• 芬兰研究发现饮食中的木糖醇能预防实验老鼠骨头弱化提高骨头密度

    A group of Finnish researchers have found that dietary Xylitol prevents weakening of bones in laboratory rats, and actually improves bone density.


  • 最近研究报告来自芬兰研究人员。他们对约1400名咖啡饮用者跟踪调查了20多年

    One recent study comes from Finland where researchers followed about 1, 400 coffee drinkers for more than two decades.


  • 刚刚在去年,一项芬兰研究发现每天饮用超过杯咖啡男性罹患抑郁症的风险小。

    Only last year a study in Finland discovered that men who drank more than four cups a day were also far less likely to become depressed.


  • 一个英国芬兰研究小组发现接受更多教育可能他们死亡时大脑呈现老年痴呆症的可能性就少。

    A UK and Finnish team found those with more education were as likely to show the signs of dementia in their brains at death as those with less.


  • 实验中来自比利时芬兰研究人员12位正常人和12位盲人作为研究对象同意进行听觉触觉测试。

    In this experiment, which included researchers from Belgium and Finland, 12 sighted and 12 blind participants agreed to perform a set of auditory or tactile tasks.


  • 一项芬兰研究表明腌制泡菜过程中经历发酵过程会产生好几种抗癌成分包括ITC(异硫氰酸酯),吲哚以及莱菔硫烷。

    A Finnish study found that the fermentation process involved in making sauerkraut produces several other cancer-fighting compounds, including ITCs, indoles, and sulforaphane.


  • 美国芬兰研究人员仔细分析了爱荷华州妇女健康研究数据,该研究调查总共38772名平均年龄为62岁妇女。

    The US and Finnish researchers examined data from the Iowa women's Health Study, including surveys filled out by 38, 772 women with an average age of 62.


  • 一项芬兰研究表明腌制泡菜过程中经历发酵过程会产生好几种抗癌成分包括ITC(异硫氰酸酯),吲哚以及莱菔硫烷。

    Finnish study found that the fermentation process involved in making sauerkraut produces several other cancer-fighting compounds, including ITCs, indoles, and sulforaphane.


  • 美国芬兰科学家最近发表研究指出发现一个早产关联基因

    Scientists from the US and Finland recently published research showing the discovery of a gene linked to premature births.


  • 研究人员当时打磨了一碳元素丰富海沃勒陨石。 这块陨石1971年坠落于芬兰

    The researchers were polishing a slice of the carbon-rich Havero meteorite that fell to Earth in Finland in 1971.


  • 芬兰森林研究中心萨里.斯达克证明了威尔斯观点,完全在土壤水平

    Sari Stark of the Finnish Forest Research Institute proves Wells' contention, right down to the soil level.


  • 去年芬兰研究表明一天超过杯咖啡男士同样远离抑郁

    Only last year a study in Finland discovered that men who drank more than four cups a day were also far less likely to become depressed.


  • 这项研究同时发现芬兰被诊断为ADHD孩子仅仅一半短期记忆自我控制能力不足的症状。

    The study also found that only about half the Finnish children diagnosed with A.D.H.D. had deficits in short-term memory and self-control.


  • 这项研究同时发现芬兰被诊断为ADHD孩子仅仅一半短期记忆自我控制能力不足的症状。

    The study also found that only about half the Finnish children diagnosed with A.D.H.D. had deficits in short-term memory and self-control.


  • 2010年夏天Yaser作为访问学者前往芬兰赫尔辛基大学主持了领先IT电信公司内的实地研究

    During the summer of 2010, Yaser was a visiting scientist at the University of Helsinki in Finland where he conducted field studies in leading it and telecommunication companies.


  • 过去5年中诺基亚建立了一个更加国际化研究团队但是大多数董事会成员仍然保持芬兰诺基亚的传统。

    In the last five years, Nokia has built a more international research staff, but most board members are Finnish and Nokia's character remains so.


  • 事实上只有关于咖啡抑郁研究芬兰男人的,发现在咖啡和自杀危险之间J形状关系

    But in fact, there's only been one other study on coffee and depression, which was done in Finnish men, and found a J shaped relationship between coffee and suicide risk.


  • 对于内部正确声音如何错过大好机会,这家芬兰电信集团提供了一个好的案例研究

    The Finnish telecommunications group is a case study in how to miss the boat by not listening to the right internal voices.


  • 但是,2007年度发表国际癌症期刊上芬兰一项研究确实发现使用手机癌症存在一定联系。

    A 2007 Finnish study published in the International Journal of cancer did, however, find a link between cell phone use and cancer.


  • 莱恩研究似乎与2004年芬兰一项研究矛盾研究发现越多咖啡2型糖尿病可能性低。

    Lane's research appears to contradict a Finnish study in 2004 which found that people who drink more coffee are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.


  • 2003年,芬兰一项大型研究同样发现,如果母亲怀孕出现抑郁她们产下儿子30岁以前犯罪行为几率就会增加

    In 2003 a large Finnish study found that sons of women who were depressed during pregnancy had an increased likelihood of being arrested for criminal ACTS before they turned 30.


  • 根据此前报道,假想中的世界卫生组织研究预测地球最后一个金发女郎出现芬兰那是当今世上天然金发女郎密度最高的地方。

    According to the published reports, the supposed WHO study had predicted that the last blond on earth would be in Finland, which today has the world's highest concentration of true blondes.


  • 根据一项芬兰18世纪以来人口出生农作物收获记录进行研究人生开始阶段食品摄入状况可能影响今后生育成功率

    Food availability in the early stages of life may be related to later reproductive success in humans, according to research on birth and harvest records from 18th century Finland.


  • 我们研究发现芬兰有83%的人曾经时刻试图减肥,这个数字至少我们调查过其他任何国家10%。

    Our survey found that 83 percent of Finnshave attempted to lose weight at some point, a figure that's at least10 percentage points higher than in any other country we polled.


  • 芬兰由于高脂肪饮食习惯,以致于他们胆固醇水平最高的,心脏病发生率也是研究对象中最高美国人,因为相对较少的高脂肪饮食习惯,排行仅次于芬兰

    The Finns, with the fattiest diet, had the highest cholesterol levels and the highest rate of heart disease; the Americans, with a diet only slightly less rich, were a close second.


  • 这些研究另一包含超过19 000芬兰公民作为样本的研究证实了他们的发现

    The researchers confirmed their findings in another sampleof more than 19, 000 Finnish citizens.


  • 芬兰赫尔辛基大学奥地利国立大学科学家回顾了总共涉及10708名被试24研究发现维生素C不能有效预防感冒

    Scientists at University of Helsinki in Finland and Australian National University looked at 24 trials involving 10, 708 participants and found that Vitamin C had no effect on preventing a cold.


  • 芬兰一项最新研究结果表明男孩周岁时身高可能会影响到其成年后的职业前景薪水收入。

    A boy's height in the first 12 months of his life can determine his job prospects and salary, the latest research suggests.


  • 芬兰土尔库大学研究人员研究结果发表科学公共图书馆出版在线期刊plos ONE

    Researchers at the University of Turku in Finland report the findings in PLoS ONE, an online journal published by the Public Library of science.


  • 芬兰土尔库大学研究人员研究结果发表科学公共图书馆出版在线期刊plos ONE

    Researchers at the University of Turku in Finland report the findings in PLoS ONE, an online journal published by the Public Library of science.


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