• 英国王子未婚妻

    It's for the British prince and his fiancee.


  • 上周四英国王子威廉未婚妻凯特订婚纪念币官方设计图问世

    The design for an official commemorative coin to mark the engagement of Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton was unveiled on Thursday.


  • 英国王子不会的跟随团一起送往伊拉克

    Britain's Prince Harry will not be sent with his unit to Iraq.


  • 英国王子威廉凯特·米德尔顿4月29日这个教堂举行婚礼

    Britain's Prince William and Kate Middleton will marry at the Abbey on April 29.


  • 威廉王子自己职业栏填写英国王子”,英国皇家空军直升机飞行员

    The duke gave his occupation as' Prince of the United Kingdom 'rather than RAF helicopter pilot.


  • 距离英国王子威廉未婚妻凯特·米德尔顿皇室婚礼只剩几天了,这个都市的旅游业沸腾

    With the royal wedding between Britain's Prince William and his fiancee Kate Middleton only days away, tourism in the Capital is enjoying a massive boost.


  • 在持续八年的恋爱长跑后,英国王子威廉终于其平民女友凯特·米德尔顿(KateMiddleton)求婚了。

    Fter an eight-year-long courtship, Britain's Prince William has finally proposed to commoner Kate Middleton.


  • 英国王子图书收藏家,447年以重大叛国罪被捕狱中捐献书籍牛津大学图书馆最早的藏书。

    English prince and book collector who was arrested for high treason (447) and died in prison. He contributed the first books to the library at Oxford University.


  • 剧情大致是哈姆雷特丹麦年轻有为英国王子勇气良好思想贴近人民人类一个更好希望

    Plot is roughly: Hamlet is the Kingdom of Denmark, a promising young prince, he has courage, good thinking, close to the people, to have a better hope of mankind.


  • 一张修改得不精细的图片已故歌手艾米米·怀恩豪斯拿着把铲子坟墓英国王子威廉及其王妃凯特身着结婚礼服躺在墓穴之中。

    In one rather shoddily-Photoshopped image, dead singer Amy Winehouse is seen holding a spade, having dug a grave in which William and Kate, dressed in their wedding outfits, are seen lying.


  • 王子不久就要立为英国国王了。

    The prince was soon to be crowned King of England.


  • 英国王位继承人威廉王子日前(在接受采访)称童年梦想当一警察,此外他还讲述自己前额上的“哈利·波特疤痕”的来历。

    Prince William dreamed of becoming a policeman when he was younger, the heir to the British throne has admitted - while also revealing how he came to get a "Harry Potter scar" on his forehead.


  • 英国奥地利他们盟军阻止法国王子成为西班牙国王而与西班牙和法国开战。

    Britain, Austria and their Allies were fighting Spain and France to prevent a French prince from becoming the King of Spain.


  • 上周五英国王室成员前往教堂一年一度的圣诞礼拜,一位热情的民众还得到了威廉王子拥抱亲吻

    Britain's royal family took their traditional public stroll to and from church on Friday, with one well-wisher receiving a hug and a kiss from Prince William.


  • 上周五英国王室成员前往教堂一年一度圣诞礼拜,位热情的民众得到威廉王子拥抱亲吻

    Britain's royal family took their traditional public Christmas day stroll to and from church on Friday, with one well-wisher receiving a hug and a kiss from Prince William.


  • 根据网站说法,英国王位继承人查尔斯王子的第二任妻子米拉麦当娜狄翁法国木匠ZacharieCloutier的后裔。

    Camilla - the second wife of Prince Charles, Britain's heir to the throne - Madonna and Dion are all descended from French carpenter Zacharie Cloutier, according to the website.


  • 1986年,弗格森26岁英国王位第4号继承人安德鲁王子完婚。

    In 1986, Ferguson married then 26-year-old Andrew, who is 4th in line to the throne.


  • 首先这个未来英国国王妻子回到威廉王子目前住处,威尔士的安格西,威廉王子作为皇家空军的搜寻救助飞行员地方

    First, the future king and his wife will return home to Anglesey, North Wales, where The Prince is an RAF search and rescue pilot.


  • 卡米拉告诉朋友和哈里王子英国王室行宫克劳伦斯过夜之后,两人的绯闻便闹得沸沸扬扬

    Romestrand sent gossips into a frenzy after reportedly telling pals she stayed overnight at royal residence Clarence House.


  • 同时也一些搞笑的镜头,其中Kalmadi先生戏称英国王位继承人(本次运动会揭幕Diana王子

    There were also nice comic touches, including Mr Kalmadi’s description of the heir to the British throne (who opened the games) asPrince Diana”.


  • 日前,英国杂货零售商伍尔沃思公司未雨绸缪,提前英国王位第二继承人威廉王子女友凯特·米德尔顿订婚仪式设计制造了10万件纪念品以便婚约宣布后的第一时间上架销售

    British retailer Woolworths has produced 100,000 souvenirs ready to be deployed to stores if Prince William, second in line to the throne, and his girlfriend Kate Middleton get engaged.


  • 日前,英国杂货零售商伍尔沃思公司未雨绸缪,提前英国王位第二继承人威廉王子女友凯特·米德尔顿订婚仪式设计制造了10万件纪念品以便婚约宣布后的第一时间上架销售

    British retailer Woolworths has produced 100, 000 souvenirs ready to be deployed to stores if Prince William, second in line to the throne, and his girlfriend Kate Middleton get engaged.


  • 查尔斯王子英国位国王

    Prince Charles will be the next king of England.


  • 随着剑桥公爵伉俪,也就是威廉王子凯特王妃短期造访纽约,各路媒体正密切关注着英国王室夫妇的一举一动。

    With the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge - aka Prince William and Kate Middleton - in New York for a brief visit, the press has breathlessly reported on the British royals' every move.


  • 威廉英国王位第二继承人,仅次于查尔斯王子

    William is second in line to the British throne, after Prince Charles.


  • 经过四个月飞行训练,威廉王子学会驾驶螺旋桨式飞机直升飞机。英国王室成为皇家空军飞行员的第四成员。

    He learnt how to fly propeller-powered planes and helicopters and is the fourth generation of British royals to become an RAF pilot .


  • 英国剑桥公爵夫人凯特自从威廉王子后,近日首次承担志愿工作,成为童子军的最新志愿者,巩固自己英国王室地位

    The Duchess of Cambridge cemented her place in Britain's royal family by taking on her first patronage roles since her marriage to Prince William... and became Scouting's ne west volunteer.


  • 英国剑桥公爵夫人凯特自从威廉王子后,近日首次承担志愿工作,成为童子军的最新志愿者,巩固自己英国王室地位

    The Duchess of Cambridge cemented her place in Britain's royal family by taking on her first patronage roles since her marriage to Prince William... and became Scouting's ne west volunteer.


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