• 离开鲁斯天时间骑车穿越保加利亚北部,那里起伏的绿色原野使想起英国,简直像得惊人,让我难以对此不置一

    After leaving Russe I cycled for two days down through northern Bulgaria, whose green, rolling countryside - and the resemblance is too striking to pass without comment - reminded me of Britain.


  • 搜索分子烹饪打算更多时间去钻研深层次分子美食科学、风格和争论。

    Search the term molecular gastronomy and plan to spend more time than you'd like delving into the layers of the science, the styles, and the debates.


  • 比方说,如果听到“高兴”这个可能看到一张高兴的甚至太阳或者彩虹这种东西;而如果这个生气,可能会看到乌云或者颜色

    For example, you may see a happy face, or you may even see something like a sunflower or rainbow if you're being told "happy," or a storm cloud or the color red if the person is angry.


  • 耐心’,很多时间我也不知道要多久。

    I think the word with him is' patience. 'it's going to take a long time.


  • 可以注意到富兰克林·罗斯福拥护者。也许可以从他手中五八样的“工具”中体现出来也喜欢给它们以首字母缩略命名。

    You should also note that he was a big admirer of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and this might be reflected in his use of acronyms for all his various "vehicles" (TARP, TAF, TSLF, PDCF, TALF, TDF, etc.).


  • 分钟时间解释一下这个吗?

    Can you spend a few minutes explaining the word to me?


  • 名字意思百合一样美丽甜美凯瑟琳这个名字来源于一个意思真诚”的

    Her name means that she is pretty and sweet like lily. "Catherine" comes from a word meaning "truthful".


  • 听到”这个脑中首先闪现的什么

    What's the first word that pops in your head when you hear the word flower?


  • 这些中心意思剪下来

    The central meaning shared by these nouns is . a bunch of cut flowers.


  • 社会文化角度进行全面阐释解析历史还原的基础完成客观价值评价本文的主旨所在。

    The purpose of the thesis is to analyse and interpret the Huajian Ci-poetry from the social culture view as well as evaluate objectively basing on the historical materials.


  • 具魅力感觉艺术特别是视觉嗅觉听觉艺术,观者听者强烈感官刺激获得一种精神消遣

    What the most attraction of it lies in its sensory art, especially in visual, olfactory and auditory ones, so the viewer and the listener can get entertainment from the strong sensory stimulation.


  • 昔日,再也无法回到如莲初绽时的宁静题诗

    The dust heart like water, can not go back to the lotus began a quiet, the poem like flowers, give words to sing a song.


  • 张氏家族传统教”精神间”委婉情致融合

    The Ci Poetry of Zhang Family is the integration of the Traditional Spirit of Poetry and the Interest in Huajian.


  • 思想史上,南唐思想过渡北宋一个重要环节

    Their ideas played an important role in the transition of Ci from Hua Jian style to the Northern Song in the history of Ci's ideas.


  • 据说美国作家AliceKahn创造了这个用来描述很多时间电脑年青人

    American writer Alice Kahn is said to have invented the term to describe young people who spend a lot of time using computers.


  • 间集》我国一部文人总集,极其重要地位

    Hua Jian Ji, being the first general collection of Ci of literati in our country, occupies a very important position in the history of Ci.


  • 选》中录首。

    "Flower Hut Ci" His words were recorded in five.


  • 经典地位当时后世社会思想文化产生深远的影响

    The songs among flowers classical status, to at that time has had the profound influence with later generation's social thought and the culture.


  • 和喜欢是同义么不过爱一朵为听她浇水喜欢一朵把她摘下来。

    Are "love" and "like" synonyms? If you love a flower, you'll water it; if you like a flower, you pick it.


  • 但是英语一些特别需要重读时间些,一些不重要就快速

    English however, spends more time on specific stressed words while quickly gliding over the other, less important, words.


  • 喜欢讨厌反义么喜欢一朵把她下来讨厌一朵会把她摘下来。

    What about "like" and "hate", are they antonyms? If you like a flower, you pick it. If you hate a flower, you still pick it.


  • 这样表现内容,也就决定了《》在创作风格,以继承风为主要特点

    The style of creation of Poems of Huan Shang, whose main characteristics are foppish and colorful, depended on the contents represented in his works.


  • 在欧阳修创作,出现大量具有女性情怀的意象表现出他的多情婉美的特质。

    Her narcissism complex exhibited with the representation of the creating the flower image and wine image.


  • 晚唐特定时代背景与后蜀特殊的文化土壤使道教文化在中得以蔓延。道教文化给予可贵的启迪有力刺激了想像力的发挥,给抹上了浓艳绮丽的色彩,增添了空灵缥缈美感

    The poets of Huajian School were enlightened by the tales of Taoist culture, which set the poets to fly their imagination, thus adding touches of gaudiness and discernible beauty to Hua-jan Ci.


  • 晚唐特定时代背景与后蜀特殊的文化土壤使道教文化在中得以蔓延。道教文化给予可贵的启迪有力刺激了想像力的发挥,给抹上了浓艳绮丽的色彩,增添了空灵缥缈美感

    The poets of Huajian School were enlightened by the tales of Taoist culture, which set the poets to fly their imagination, thus adding touches of gaudiness and discernible beauty to Hua-jan Ci.


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