• 营口位于辽东半岛西北部花园般的港口城市

    Yingkou is situated in northwestern Liaodong Peninsula. It is a garden-like port city.


  • 利用天然植物萃取而成低挥发香熏,时刻享受花园般的芳香气息具有提神醒脑的功效。

    The use of natural plant extracts made of low-volatile fragrance, so you are always able to enjoy fragrant garden-like atmosphere, with a refreshing Xingnao effect.


  • 结果,随之而来生化战争屠戮了Nozho城90%的人口,克拉克·多尔花园般的世界变成片怪兽横行的蛮荒之地。

    The end result of the conflict was biological warfare that wiped out 90 percent of Nozho's population, and transformed the garden world of Clak 'dor VII into a monster-filled wasteland.


  • 穿着打补丁的夹克褪了色牛仔裤参加婚礼一般周末修剪自家花园草坪时才穿这些衣服。

    The man arrived for the ceremony with patched jackets and faded jeans that the average person would save for mowing the lawn in his garden at the weekend.


  • 整洁面孔出现,那些花园杂草肮脏乱蓬蓬胡子脸也来了。

    While some faces are well tended, others are messy, dirty, and unkempt, like a garden of weeds.


  • 地点曼陀罗一般生长温热气候下虽然并非英国原生植物,现在曼陀罗在英国南部花园中也了。

    Location: Jimson weed is usually found in warm climates. While it is not native to Britain, it can now be found growing in the gardens of southern England.


  • 雕塑般的石头浴盆矗立玻璃盒子边沿俯视着下面水池花园

    The sculpted stone bathtub sits at the edge of the cantilevered box overlooking the pool and garden below.


  • 海滨经过瓦尔纳非同一般的景观区——设计美妙称为海洋花园绿带,条绿带沙滩和海滨主干道分开。

    To get there I have to pass through Varna's outstanding feature - the beautifully designed stretch of parkland known as the Sea Gardens, which separates the beach from the main coastal road.


  • 空中自由自在地舞蹈次日清晨,却发现自己躺在厨房的地板上或是像个花卷般蜷缩母亲花园里。

    Lyla danced on air and, in the morning, found herself on the kitchen floor or coiled into a pretzel in her mother's garden. Some mornings, she woke up with a prize in her hand.


  • 这座建筑既有银翼杀手般的超前风格,又巴比伦的奢华风格。 其间错落有致的层层露台,悬空游泳池空中花园,所有这一切都好似俯瞰着孟买这个印度最具活力的城市。

    There are terraces uponterraces, airborne swimming pools and hanging gardens in a BladeRunner-meets-Babylon edifice overlooking India’s mostdynamic city.


  • 鼓点般地落卡夫特帕拉德花园住宅屋檐着忧伤挽歌,一边红色铅笔敲着牙齿,一边雨水汇成的溪流窗玻璃蜿蜒而

    The rain drummed on the eaves of her garden fiat at cuffe parade. she listened to its dismal threnody tapping her teeth with her red pencil and watching streams snaking down the windowpanes.


  • 人们私家花园私家院落由此人们对于式样美观使用方便遮阳产品需求,各种遮阳篷也如雨后春笋般地出现国内市场

    People have a private garden and private courtyard, thus people for beautiful, easy to use, there is a greater demand for shading products, all kinds of awnings have sprung up in the domestic market.


  • 对于我自己如果我们努力建设我们城市让它变成花园般,还会关心公园门票的事?。

    For myself, I'd like to say that if we all work hard to build our city into a flower garden, who cares about the entrance fee for parks?


  • 窗口元素重复追求一种统一并且白色体量带来连贯性像雕塑一般置于花园中。

    The repetition of the 'window' element sought to unify and bring coherence to the white volume, carved and landed in the garden.


  • 漫步花园中,人们可以看到一系列精心设计的景观犹如山水画卷一般展现在面前。

    Wandering in such a well-designed garden, people may feel that they are walking in a landscape painting.


  • 葡萄牙皇室贵族历史上一度撤退辛特拉山上沉溺伊甸园般的花园中。

    Once upon a time, Portuguese royals and aristocrats would retreat to the rippling hills of Sintra and luxuriate in its Eden-like gardens.


  • 很久没有看到我们楼顶花园了,是否楼下花园一般萧索呢?

    I haven't seen the roof garden in our house, whether it is as often as downstairs garden?


  • 蔚蓝花园男女飞蛾一般笑语香槟繁星中间来来往往。

    In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars.


  • 歌声有如天籁般美妙,就连也停止吹动花园中的银铃,只为了倾听这歌声。

    It was so lovely that the wind stopped blowing the silver bells in the garden in order to listen.


  • 开出鲜艳花朵爬藤植物瀑布般悬挂花园墙上

    Climbing plants with their bright flowers hung in cascades over the garden wall.


  • 为什么愿意他们比赛的原因,尤其是古迪花园气氛非同一般

    That's why I love to play them, and especially at Goodison Park where the atmosphere is magnificent.


  • 随着鲜红翅膀斑点七个黑点小鸟儿一个值得欢迎访客花园

    With its scarlet wings speckled with seven small black spots, the ladybird is generally a welcome visitor to the garden.


  • 即便轻微低语,也能如魔法般变幻出莫奈花园永恒形象蒙娜丽莎令人不安的神秘微笑,以及凡尔赛宫璀璨夺目的玻璃大厅

    Even the faintest whisper about the City of Light conjures immutable images of Monet's gardens, the Mona Lisa's unnerving half-smile, the palace of Versailles' glittering hall of mirrors.


  • 自产绿色食品强调通过在家门口种植减少足迹种植食材花园餐桌的距离一般不超过100英尺

    The 100-foot diet emphasizes on reducing one's carbon footprint by growing most of the food you consume closer to home, the distance from the garden to your dinner table is within 100 feet.


  • 的爬藤植物瀑布悬挂花园墙上

    Climbing plants with their bright flowers hung in cascades over the garden wall.


  • 此外花园太阳宫赢得了三个土地储备量在最近3土地,使

    In addition Huayuan areas in Taiyanggong also won three general land reserve amount, and recently about 3 pieces of land to bring hand.


  • 造成对于教堂建造萧条但是私人花园富丽堂皇建筑如雨后春笋般簇立起来。

    As a result there was a slump in the building of churches. But private palaces and richly adorned municipal buildings were arising on all sides.


  • 怀卡托新西兰最长河流,它流经汉密尔顿市中心,两岸人行道花园人们提供了公园般美丽如画环境

    The Waikato river, the longest river in New Zealand, flows through the center of the city of Hamilton, providing a picturesque and park-like setting of riverside walks and gardens.


  • 鼓点般地卡夫特帕拉德花园住宅屋檐上,着忧伤的挽歌,一边红色铅笔敲着牙齿,一边雨水汇成的溪流窗玻璃蜿蜒而

    The rain drummed on the eaves of her garden fiat at Cuffe Parade. She listened to its dismal threnody, tapping her teeth with her red pencil and watching streams snaking down the windowpanes.


  • 鼓点般地卡夫特帕拉德花园住宅屋檐上,着忧伤的挽歌,一边红色铅笔敲着牙齿,一边雨水汇成的溪流窗玻璃蜿蜒而

    The rain drummed on the eaves of her garden fiat at Cuffe Parade. She listened to its dismal threnody, tapping her teeth with her red pencil and watching streams snaking down the windowpanes.


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