• 辆1:1大小寻血猎犬”超音速汽车模型近日英国里斯托尔亮相。

    A full-scale model of the Bloodhound supersonic car was unveiled in Bristol, UK.


  • 其后牛津大学学习生物学,并英国布里斯托尔大学取得了古生物学的博士学位。

    After studying Biology at Oxford University, he completed his PhD in palaeontology at the University of Bristol.


  • 英国布里斯托尔议会下令职员称呼访客为亲爱的”,因为这样打招呼随便

    Bristol city council has told staff to stop calling visitors "love" or "dear" because the greetings are too casual.


  • 英国布里斯托尔大学研究表明高压线聚集引发癌症气体,这一研究引起高度关注

    The new study by the University of Bristol showing that power lines can attract cancer-causing gases like radon has heightened concerns.


  • 这项实验中,英国布里斯托尔大学科学家们培养了细胞,将一面暴露钴铬纳米粒子

    In the experiment, scientists from the University of Bristol grew a layer of cells and exposed one side to cobalt-chromium nanoparticles.


  • 英国布里斯托尔一家污水处理部门,在大众甲壳虫(Beetle)汽车成功采用生活废料来驱动。

    A sewage utility in Bristol, UK, has converted a Volkswagen Beetle to run on human waste.


  • 过去年中英国布里斯托尔大学科学家已经发现了在珊瑚丛中小鱼仔是靠声音找到礁石的。

    Scientists at the University of Bristol in England had already discovered in the last few years that baby fish who live among coral use sound to find the reefs.


  • 准备异端经济学协会第九届年会2007年7月西英格兰13日至15日英国布里斯托尔大学

    Prepared for the Association for Heterodox Economics 9th Annual Meeting, University of the West of England, Bristol UK, 13-15 July 2007.


  • 提前房东支付了一年3,000租金之后,这位来自英国布里斯托尔老师开始了疯狂的生活方式

    After paying her landlord 3, 000 pounds in advance for rent and bills, the teacher from Bristol radically changed her way of life.


  • 亚历山德拉波兰拿到了教育学硕士学位,研读教育科学艺术的她毕业后来到了英国布里斯托尔市。

    Aleksandra a left Poland with a Masters degree in Pedagogy - the science and art of education - and moved to Bristol.


  • 亚历山德拉波兰拿到了教育学硕士学位,研读教育科学艺术的她毕业后来到了英国布里斯托尔市。

    Aleksandra left Poland with a Masters degree in Pedagogy - the science and art of education - and moved to Bristol.


  • 提前房东支付了一年3,000租金之后,这位来自英国布里斯托尔老师开始了疯狂的生活方式

    After paying her landlord 3,000 pounds in advance for rent and bills, the teacher from Bristol radically changed her way of life.


  • 自从回来后总喜欢老家——靠近英国布里斯托尔附近的阿蒙斯博瑞,穿着马塞族的衣服从事他的商业活动。

    Since returning, he has worn his Masai clothes while going about his business in his home town of Almondsbury, near Bristol, UK.


  • 英国布里斯托尔大学营养师凯特诺斯顿保利娜·米特博士发现,幼儿日常饮食可能会影响智商

    Drs Kate Northstone and Pauline Emmett, nutritionists at Bristol University, have found that diet before the age of three may affect IQ later.


  • 最近英国布里斯托尔大学科学家研究发现,一种导致蛀口腔疾病常见细菌能够侵入血液循环系统,导致血栓形成

    Now a Bristol University dental scientist has discovered that a common bacteria responsible for tooth decay and gum disease can break out into the bloodstream and help blood clots to form.


  • 英国布里斯托尔大学Andy Ridgwell研究学者同事另一个想法他们称之为“生物地球工程”。

    Andy Ridgwell and colleagues at the University of Bristol in England have another idea, one they call bio-geoengineering.


  • 英国布里斯托尔大学这一研究项目考虑诸如社会阶层母乳喂养习惯母亲受教育程度以及年龄等因素

    The project at Bristol University took account of factors such as social class, breastfeeding and maternal education and age.


  • 来自英国布里斯托尔大学麦克·本唐教授认同这块化石已被发现的化石中,和“始祖鸟”具有靠近的亲缘关系

    Prof Mike Benton from the University of Bristol, UK, agrees that the new fossil is about the closest relative to Archaeopteryx that has yet been found.


  • 他在英国布里斯托尔比利·史马特马戏团的环形表演场里踩着钢丝连续跳绳1005下,打破之前875下的纪录

    Henry Ayala, 22, managed 1,005 consecutive skips over a skipping rope on a high wire, beating the previous record of 875.


  • 英国里斯托尔机器人实验室负责人ChrisMelhuish微生物燃料电池理论上几乎所有有机物上工作。

    In theory microbial fuel cells can run on almost any kind of organic matter, says Chris Melhuish, head of the Bristol Robotics Laboratory, England.


  • 另一合著者马克·赫德莱德来自英国布里斯托尔大学,他补充说,“那个时候我们甚至知道这种植物靠蝙蝠传粉的。”

    Study co-author Marc Holdereid of the U.K.'s University of Bristol added, "We didn't even know this plant was bat-pollinated at the time."


  • 为了进行本项研究英国布里斯托尔大学玛丽•乔•里昂带领研究人员分析了两个更大关于儿童健康成长研究项目所得的数据

    For the current study, researchers led by Marie-Jo Brion, of the University of Bristol in the UK, analyzed data from two larger studies on child health and development.


  • 英国布里斯托大学NigelFranks同事研究了Temnothorax albipennis蚂蚁怎样建立新的巢穴

    Nigel Franks of the University of Bristol, in England, and his colleagues studied how a species of ants called Temnothorax albipennis establish a new nest.


  • 英国布里斯托尔大学研究证明,每天一杯酒变得漂亮。因为酒精可以扩张瞳孔,让双颊变得红润,同时还能放松面部肌肉使看起来更加平易近人。

    Scientists claim that wine and other alcohol can dilate pupils, bring on rosy cheeks and relax facial muscles to make a person appear more approachable.


  • 这位《模仿游戏》的主角最近刚刚错失英国电影学院奖奥斯卡拍摄《神探夏洛克》的间隙,英国布里斯托尔父母附近穿着一身怪异的运动服慢跑

    The Imitation Game star - who recently missed out on both a BAFTA and Academy Award - sported odd jogging clothes whilst on a day off from filming Sherlock in Bristol, near his parents home.


  • 英国布里斯托尔大学Jonathan Shufflebotham博士领导的研究小组对18罗马II型IBS患者11名与其年龄匹配的对照进行了研究。

    British researchers, led by Dr. Jonathan Shufflebotham of the University of Bristol, studied 18 patients with ROME II-defined IBS and 11 age-matched controls.


  • 根据一项新的研究布里斯托尔英国具音乐氛围地方拥有最多音乐家

    According to a new study, Bristol is the UK's most musical place, with the biggest number of musicians among the population.


  • 年前,他们都搬进了布里斯托尔的一栋三层维多利亚式住宅——他们是英国越来越多的多代同堂的家庭的其中之一。

    Four years ago they all moved into a three-storey Victorian house in Bristol—one of a growing number of multi-generational families in the UK living together under the same roof.


  • 年前,他们都搬进了布里斯托尔的一栋三层维多利亚式住宅——他们是英国越来越多的多代同堂的家庭的其中之一。

    Four years ago they all moved into a three-storey Victorian house in Bristol—one of a growing number of multi-generational families in the UK living together under the same roof.


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