• 英格汉姆小麦一起放在土壤时,所有植物都在一周死亡

    Ingham says that when she put it in soil with wheat plants, all of the plants died within a week.


  • 二恶英环境食品一种复杂混合物形式出现

    Dioxins occur as a complex mixture in the environment and in food.


  • 据了解,"海宝"机器人可以采用6语言,进行热情问候自我介绍。

    The robots are capable of greeting and self-introducing in 6 languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, English, French and German.


  • 知,《宝贝计划》并没有续作安排,而且即便英皇电影公司和成龙英皇影业公司也不会要求在试镜过程收取任何费用。

    There is no sequel to Rob-B-Hood planned, and if there were, there would be no chance that Emperor Motion Pictures or JCE would charge for auditions.


  • 剔除肉食脂肪食用乳制品可以降低二恶英化合物接触

    Trimming fat from meat and consuming low fat dairy products may decrease the exposure to dioxin compounds.


  • 让人印象深刻甄子丹惠红英的那场庭院打斗,就从村里屋顶上跃过,最后结束一个奔袭牛群

    The sensational fight between Yen and Hui begins in a courtyard, sends them bounding across the rooftops of village huts and ends in a pen of teeming, restless oxen.


  • 长期储存以及不当处置这种材料可能导致二恶英泄漏环境,导致人类动物食物污染

    Long-term storage and improper disposal of this material may result in dioxin release into the environment and the contamination of human and animal food supplies.


  • 伴随油价25% 涨幅,英航伊比利亚股价分别下降的25%和37%。家公司表示他们正处于全股融合的洽谈

    This week, with the price of oil up 25% and BA and Iberia shares down 25% and 37% respectively, the two firms said they were in talks about an all-share merger.


  • 如何辨别测量环境食品二恶英

    What does it take to identify and measure dioxins in the environment and food?


  • 最近金牌2007年3月举行Yonex全英羽毛球公开赛上与郑波搭档在三轮的决赛击败了英国组合克洛AnthonyClark

    Her most recent medal was in March 2007 at the Yonex All England Open Badminton Championships where she partnered Zheng Bo and defeated British pair Donna Kellogg and Anthony Clark in a 3 game final.


  • 英菲迪尼(Infiniti情况糟:轿车卡车销售额,G-car所的份额超过了半数

    The situation is even worse at Infiniti, where the G-car accounts for more than half of car and truck sales combined.


  • 参观一家英语培训学校(EF English First school)总是感受到课堂热情能量证明他们学习英语的热情丝毫不

    And when I visit one of our EF English First schools in China, the energy and enthusiasm I consistently witness are indicative that the desire to learn English continues unabated.


  • 比尔爸爸一些买了关于的书本英字典

    Bill's father bought some books for me. He bought two English books about China and one English-Chinese dictionary.


  • 英格之地七里隐身斗篷这种东西真实存在地方,身为三个孩子老大实在不幸

    In the land of Ingary, where such things as seven-league boots and cloaks of invisibility really exist, it is quite a misfortune to be born the eldest of three.


  • 背景罗恩病患者,英夫利西单抗硫唑嘌呤治疗联合治疗相对疗效安全性尚未了解

    Background the comparative efficacy and safety of infliximab and azathioprine therapy alone or in combination for Crohn's disease are unknown.


  • 1982年英阿马岛战争英国海军能够时间内军事支援角色征用改装很多商船

    During the 1982 Falklands War, the Royal Navy was able to draft and convert a large number of merchant ships for military support roles within a short period of time.


  • 好莱坞颁奖典礼剧《王冠夜班经理》占据了奖项半壁江山,闪耀全场。相关主演纷纷凭借两部作品获奖。

    The Crown's Claire Foy and the stars of The Night Manager have won Golden Globes?in a night of British success at the Hollywood awards show.


  • 研究区内火山岩性—性—酸性有出露,包括橄榄玄武岩安山岩英安岩,且都属于碱性系列

    The volcanic rocks in the study area all belong to sub alkaline series including olivine basalt, andesite and dacite, from basic to intermediate, and to acid.


  • 最新接替人选英剧《维多利亚》男主演汤姆·休斯漫威演员克里斯·哈姆·斯沃斯汤姆·希德勒斯顿。据说邦德制片人芭芭拉•布罗科利对汤姆·休斯的印象十分深刻。

    Some of the latest contenders named include Victoria actor Tom Hughes, who has allegedly impressed Bond producer Barbara Broccoli, and Marvel stars Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston.


  • 目的评价英利昔单消化系统相关疾病治疗疗效安全性

    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and the safety of infliximab for the treatment of the diseases of digestive system.


  • :请务必交验法文学历证书成绩单复印件

    Note: Copies of last degree and transcripts in Chinese, English or French must be submitted.


  • 利用阴极发光激光拉曼研究了大别山俯冲带超高压基性和长英质变质锆石

    Zircons from ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphic metabasite and metafelsic rock in Dabie orogen were investigated by cathodoluminescence and Laser Raman spectrometry.


  • 本文将英、俄语动词非谓语形式进行比较分析,并指出它们之间的异同点。

    A comparative analysis of non-finite verbal forms is made between the English and the Russian language, with their similarities and differences pointed out.


  • 目的了解、美、英、日欧洲药典植物重金属农药残留量有关规定药材成药的质量控制提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE To investigate the limit contents for heavy metals and pesticide residues in vegetable drugs from the main pharmacopoeias being used in the world.


  • 基于对艾利斯和杨氏听觉认知图式分析,本文旨在证明听觉认知能力英会议口译的特殊重要性

    This paper is to testify the importance of auditory perception ability in C-E conference interpreting based on A.


  • 基于艾利杨氏听觉认知图式的分析,本文旨在证明听觉认知能力会议口译的特殊重要性

    This paper is to testify the importance of auditory perception ability in C-E conference interpreting based on A. W. Ellis and A. W. Young's auditory perception model.


  • 基于艾利杨氏听觉认知图式的分析,本文旨在证明听觉认知能力会议口译的特殊重要性

    This paper is to testify the importance of auditory perception ability in C-E conference interpreting based on A. W. Ellis and A. W. Young's auditory perception model.


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