• 露营可以节省数百美金当今节约经济的环境下,其中最大优点

    Camping can save you hundreds of dollars a year, and in today's economy that is one of the biggest advantages right there!


  • 除了拯救生命以外,其他好处包括提高经济生产力加强教育以及节约保健费用

    In addition to the value of saved human lives, other benefits include higher economic productivity, more education, and health-care savings.


  • 考虑最近经济形势,SOA(不管是死还是活)是否成为企业节约成本提高业务效率根源呢?

    Given the recent economic trends will SOA; no matter what you call it, be it dead or alive; be the source for cost savings and business efficiency in the enterprise?


  • 欧洲经济中唯独法国尚未给出详尽的节俭计划,而它却急需这样一个节约政策。

    The only big European economy yet to spell out an austerity plan is france-a country badly in need of one.


  • 但是太阳能本身可能中国制造智能网络软件(有早使太阳能板更经济节约)可能是在印度研发的。

    But the panel itself can be made in China, and the software for the smart grid that will one day make the solar panel economic can be written in India.


  • 体现这一系列美德——“求知,学识努力付出,节约,先苦后甜”——这些,,为亚洲经济繁荣奠定了基础。

    It embodies a set of virtues - "learning and scholarship and hard work and thrift and deferment of present enjoyment for future gain" -which, he said, underpins Asia's economic success.


  • 另一种抱怨高昂燃油费使经济停滞,从而使推迟其他税收增加,毕竟,对于例行节约斯本大臣,在寻求增长

    Another complaint, that costly fuel will stall the economy, makes it tempting to delay another tax rise-after all, Mr Osborne, enamoured of austerity, also seeks growth.


  • 因为信贷紧缩缘故,一些公司可能更为仔细节约现金另一些可能只是最终到来经济恢复更加悲观

    Some may be husbanding cash more carefully because of the credit crunch. Others may simply be more pessimistic about an eventual recovery.


  • 但是缩减开支不可避免地减缓西方世界经济增长从而导致节约更为必须。

    But these spending cuts will inevitably dampen growth in the West, creating yet more demand for frugality.


  • 为了节约某些家庭特别是年轻劳动者经济复苏期内合住,现在有钱出去了

    Some households, especially young workers, Shared homes during the recovery to economise but can now afford to move out.


  • 虽然近期报纸商业一直在谈论德国经济复兴节约谨慎似乎不是德国银行业的特点。

    Though it's hard to open the business section lately without finding a story about Germany's economic Renaissance, thrift and prudence don't seem to characterize German Banks.


  • 数年来管理不善加上社会党未能尽量节约公共开支或是减轻巨大养老金负担这些已经使匈牙利经济处在崩溃边缘

    Years of mismanagement and the Socialists' failure to trim public spending enough, or to reduce a huge pension burden, have left Hungary's economy on the edge of meltdown.


  • 解囊购物并不意味着抛弃节约经济衰退时期最明智的消费趋向

    Loosening the purse strings did not mean abandoning the frugality that was the clearest consumer trend during the recession.


  • 没有被指责了些什么,组织良好机构中,类似事情并不光彩,尤其是这样应该集中精力关注更为经济节约草原的机构中。

    Nobody has alleged wrongdoing. But it hardly seems the hallmark of a well-run organisation. Especially one that should have its collective mind firmly focused on leaner and meaner pastures.


  • 令人吃惊的私人节约才是经济衰退严重复苏缓慢主要原因

    This astonishing rise in private saving is the main reason why the recession was so deep and the recovery is so muted.


  • 依据农田土壤含水量的差异性,有针对性地进行变量灌溉,既节约用水可提高经济效益

    Owing to the difference of soil water in the farm, variable rate irrigation can save water as well as raising economy benefit.


  • 依据农田土壤含水率差异性,有针对性地进行变量灌溉,既节约用水又可提高经济效益

    According to the differences of soil water potential in the farmland, variable irrigation can save water as well as raise economic benefit.


  • 一非盈利性组织2003年北卡罗来纳州建立的,此组织的目的为了对抗饥饿并且可以在当地生产节约劳动力农业设备来帮助农村经济的增长。

    This nonprofit group was established in North Carolina in two thousand three. The aim is to fight hunger and help rural economies with labor-saving agricultural devices that can be reproduced locally.


  • 金属板材进行平面定尺下任意形状切割自动化程度节省人力降低原材料消耗节约成本提高经济效益

    Nc Flame cutting machine may cut arbitrary shape metal, the automaticity is high, saves the manpower, reduces raw material consumption, saves the cost, enhances the economic efficiency.


  • 采用变频调速控制风机水泵机械进行转速控制调节流量方法,对节约能源,提高经济效益具有非常重要意义

    Frequency control the use of fans, water pumps, type of machinery to carry out speed control method to regulate the flow of energy conservation, economic efficiency is very important significance.


  • 现在竞购再次希望兼并能带来成本节约定价能力规模经济

    Now, mergers are again being pursued in the hope of cost savings, pricing power and economies of scale.


  • 拯救国家经济最好办法就是节约

    The best cure for the national economy would beeconomy. (Ashoey Cooper, British novelist)


  • 拯救国家经济最好办法就是节约

    The best cure for the national economy would be economy.


  • 关系可能会因为相同成本建设节约劳动力他们长远经济

    Rail ties may run about the same cost as bricks or blocks, but construction labor savings will make them more economical in the long run.


  • 现有系统提出改进建议从而优化系统的运作效率经济节约

    Advises improvements to the present system in order to optimize the operating efficiency and economy of the said system.


  • 现有系统提出改进建议从而优化系统的运作效率经济节约

    Advises improvements to the present system in order to optimize the operating efficiency and economy of the said system.


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