• 进一改善口感看看的“肚脐”:一端茄子会一个椭圆圆形小凹

    To further improve taste, check out its "belly button": At the blossom end, eggplants have either an oval or round dimple.


  • 减少电脑前所时间需要了解实际上每天真正需要多少时间在电脑,在很多情况下,会大吃一惊,比如说,我估计我每天需在电脑前6小时,可实际情况呢,在5天里,我每天了10小时在这个上面,知道这是为什么

    The first step in reducing the amount of time you spend in front of your screen is to get an idea of just how much time you do actually spend there.


  • 不会任何时间试图想象下一市场需要什么因为猜测几乎总是没有赢利演练

    He doesn't spend any time trying to imagine what the market will need next; that guessing game is almost always an unprofitable exercise.


  • 人们早就预见到了其中一些后果通货紧缩较多日本退休后会靠储蓄生活他们的钱变少,又会进一加剧日本国内消费的不足。

    Some of the consequences have been long foreseen, like deflation: as more Japanese retire and live off their savings, they spend less, further depressing Japan's anemic levels of domestic consumption.


  • 经常看到创业者犯这样错误他们过多的精力周围发生事情大量时间清楚对手下一做什么

    One mistake I see startups make a lot is getting too focused on what is going on around them. They spend too much time trying to figure out what their competitors are going to do.


  • 而差别对待则父母明显地给予某个孩子更多更多时间一起,进一他慈爱温和个严厉。”

    Differential treatment is when parents "obviously give more to one child, spend more time with him or her, and most importantly, are kinder to one child and show more discipline to the other."


  • 使用基本形状不要单一图形太多时间,只要找到了你想要的基本构图或创意什么样子,就可以停止继续下一

    Use basic shapes and don't spend too long on a single image, as soon as you can get a feel for what that basic layout idea might look like, move along.


  • 虽然结婚人生里程碑应该给与足够的重视但是重要性并不意味着要通过很多来表现

    Admittedly, marriage symbolizes a milestone in one's life and should be given extreme emphasis. But importance should not be necessarily expressed by how much money is spent.


  • 印刷票据到在账本上记下存款者存款只有之遥,这样存款人也可以通过签发支票”,同时“制造”出他们自己出品的钱。

    It was a small step from printing notes tomaking book entries crediting deposits of borrowers, which the borrowers inturn could "spend" by writing checks, thereby "printing"their own money.


  • 他们以为通向栈桥的十字转门收取入口粗鄙的穷人们挡岸上,高雅的中产阶级宁静的地方散着,评论彼此的帽子

    They imagined that an entry toll, a penny in the turnstile, would keep the indecorous at bay and ensure that solemn middle-class promenaders could compare their bonnets and parasols in peace.


  • 要是还30分钟寻找只球鞋让人泄气时间浪费可能会让你最后不成。

    If I want to go for a run, but I have to spend 30 minutes looking for my other tennis shoe, that's a frustrating waste of time that might derail the run all together.


  • 最终如果失业率还是9.4%的话就没有足够动力推动进一通胀,因为人们不会那么的钱消费。

    But at the end of the day, if the unemployment rate is at 9.4 percent, there's not enough demand to drive inflation higher. People just aren't spending that much.


  • 重申的是,并不打算,进一讨论这个问题,因为并不打算上面太多时间

    Again, I'm not able to give this as much of a discussion as I would like because I don't want to spend too much time on this.


  • 所以这里提供一个免费的安装指南大概需要15分钟具体时间还得看多长时间下载这个操作系统)。

    So we’ve put together a step-by-step guide to doing this, for free, in around 15 minutes (depending on how long it takes to download the OS itself).


  • 所以本周二技术提示分钟的时间往回看看如果用一不同窗户来看世界你的outlook不会有所改善

    So the tech tip for this Tuesday: Take a step back for a minute and see if you're outlook might improve if you were looking through a different window!


  • 巴德弗洛拉悠闲地散着一间铺前停下来

    Bud and Flora amble, 5 stopping at the occasional flower stall.


  • 通常一些时间仿制图章工具清理图片不太干净地方

    At this step, I usually take some time to clean up areas of the image with the "Clone Stamp" tool.


  • 走过昨天自己孩子气想着曾经姑娘两朵双生一样的,一样一样重,每个时期都见证彼此成长

    Step by step through yesterday his childish thinking once, two girls like two twin flower like, as high as heavy, each period witnessed the growth of each other.


  • 一点时间通读一下文章并且发表第一个条目然后返回篇文章,我们引领下一

    Take a moment to read through the article and post your first entry and then return to this article and we'll take you onto the next step.


  • 最后一些时间确保我们测试真正测试我们实现的方法特性所有方面

    The last step is to take a moment and be sure that our tests really do test all aspects of the behavior or feature we are implementing.


  • 同学们,我们国旗共同祝愿,祝愿我们生活处处满文明之!祝愿我们自己迈向文明

    My dear friends, let's make a wish under the national flag together, wish the flower of civilization blooms everywhere. Wish we march into the civilization gradually.


  • 这个小组承诺收到申请完成90%的评估,尽管如此,如果进一要求那么可能很长时间

    The team is committed to reaching a decision on 90% of fully completed applications within one day of receiving them, although this may take longer if further enquires need to be made.


  • 如果没有额外的时间进行

    If you don't, take extra time with this step.


  • 本文通过对方正地区所发现的构造及其有关构造运动形迹分析的基础上,进一提出方正滑—形成盆地

    Based on the negative flower shaped structure and its relative structural movement track in Fangzheng area, this paper suggests that Fangzheng rift is a rifted basin formed by strike slip pull apart.


  • 任何进一努力详细介绍特别效果这个阶段不够否则永远也不会工作

    Any further effort I spend on it will only be detailing and special fx, but at this stage it has to look good enough, otherwise it's never going to work.


  • 现在下一一些最后清洁一个夏装(蝴蝶——看到图片了?)

    Now the next step will be to do a final cleanup, adding a flowered sundress (flowers, butterfly - get the picture?)


  • 我们认为成及其叶片几种氨基酸木质部液中氨基酸含量变化芽生理分化关系值得进一探讨

    The relationships between the amino acids in spurs or leaves with special content variation pattern and the physiological differentiation of flower buds remain to be investigated.


  • 我们认为成及其叶片几种氨基酸木质部液中氨基酸含量变化芽生理分化关系值得进一探讨

    The relationships between the amino acids in spurs or leaves with special content variation pattern and the physiological differentiation of flower buds remain to be investigated.


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