• 因此上周英国国家统计局公布最新就业数据

    So it was last week when the Office for National Statistics released its most recent employment figures.


  • 充足随访信息英国国家统计局提供但是只有35受试者

    Sufficient follow-up information was available from the UK Office of National Statistics on all but 35 of the subjects.


  • 英国国家统计局数据显示,上下班路程可能越多。

    The further you commute the more you are likely to earn, new figures from the Office for National Statistics reveal.


  • 英国国家统计局形容经济形势崎岖不平”,而经济走向停滞不前

    The Office for National Statistics describes the economy as bumpy and the trend is sluggish.


  • 英国国家统计局研究发现孩子出生月份可能预示着他将来从事的职业

    Being born in a certain month appears to indicate what profession a baby will embark on in later life, the study by the Office for National Statistics found.


  • 根据英国国家统计局的数据,英国平均每天花在上下班路上的时间54分钟

    According to the Office for National Statistics, the average Briton commutes for 54 minutes every day.


  • 英国国家统计局将会2月26号公布一份修正报告3月公布最终版经济指数。

    The ONS will publish its revised reading on February 26 and a final figure in March.


  • 英国国家统计局数字显示,截至去年1995年结婚夫妇中三分之一已经离婚

    The ONS figures also showed that by last year a third of couples who wed in 1995 had divorced.


  • 英国国家统计局办公室暂时性数据显示,无法解释婴儿死亡摇篮病)的数量正在下降。

    The number of unexplained infant deaths - or cot deaths - has been falling, provisional figures from the Office of National Statistics suggest.


  • 去年英国国家统计局的统计数据显示,今朝英国的进口出生率达1973年以来的最高水平。

    Last year the Office for National Statistics indicated that mothers had more children than at any time since 1973.


  • 这次修正英国国家统计局有史以来最大一次修正原因工程及服务业估计的有更改。

    The revision is one of the biggest ever made by the ons and it said the reasons were changes to its estimate of the construction and services sectors.


  • 幸福似乎与带目标意义生活存在关联如今英国国家统计局调查会居民是否感觉活得有价值

    Happiness appears to be linked to living a life of purpose and meaning; the ONS survey now asks residents whether their lives feel worthwhile.


  • 英国国家统计局(ONS)发布一项研究报告发现,老人星期喝点酒,其死亡风险禁酒23%。

    A study, published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), found that pensioners who enjoyed a few drinks every week, had a 23 per cent lower risk of mortality than teetotallers.


  • 英国国家统计局公布2009新生婴儿统计数据显示,Olivia连续两年获选受欢迎新生女婴

    Olivia was the most popular name for newborn girls for the second year in a row, according to figures published by the Office of National Statistics for first names given to babies born in 2009.


  • 昨日英国国家统计局负责人海外劳工问题发表意见,强调海外务工大军日趋扩张,本国务工人员数量却有所减少

    The UK's official statistician weighed into the debate about foreign workers yesterday by highlighting the growing numbers of immigrants getting jobs while the British workforce declines.


  • 英国国家统计局系统数据分析使得人们父母生育年龄增长的趋势及其孩子的健康成长影响提出了一些新的质疑

    The breakdown from the Office for National Statistics raised new questions over the trend for parents to be older and its impact on the health and upbringing of children.


  • 英国国家统计局公布数据显示服装鞋类销售上个月零售表现疲弱主要原因,这类销售下降了1.2%,食品支出上涨0.7%。

    The ONS figures showed sales of clothing and footwear were the main cause of the sluggish performance last month, falling 1.2%, while spending on food was 0.7% higher.


  • 英国国家统计局的数据,英格兰威尔士受欢迎女孩名字排名中,“夏洛特”位列第21,2013年2242个女婴这个名字。

    According to figures from the Office for National Statistics, Charlotte is the 21st most popular girl's name in England and Wales with 2,242 babies being given it in 2013.


  • 根据英国国家统计局数据,英国,2009年出生的婴儿26976个40岁以上母亲所生的,而1989年这样的婴儿9336个。

    In the UK, there were 26,976 babies born to mothers of 40 and over in 2009, compared with 9,336 in 1989, according to the Office for National Statistics figures.


  • 2008年,英国国家统计局项调查发现英国家庭健康状况比20年前更好,收入也是20年前的两倍但是英国没有比20年前幸福。

    In 2008, a survey from the Office for National Statistics found that British families were healthier and twice as well off as they were 20 years ago, but are no happier.


  • 英国国家统计局的数据显示英格兰威尔士地区2009年离婚率创下1974年以来的最低水平,只有不到11.4万对夫妇离异,比2008年下降了6.4%。

    In 2009, the divorce rate in England and Wales was the lowest since 1974 according to the Office for National Statistics. Fewer than 114, 000 couples divorced, down 6.4 per cent on 2008.


  • 2008年,䖇英语,英语之英国国家统计局项调查发现英国家庭的健康状况比20年前更好,收入也是20年前的两倍但是英国人并没有比20年前幸福。

    In 2008, a survey from the Office for National Statistics found that British families were healthier and twice as well off as they were 20 years ago, but are no happier.


  • 2013年,英国国家统计局(theOfficefor National Statistics)估计英格兰威尔士,190万单亲家庭孩子已到快到上学年龄

    In 2013, the Office for National Statistics estimated there are 1.9million lone parent families in England and Wales whose children are school age or younger.


  • 近日,默多克丑闻取代经济新闻占据了英国各大报的头版这种情况也许持续多久,7月26日,国家统计局将发布2011年第二季度GDP的第一个增长率。

    THE Murdoch scandal has pushed bad economic news off Britain’s front pages. But perhaps not for long.


  • 在圣诞节国家统计局发布更多关于中产阶级酒鬼消息一直以来明显少算了过度饮酒英国人。

    Just before Christmas the Office for National Statistics had more bad news for bourgeois boozers: it has, apparently, been under-counting the Britons who drink to excess.


  • 以前的研究表明星期一效应工作有关,国家统计局注意到一效应对75以上的英国人来说很明显,而他们中的大多数人是工作的。

    Previous studies have suggested that the Monday effect is related to work, but the ONS noted it was also apparent in Britons aged over 75, most of whom do not work.


  • 以前的研究表明星期一效应工作有关,国家统计局注意到一效应对75以上的英国人来说很明显,而他们中的大多数人是工作的。

    Previous studies have suggested that the Monday effect is related to work, but the ONS noted it was also apparent in Britons aged over 75, most of whom do not work.


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