• 教皇福尔摩斯上任去世

    Pope Formosus died after a pontificate of four and a half years.


  • 西监狱里呆了三十

    Sisulu spent close to 30 years in prison.


  • 由于这些限制感到失望,布拉于1981离职创建了自己公司过去20致力于帮助人们对抗工业污染巨头

    Frustrated by these restrictions, Subra left her job in 1981, created her own company, and has devoted the past two decades to helping people fight back against giant industrial polluters.


  • 20188月26日,炳添打破了纪录赢得了亚洲一百比赛冠军。

    On August 26, 2018, Su Bingtian broke the record and won the men's 100-metre race at the Asian Games.


  • 另一个例子古吉拉特邦北部莫德赫拉里亚宫,它旁边是比玛一世国王1026纪念太阳神里亚而建造太阳

    Another example is the Surya Kund in Modhera, northern Gujarat, next to the Sun Temple, built by King Bhima I in 1026 to honour the sun god Surya.


  • 下降原因之一20世纪80经济形势。”塞克斯大学亚历山大·莫拉

    "One reason for these decreases in height is the economic situation in the 1980s," said Alexander Moradi of the University of Sussex.


  • 自从1997多利克隆以来,威斯电话一直响个不停,人们打电话希望能复制他们

    Ever since Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997, Westhusin's phone has been ringing with people calling in hopes of duplicating their cats and dogs, cattle and horses.


  • 这座获奖立方体海滩别墅位于卡罗来纳海岸利文岸边为了取代10飓风“雨果”摧毁房子而建造的。

    Located on the shore of Sullivan's Island off the coast of South Carolina, the award-winning-cube-shaped beach house was built to replace one smashed to pieces by Hurricane Hugo 10 years ago.


  • 凯伦·位美籍华裔母亲,两个孩子分别在上五级,她认为该区竞争已经失控

    Karen Sue, the Chinese-American mother of a fifth-grader and an eighth-grader, believes the competition within the district has gotten out of control.


  • 北美五大湖,也就是必利尔湖密歇根湖休伦湖伊利湖安大略湖它们停留时间分别是190、10022、2.56

    The residence times for the Great Lakes of North America, namely, Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, are, respectively, 190, 100, 22, 2.5, and 6 years.


  • 约翰·康弗思于1975塞克斯大学任教。

    John Cornforth taught at the University of Sussex in 1975.


  • 部门官员上次访问埃因是在20123月

    The department's officer last visited Ain Sokhna in March 2012.


  • 2011马德里时装上,模特展示西班牙设计师·德尔波索的作品

    Models present creation by Spanish designer Jesus del Pozo during Madrid Fashion Week 2011 in Madrid.


  • 家里壁炉的里,你们可以找到一个值四十个的银币,是七抢了瑞尔的。

    You will find at my house, among the ashes in the fireplace, the forty-sou piece which I stole, seven years ago, from little Gervais.


  • 2009碰撞之前上一次已知碰撞木星事件著名的1994梅克·列维9彗星死亡碰撞。

    Until the 2009 collision, the last known impact event on Jupiter was the famous "death" of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994.


  • 1959伦特海峡进行首次试航引起轰动气垫船先是水面上行驶,后又登上海岸沙丘,最后停在路上。

    The first tests on the Solent in 1959 caused a sensation. The hovercraft travelled first over the water, then mounted the beach, climbed up the dunes, and sat down on a road.


  • 个电致发光产品可能电灯泡也许会在2012面世,柯-列文博士表示

    The first electroluminescent products are likely to be light bulbs, which will probably be available from around 2012, he says.


  • 博士所在医院2008共接收了5224名住院病人平均住院天数略超过284992名男性住院病人的平均住院天数超过38天。

    In 2008, Su's hospital received 5224 female inpatients, who were hospitalized for an average of just over 28 days, whereas their 4992 male counterparts were admitted for more than 38 days.


  • 1969两国边境冲突大动干戈中美伙伴关系最初建立在双方共同对抗联基础之上的。

    At first this was based on a Shared antagonism towards the Soviet Union, which China had fought in border clashes in 1969.


  • 根据会计师事务所普华永道的报告,2007-08几乎每个俱乐部都实现盈利或者至少收支相抵。

    According to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers, an accounting firm, almost every SPL club made a profit, or nearly did, in 2007-08.


  • 重新打造祖国”,这科夫2004大选以前创立的公正俄罗斯党。

    It has dusted off Motherland, a nationalist party created by Mr Surkov before elections in 2004.


  • 古代罗马城市79火山大爆发被埋没今天庞贝古城另一个结构已经崩溃令人们这个城市的命运有了担忧。

    Another structure has collapsed today in Pompeii, raising new fears about the fate the ancient Roman town buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79.


  • 俄罗斯核武器专家伊戈尔·金转移至莫斯科一家监狱。 2004佳金西方国家透露军事机密罪名被判入狱15

    Russia moved Igor Sutyagin, a Russian nuclear expert jailed for 15 years in 2004 on charges of passing secrets to the West, to a prison in Moscow.


  • 到2011,阿能够覆盖多达50个城市包括部分现在没有航班的城市。

    By the end of 2011, Azul could go to as many as 50 cities, including some that now have no air service.


  • ·巴赫18岁那西德。1961柏林墙修建时候拉已有了6个月身孕,从此孩子生父相见

    Ursula Bach, who fled to West Germany at 18. She was six months pregnant at the time the Berlin Wall went up in 1961, and was never to see the father of her child again.


  • 一百○九个法郎十五监牢十九工夫作工来的。

    One hundred and nine francs fifteen sous, which I earned in the galleys by my labor, in the course of nineteen years.


  • 一百○九个法郎十五监牢十九工夫作工来的。

    One hundred and nine francs fifteen sous, which I earned in the galleys by my labor, in the course of nineteen years.


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