• 一份英国地图

    This is a map of the UK.


  • 托尼墙上倒挂了一张英国地图

    Tony had an upside-down map of Britain on his wall.


  • 另外缴获英国地图提供极大的帮助

    In addition, the United Kingdom seized from the map also provides a great help.


  • 就是英国地图

    This is the map of uk.


  • 右图是按领土面积绘制也是我们熟悉英国地图

    And, right, the kind of map of Britain, based on land mass, that we are all more familiar with.


  • 其中一款丝巾装饰了英美两国象征英国地图,上面印有并肩作战”的口号。

    One featured the phrase "Shoulder to Shoulder" on a map of England emblazoned with British and American symbols.


  • 打从一开始我们便像处理标准英国地图数据任何其它地球地形一样火星数据进行处理。

    "We have set out from the start to treat the Mars data no different to how we would treat [standard British mapping] data or any other Earth-based geography," he said.


  • 一个名为traintimes.org.uk网站上用户可以查看表面分布许多英国地图

    ON A website called traintimes.org.uk, users can inspect a map of Britain crawling with little red dots.


  • 在慈善组织卡玛尼瓦纳单调办公室墙上挂着一副英国地图。上面头笔标注着警示语。这里是英国唯一国家强迫婚姻受害者的求助热线

    WALL map ofBritain, annotated with felt-tip warnings, dominates the bland offices of Karma Nirvana, the country's only national helpline for victims of forced marriage.


  • 在慈善组织“KarmaNirvana”普普通通办公室里墙面上的英国地图成了它最主要家当,地图上面满是毡头笔标注着的警示语。 这里有英国强迫婚姻受害者救助热线,它也是唯一一家该类国立热线。

    A WALL map of Britain, annotated with felt-tip warnings, dominates the bland offices of Karma Nirvana, the country’s only national helpline for victims of forced marriage.


  • 1831年,史密斯最终伦敦地质学会认可英国地质学之”,不仅是因为地图而且为了其他重要的原因。

    In 1831 when Smith was finally recognized by the Geological Society of London as the "father of English geology", it was not only for his maps but also for something even more important.


  • 一个人英国旅行想要到达公共交通地图上没有显示地方,我买了旧车大部分

    I was traveling alone through the UK. To reach places that were off the public transportation map, I bought an old car, which cost most of my money.


  • 那时英国船舰指挥官自己图表地图——通常是从伦敦中心海图销售商那里获得(其中很多精确度令人怀疑)。

    Up until then the commanders of British ships had to find their own maps and charts, often from the chart sellers of central London (many of which were of dubious accuracy).


  • 英国邮政编码陆军测量局的地图数据目前无法免费用于商业目的,这一点在企业家和社会活动家中饱受诟病怨声载道

    In Britain postcodes and Ordnance Survey map data at present cannot be freely used for commercial purposes-a source of loud complaints from businesses and activists.


  • 一张计算欧洲专利数量地图说明相似情况-专利主要集中英国法国德国芬兰

    A map of Europe measuring the number of patent applications shows a similar pattern - with high concentrations in pockets of England, France, Germany and Finland.


  • 数小时内,数百万用户试图登陆该网站使用此地图软件,对英国大城市犯罪率究竟。

    Within hours of going live, millions ofusers had attempted to gain access to maps permitting street-levelscrutiny of crime incidents across the UK.


  • 最后返回英国时,Spruce报告找到了瓦尔韦德的指示一张相关地图,是一个叫Atanasio Guzman提供的。

    Spruce, when he finally returned to Britain, reported that he had uncovered Valverde's guide and a related map, made by a man named Atanasio Guzman.


  • Expedia将要利用NokiaGPS手机上Ovi地图系统美国英国市场上推出一个新的酒店搜索系统。

    Expedia is to power a new hotel search system on Nokia GPS handsets in the us and UK using the mobile manufacturer's Ovi maps system.


  • 卫星定位系统(英国佬儿管叫“手鼓‘tom - tom’”)中,水库在活点地图老是显示一个蓝色斑点,因此从车窗应该

    The GPS (or 'Tom-tom' for UK readers) shows the reservoirs as large blue splodges on the moving map which, it often indicates, I should be able to see out the window.


  • 经历了漫长的研发准备工序police . uk网站终于公布了当地犯罪数据卫报·麦克·卡尼(DougMcCune)在此联手提供一个对比英国各城市犯罪率地图工具

    After a sluggish launch by police.uk to unleash local crime data, the Guardian and Doug McCune teamed up to provide a tool that lets you compare crime rates in different England cities.


  • 英国最大的移动运营商Vodafone出台Bvine项目,致力于将地图程序(Googlemap)关联手机GPS组件

    The UK's largest carrier Vodafone is coming on board with Bvine, a project which aims to link mapping programs such as Google maps to the GPS component on the phone.


  • 可以这里找到所有Mappiness数据包括检索英国幸福地点的照片地图即时幸福程度。

    You can find all the Mappiness data in aggregate here including a happiness index chart, and a photo-map of the happiest locations in the UK, as well as real-time happiness meters.


  • Casey,该搜索工具根据不同网站情况,德国英国欧洲或者美国地图作为入口

    The entry point to the tool will be a map of Germany, U.K., Europe or the U.S., depending on the website, Casey says.


  • 随着水道测绘局成立英国海军有了自己地图绘制部门雕版工印刷设备

    With the establishment of the Hydrographic Office the British Navy had its own map department, engravers, and printing facilities.


  • 新闻稿正在极力推广英国最具影响力泰晤士世界综合地图最新版本地图集被外界称为“地球最伟大书籍”,可气象科学家们却不这么认为

    The news release promoting the latest edition of Britain's influential Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World hailed it as "the Greatest Book on Earth." Not the way climate scientists see it.


  • 英国著名极地科学家们,泰晤士报世界地图名不副实,并肯定说,由于气候变化,泰晤士报必须重新绘制格陵兰岛地图

    Leading UK polar scientists say the Times Atlas of the World was wrong to assert that it has had to re-draw its map of Greenland due to climate change.


  • 英国谢菲尔德大学研究人员利用人口分布数据创建了有200张地图在线地图

    Researchers from the University of Sheffield created the online atlas of 200 maps using population distribution data.


  • 英国谢菲尔德大学研究人员利用人口分布数据创建了有200张地图在线地图

    Researchers from the University of Sheffield created the online atlas of 200 maps using population distribution data.


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