• 英国人,他

    He's English and he's in Class One.


  • 这次翻新项目很长一段时间里都是英国最高大楼但是最终米尔超越

    For a long time after this renovation project, it was the tallest building in the United Kingdom, but it was eventually overtaken by the Millbank Tower.


  • 米利一旦星期日太阳报开始发行可能是8月份进一步加大默多克帝国英国媒体市场渗透力

    Miliband said that once a Sunday Sun was launched, possibly in August, this would add further to the Murdoch empire's penetration of the UK media market.


  • 依然米利德最为出色演讲规划了英国的未来之路。

    But it was still the speech of Mr Miliband's life, summing up what he wants for Britain.


  • 这次会议由英国外交大臣戴维·米利阿富汗外交大臣主办集中讨论阿富汗安全解决贪污成风的问题。

    The gathering, hosted by David Miliband, Britain's foreign secretary, and his Afghan opposite number, will concentrate on security in Afghanistan and plans to tackle endemic corruption.


  • 英国资深海员第一务大臣乔纳森·上将水下撞击潜艇上的反应堆核弹安全没有造成风险

    Britain's most senior sailor, First Sea Lord, Adm. Jonathon Band, said the underwater crash posed no risk to the safety of the submarines' nuclear reactors and nuclear missiles.


  • 他们说的人选很可能是英国外交大臣戴维·米利德。

    This might just turn out to be Britain's foreign secretary, David Miliband.


  • 虽然如此法官裁定鉴于米利德提供的证据中称美国可能采取保留分享重要情报报复手段而陷英国危险,证据不予公布

    Nonetheless, the judges ruled, they could not publish it, owing to evidence from Mr Miliband that America would retaliate by withholding vital intelligence in future, thereby placing Britain at risk.


  • 能源与气候变化部的而份新闻稿中,米利德称绿色投资银行英国面对巨大基础设施项目资金障碍的一个巨大进步。

    In a DECC press release, Milliband said the Green Investment Bank would be a major step in overcoming the financing challenges facing major infrastructure projects in the UK.


  • 当然,英国外交大臣米利直布罗陀首席部长彼得•卡鲁阿纳的会谈中,不堪提及的话题就是主权

    Yet sovereignty was the great unmentionable at his meeting with the British foreign secretary, David Miliband, and Gibraltar's chief minister, Peter Caruana.


  • 目前为止影响主要限于消费者信心而非实际零售额尽管个别零售商比如英国马克斯塞)影响。

    As yet, there has been more of an effect on consumer sentiment than actual retail sales, although individual retailers (such as Britain’s Marks &Spencer) are suffering.


  • 加西一名英国记者告诉BBC这座城市受到支持卡扎菲的力量的猛烈炮轰但是下午晚些时候出现炮火

    A British journalist in Benghazi told the BBC that the city had been heavily shelled by pro-Gaddafi forces, but that there had not been any incoming fire since late afternoon.


  • 位与其关系密切顾问表示使英国重心转向具有明显区别的欧陆轨道上,米利德先生制订了一个20年规划

    Mr Miliband, says a close adviser, has a "20-year project" to shift Britain's centre of gravity in a distinctly "continental" direction.


  • 所有58来往英国欧洲的欧洲之列车满载而行,装了约46500名旅客一位女发言人他们考虑加开次。

    All 58 Eurostar trains between Britain and Europe were operating full, carrying some 46, 500 passengers, and a spokeswoman said they would consider adding more services.


  • ——阿诺德·斯塞·琼斯爵士英国皇家天文学家,1957(2斯巴尼克人造卫星环绕地球)。

    Sir Harold Spencer Jones, Astronomer Royal of the UK, 1957 (two weeks later Sputnik orbited the Earth).


  • 英国表示他们派遣一个军官小组前往利比亚叛军加西据点

    Britain says it will send a team of military officers to the Libyan rebel stronghold of Benghazi.


  • 尽管曼谷紧张气氛在增加,但英国能源气候变化大臣埃德·米利哥本哈根会谈上达成协议表示乐观

    Ed Miliband, the secretary of state for energy and climate change, said he remained optimistic that a deal could be struck at Copenhagen, despite the increase in tension in Bangkok.


  • 天早上纳特先生她们军官称赞以后冷冷地:“依我看你们肯定英国最傻的女孩。”

    After listening to their praise of the officers one morning, Mr Bennet said coolly, 'From what I can see, you must be two of the silliest girls in the country.


  • 距离下界选举还有将近米利需要复杂详尽宣言至少参与英国这些关键议题中来

    Almost four years before the next election is due, Mr Miliband need not have a detailed manifesto. But he should at least have a voice in these crucial debates.


  • 寻找天王星轨道差异时,英国约翰·考奇·亚当斯法国人于尔·勒威耶分别独立计算着这个未知世界质量位置

    By looking for discrepancies in Uranus's orbit, Englishman John Couch Adams and Frenchman Urbain Le Verrier each independently calculated the unseen world's mass and position.


  • 英国外长米利德在对北约议会讲话表示阿富汗建设需要基层做起。

    Speaking to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, British Foreign Minister David Miliband said Afghanistan needs to be built from the grass-roots level.


  • 他们英国使馆鸡蛋石头,把点燃米利塑像扔进使馆的高墙

    They threw rotten eggs and stones at the embassy compound, and the effigy was set on fire before being thrown over the high walls.


  • 米利欢迎大使出使英国表示希望建立密切工作关系

    Miliband welcomed Liu to assume his office as Ambassador to the UK and expressed the hope to set up a close working relationship with him.


  • 诗人斯蒂芬斯这些建筑为“大步跨越钢铁哨兵”,现今许多国家仿造了这种建筑。现在英国有88,000这类的输电塔渐渐断断矗立在绿色令人喜爱的土地上。

    Many countries have copied thesestriding steel sentries”, as the poet Stephen Spender called them; more than 88, 000 now march across the country’s intermittently green and pleasant land.


  • 英国航空公司现在每天增开一飞往罗马的客机。

    British Airways are putting on an extra flight to Rome every day.


  • 5月13日英国外相大卫·米利重启端。

    David Miliband, Britain's foreign secretary, reignited the debate on May 13th.


  • 2010年3月17日英国大使刘晓明拜会英国能源气候变化大臣埃德·米利

    On March 17, 2010, Ambassador Liu Xiaoming called on British Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Ed Miliband.


  • 2010年3月17日英国大使刘晓明拜会英国能源气候变化大臣埃德·米利

    On March 17, 2010, Ambassador Liu Xiaoming called on British Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Ed Miliband.


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