• 铁基纳米晶逆变变压器具有饱和磁感应强度,效率高,激磁功率损耗良好温度稳定性

    Fe-based nanocrystalline core transformer inverter which has a high saturation magnetic flux density, high efficiency, small excitation power, low loss, good temperature stability.


  • 三个反应堆因海啸破坏冷却系统而发生反应堆堆毁。

    Three reactors melted down after the tsunami wrecked their cooling systems.


  • 海啸过后反应堆发生过爆炸,目前认为危险程度还没号、反应堆那种程度,三个反应堆曾发生反应堆堆熔毁事件。

    There was an explosion at reactor number four after the tsunami, but it is not considered as dangerous as reactors one, two and three which experienced a nuclear meltdown.


  • 海啸过后反应堆发生过爆炸,目前认为危险程度还没号、反应堆那种程度,三个反应堆曾发生反应堆堆熔毁事件。

    There was an explosion at reactor number four after the tsunami, but it is not considered as dangerous as reactors one, two and three which experienced a nuclear meltdown


  • 常见的2200mAh、3.6V一些小本可能采用4串联方式组成电池组电压14.4V,容量2200mAh。

    To common 2200mAh, 3.6V batteries, for example, some small series may be composed using four batteries, its voltage is 14.4V, Capacity 2200mAh.


  • 本发明是一种线圈部件具备缠绕在磁上的线圈。

    A coil component having a magnetic core and a coil wound around the magnetic core.


  • 热管吸分别采用普通不锈钢丝反向道毛细结构分析工作性能

    The performance of the wick is analyzed with two wicks which is normal wire-mesh screen and reversed groovy capillary structure.


  • 是否定期检查模具保证得到及时的维护及更换

    Are patterns and core boxes checked periodically to determine that defective or worn equipment is repaired or replaced?


  • 混凝土楼板种压钢板陶粒混凝土组合楼板,空腹部分采用聚苯乙烯板填充,是一种新型轻质节能板材。

    Ceramsite concrete sandwich floor slab is a type of composite floor slab, which is made of profiled sheet and ceramsite concrete.


  • 棉纺设备纺制麻棉氨纶竹节竹节纱技术纱技术融合在了一起,独特的工艺特点

    It has special technological characters to have a combined spinning of ramie and cotton blended spandex core spun slub yarn on cotton spinning equipment.


  • 介绍采用热化学共渗硬质合金拉丝进行超硬化处理提高表面硬度方法

    The article introduces the method of superhardening treating hard alloy drawing die core with thermochemistry copermeation method so as to improve its surface hardness.


  • 针对变速箱壳体毛坯铸造工艺特点介绍树脂模具的制造、树脂自砂砂应用关键环节的技巧做法。

    This paper introduces the craft characteristics of casting the shell of the gearbox, including the manufacturing of the resin moulding, the application of the hard sand core and so on.


  • 采用回弹钻取法,某综合楼上部结构混凝土强度碳化深度进行检测上部结构进行了安全性评定分析。

    Through resilience and core sampling drilling, we have examined the concrete intensity and the degree of carbonization and evaluated the safety of the upper part of an integrated building.


  • 结构主要特点是实现了窗口面积利用率最大化降低集成元件改善散热条件。

    It features the maximum utility ratio of the core window areas and can reduce the copper loss and improve the heat dissipation of the integrated magnetics.


  • 限动连轧钢管机组重要热变形工具使用效果决定着钢管生产成本的高低。

    The mandrel is the most important heat-forming tool in MPM and its application effect decides the production cost of pipes.


  • 介绍热法非占位涂料技术的原理,制备螺纹中的应用效果归纳总结工艺要点

    Mechanisim of hot-core box non-occupying coating process, its practical effects on manufacturing the whorl shell core, and its technical essentials have been summarized in detail.


  • 本文针对径向尺寸结构特点检测要求采用激光扫描原理多个径向尺寸进行了检测。

    In the paper, aiming at the structural characteristic and measuring requirement of bomb core, the laser scanning principle is adopted to measure several radial dimensions.


  • 本文对灭火器注塑模的设计结构进行了叙述,侧向机构具有简易可靠等特点

    The structure of injection mould for cylinder holder of fire extinguisher is introduced. The lateral core puller is simple and reliable.


  • 本文介绍了几种椭圆光子晶体偏振光纤结构及特性,并概述应用领域。

    In this paper, we introduce the structure character and applications on a number of single polarization fiber with elliptical core and photonic crystal.


  • 使电缆弯曲直径上限从而电缆导线直径也有一个上限。

    If the cable is to remain flexible there exists an upper limit to its overall diameter and hence to conductor size.


  • 实验结果表明,只要内部残存着应力敏感性受力一定程度后不良影响就会逐渐地表现出来

    It is verified from experimentation that as long as sensitivity to stress exists in the core, adverse effect would gradually appear when force imposed on the core becomes strong to some given extent.


  • 材料穿透深度具有很大影响

    Texture of metal cone materials produces a great impact for the depth ofpenetration.


  • 塑料共注成型中,熔体前沿突破导致废品主要原因,成型机理至今尚未弄清。

    The melt front breakthrough of the core is the main cause of forming waster in the co-injection molding.


  • 介绍包钢线生产设备研制工艺研究应用设备和工艺生产出合格电话线

    This paper introduces the equipment design and the technology study in producing copper clad steel wire. Using the equipment and the technology, we manufactured the qualified telephone wire.


  • 建立蜂窝结构脱胶修补计算模型分析了胶膜参数对剩余强度影响初步研究了修补技术

    The repaired honeycomb structures are calculated, and the influence of glue's parameters is discussed by the finite element model and program stated above, the technique of its repair is studied.


  • 本文采用原位聚合法十二材,以三聚氰-甲醛树脂材,制备胶囊相变材料进行性能表征。

    The microencapsulated phase change materials were prepared with in situ polymerization using dodecanol as the core, melamine-formaldehyde resin as the shell.


  • 积木结构,通常上的正螺纹元件浅开反向螺纹元件组成。

    The screw is of modular design and its active part consists of two identical screws that are common screw element and left-handed screw element with shallow grooves.


  • 积木结构,通常上的正螺纹元件浅开反向螺纹元件组成。

    The screw is of modular design and its active part consists of two identical screws that are common screw element and left-handed screw element with shallow grooves.


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