计划

    Citing two persons close to the plan, the newspaper said RBS could exit by the end of this year the program set up to protect U. K. Banks against bad or risky assets.


  • 英国苏格兰皇家银行股票一度下跌40%,主要由于银行流动性偿付能力受到质疑

    In Britain, the Royal Bank of Scotland shed around 40 percent of its value at one stage. At issue were questions over the institution's liquidity and solvency.


  • 汇丰银行巴克莱银行,以及那些苏格兰皇家银行风险控制更好英国银行们,都获得了相当好的盈利

    HSBC and Barclays, British Banks that showed better risk management than RBS, also saw a decent profit.


  • 英国央行行长文•透漏了2008年10月时,苏格兰皇家银行苏格兰哈里法克斯银行距破产有多

    Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, revealed how close Royal Bank of Scotland and HBOS came to collapse in October 2008.


  • 下半月,英国巴克莱集团(BarclaysPlc)将于219日公布业绩,苏格兰皇家银行集团(Royal BankOf Scotland Group Plc)则拟于2月28日公布业绩。

    Attention in the second half of the month turns to the U.K.Barclays PLC reports Feb. 19, and Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC on Feb. 28.


  • 11月3日英国银行巨头苏格兰皇家银行(RBS)劳埃德银行集团(LBG),得到了这种待遇

    On November 3rd Britain's two monsters, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and Lloyds Banking Group (LBG), got the treatment.


  • 雷曼破产后不到天,英国最大抵押贷款银行哈里法克斯银行走到了崩溃边缘,10月初皇家苏格兰银行也危在旦夕。

    Within a day of Lehman going bust, Britain's biggest mortgage lender, HBOS, was on the brink of collapse and by early October so was Royal Bank of Scotland.


  • 截至去年底,与其它的英国银行相比较苏格兰皇家银行资产最大的,1.66倍于GDP

    At the end of last year, RBS had the largest assets of any British bank, at 166 per cent of GDP.


  • 根据早前披露保尔森在做空苏格兰皇家银行集团中最少获利2.95亿英镑使这次下赌英国银行股票下跌一局中的获利记录达到6.06亿英镑。

    Paulson made least 295 million pounds shorting RBS, bringing its profit from betting U.K. banking stocks would drop to 606 million pounds, according to earlier disclosures.


  • 同时英国财政部苏格兰皇家银行注资255亿,至此该行累积援助达到455亿磅————这是有报道全球最贵的银行援助成本。

    Meanwhile, the U.K. Treasury will inject 25.5 billion pounds of capital into RBS, for a total of 45.5 billion pounds — the costliest bailout of any bank worldwide, according to press reports.


  • 纳税人已经成为英国苏格兰皇家银行劳埃德银行集团的主要所有人。

    The taxpayer is already the majority owner of Royal Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Banking Group in Britain.


  • 纳税人已经 成为英国苏格兰皇家银行RBS劳埃德银行集团的主要所有人。

    The taxpayer is already the majority owner of Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and Lloyds Banking Group in Britain.


  • 投资者没有这么肯定英国银行周四大幅下挫;巴克莱汇丰渣打银行苏格兰皇家银行股票暴跌。

    Investors weren't as certain. U. K. bank stocks took a beating Thursday, with Barclays, HSBC, Standard Chartered and RBS all tumbling.


  • 正因为这点苏格兰皇家银行的84%股份纳税人拥有英国财政大臣达林坚持认为,采取这样的措施必要的

    Because of this, British taxpayers now hold an 84 percent stake in the bank. Treasury Secretary Alistair Darling maintains the move is necessary.


  • 苏格兰皇家银行宣布了预计高达二百八十亿英镑损失,创英国企业史上最大亏损纪录。

    RBS announced an expected loss of up to 28 billion pounds, the biggest in British corporate history.


  • 苏格兰皇家银行1727年在爱丁堡成立英国历史悠久的银行

    Royal bank of Scoltland, founded in 1727 in Ediburg, was the oldest bank in the history UK's history.


  • 后来,苏格兰皇家银行因为这项交易而元气大伤,成为信贷危机一个象征,该行首席执行官弗雷德·古德温爵士(Sir Fred Goodwin)则受到指责,人们认为英国经济灾难方面,负有责任

    It was a deal that would bring RBS to its knees and become a symbol of the credit crisis, with Fred Goodwin, the bank's chief executive, blamed for his role in leading the UK into economic disaster.


  • 后来,苏格兰皇家银行因为这项交易而元气大伤,成为信贷危机一个象征,该行首席执行官弗雷德·古德温爵士(Sir Fred Goodwin)则受到指责,人们认为英国经济灾难方面,负有责任

    It was a deal that would bring RBS to its knees and become a symbol of the credit crisis, with Fred Goodwin, the bank's chief executive, blamed for his role in leading the UK into economic disaster.


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