• 那些清新话语一轮轻灵温情长满荆棘爱情风雨的淋漓脱去出岫的锋芒;

    Those refreshing words, it seems that if a Brisk months of warmth, so overgrown with thorns of love in the rain dripping off the edge of the Chuxiu;


  • 联邦检察官法官因阿尔布特精神错乱接受了无罪抗辩

    In August, federal prosecutors and a judge accepted Albrett's plea of not guilty by reason of insanity.


  • 约翰.麦凯恩一直妄下定论,“美国经济基本要素磐石”,比起林肯,真是小巫见大巫了。

    John McCain’s ill-fated assertion in September that “the fundamentals of our economy are strong” seems mild by comparison.


  • 限期还有(),往往很难第一星期开工,因为没有紧迫感,我们都容易错误地以为:“我还有大把时间,现在不急,先做其他吧。”

    If a deadline is two weeks (or two months) away, it can be hard to get started during the first week. There's no sense of urgency.


  • 4英国提高了收入者税率上限大量对冲基金及其代理商的办公室变得门庭市。

    In April, just after Britain increased its top rate of tax for high earners, large Numbers of hedge funds and their agents started knocking on his door.


  • 妻子瑞贝卡·敏(RebeccaRomijn)谈到11个双胞胎女儿时说:“如果她们惹恼穿着苏碧涛泳裤草坪,就让她们难堪。”

    "If my kids ever annoy me, I'll go and mow our lawn in a Speedo, " he says of his 11-month-old twin girls with wife Rebecca Romijn. "Just to embarrass them."


  • 10没有任何改善扩大资产购买规模讨论再次摆上台面

    If there is no improvement by October, the debate about expanding the asset purchases will resurface.


  • 莱克投资银行尼古拉斯保持速度,传统30年按揭11的6.5%下降至5%。

    If this is sustained, the conventional 30-year mortgage rate should fall to around 5%, says Nicholas Strand of Barclays Capital, from over 6.5% in early November.


  • 也是1986年1026日望保二世设立世界和平祈祷以来第25年的纪念日

    It would mark the 25th anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Peace that Pope John Paul II held there on October 26, 1986.


  • 的确许多经济学者预料日本经济9再度收缩意味着其经济衰退根据连续两个季度经济下降就形成经济衰退经验来判断的。

    Indeed, many economists expect Japan's economy to shrink again in the three months to September, which on the rule of thumb of two consecutive quarters of decline, would imply a recession.


  • 去年12密西西比州东部乡村处建筑工地上的帆布棚里,海利•巴伯整理着泥土地面,麻利得仿桑尼·罗林弹奏萨克斯。

    LAST December, in a canvas tent erected on a building site in rural east Mississippi, Haley Barbour worked the dirt-floored space as deftly as Sonny Rollins on a saxophone.


  • 特别6个孩子放在镜子面前,他伸手触摸自己的影象好像别人家小孩儿一样

    More specifically, when placed in front of a mirror, children at around six months of age will reach out and try to touch their image as if it were another child.


  • 该片导演曾海诉苦道,今年4起,节目组停发工资所有工作人员在做"志愿者"。

    The chief director of the documentary Zeng Hairuo said that all the crew members are doing volunteer work, as they haven't been paid since April.


  • 敢于挑战的话,还可以来参加1030日千人洛桑马拉松路线是沿内瓦湖滨至梯田山坡

    Or, if you're up to the challenge, join the thousands of runners expected for the Lausanne Marathon on October 30, which follows the shore road between Lake Geneva and the terraced hillsides.


  • 声明称,交货日期于2011年3,该公司增加赔偿金额。

    The company may increase the compensation claim again should the delivery date be delayed beyond March 2011, according to the statement.


  • 56日前股票珍宝危机金融市场一直毫发未损。

    BEFORE May 6th equities had been seen as that rare thing, a financial market that had continued to function unimpaired through the crisis.


  • 2007年123日—Kali PodoMondol生活孟加拉国农村。最近,在家安装了户用太阳能系统,这使得他原本安静天黑变得门庭

    January 23, 2007-kali Podo Mondol's new solar home system turned her quiet house in rural Bangladesh into a bustling place after dark.


  • 甚至英国也可能难逃牵连,特别是56日的选举不能产生决定性结果的话。

    Even Britain could suffer, especially if the May 6th election is indecisive.


  • 合同买卖双方签署之日起生效有效期13可以自动延长- - -双方在合同期满异议的话。

    This contract shall come into force for thirteen (13) months from the date of signature of the contract by parties and extended if no party opposite when the contract expire.


  • 中旬,应邀参加微博大学直播新浪微博平台一部分

    In mid-April, Chen was invited to broadcast live on Microblog University, which is part of the Sina Weibo platform.


  • 中旬,应邀参加微博大学直播新浪微博平台一部分

    In mid-April, Chen was invited to broadcast live on Microblog University, which is part of the Sina Weibo platform.


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