• 悬挂英国

    The ship was flying the British flag.


  • 英国国旗

    Here's the U.K.'s flag.


  • 根据报告选择目标船只国旗考虑之内,配有英国国旗船只正在逐渐避免成为海盗的目标。

    The national flag of a ship is also taken into account when choosing a target, with British vessels being increasingly avoided, according to the report.


  • 旅游业大喜,还有英国国旗纪念杯销量也很不错,但是一切额外的公共假日抵消了,因为许多工厂只能停工

    Tourism was boosted, as were sales of Union flags and mugs. But this effect appears to have been wiped out by the extra bank holiday, which encouraged many factory owners to suspend plant operations.


  • 随着死亡人数增加,神情黯然人群聚集市内街道上,迎接运抵皇家空军林汉姆基地覆盖着英国国旗灵柩威尔特郡顿巴出现辛酸情景

    As the death toll grew, there were poignant scenes at Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire as five coffins draped with the union flag arrived at RAF Lyneham and were met by sombre crowds on the town's streets.


  • 这位银行家曾经英国本土防卫自卫队服役他用自己所学的拳击技术,每晚黑色面具,系着多功能腰带,穿着国旗军裤,戴着露指手套,脚蹬军靴,全副武装追踪犯罪分子。

    The former soldier in the Territorial Army, who wears a black mask, utility belt, Union Flag top, fingerless gloves, combat trousers and military boots, uses his skills as a trained pugilist.


  • 英国,伦敦:一位女士从迈克尔·克莱顿克里斯蒂拍卖行展出收藏品毕加索妇女儿童贾斯伯·约翰国旗这两幅画旁走过。

    London, England: a woman poses with Jasper Johns's Flag, and Femme et Filettes (woman and Children) by Pablo Picasso, both part of late-author Michael Crichton's collection on display at Christie's.


  • 一面英国难得多。

    It's harder to make a British flag or an American flag.


  • 国旗红色白色蓝色英国

    My flag is red, white and blue. UK.


  • ·葛恩一看见木屋上飘着英国:“朋友那里。”

    As soon as Ben Gunn saw the English flag flying over the house , he said , 'There are your friends .


  • 那条英国

    The ship was flying the British flag .


  • 帮助页面底部一个圆形图标图形来自法国英国国旗

    At the bottom of the Help page is a small round icon with graphics from the French and British flags.


  • 过去几个月里英国不是很重视皇家这场婚礼,然而周五上午他们大规模地城市公园里挥舞着国旗唱着国歌

    Britons spent much of the last few months downplaying their interest in the royal family and the wedding - yet on Friday morning, they waved flags and sang the national anthem en masse in city parks.


  • 担任手的运动员拒绝英国国王致敬。

    The American athletes refused to bow before the British King.


  • 准备英国旗插那里,以示这块土地属于英国,并且新南威尔斯,殊不知只是回到了他的家园

    Ready to plant the British flag and claim the land as New South Wales, he'd actually landed back in his homeland.


  • 英国很多殖民地国家将米字旗放在国旗左上角以示英国关系

    Many of the former British colonies on the Union Jack flag in the upper left corner to meters, to show the relationship with the United Kingdom.


  • 1819年,英国国旗首次新加坡升起时候,岛上的居民才不过150左右30华人,120名马来人

    When the British flag was first hoisted in Singapore in 1819, there were only about 150 people living on the island: some 30 Chinese and about 120 Malays.


  • 也许混合音乐室一个中立调色板传统马车英国国旗饮誉枕头甲壳虫乐队的明显葡萄酒商店伦敦成立

    This blend is perhaps most obvious in the music room, where a neutral palette and a traditional chaise are jazzed up by Union Jack pillows and a Beatles drum set from vintage shops in London.


  • 报告集装箱大连被装CMACGMMusca号货轮。法国达飞海运集团公司(CMA CGM)运营大型远洋集装箱货船悬挂英国国旗

    The report said the containers were loaded in Dalian onto the CMA CGM Musca, a large, ocean-going container ship operated by the French shipping line CMA CGM and flying the United Kingdom's flag.


  • 报告集装箱大连被装CMACGMMusca号货轮。法国达飞海运集团公司(CMA CGM)运营大型远洋集装箱货船悬挂英国国旗

    The report said the containers were loaded in Dalian onto the CMA CGM Musca, a large, ocean-going container ship operated by the French shipping line CMA CGM and flying the United Kingdom's flag.


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